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Everything posted by MarshLane

  1. If I've got it right, this should do it Jim - great to see the layout in action. Rich EDIT: To do that, just past the URL in as normal text, don't link it or try and embed video just normal text like you would normally type. So in Youtube, click share, then copy the URL and paste into the text box - bingo!
  2. Hi Jeff Wow ... just ... wow! That is totally superb and the level of detail ... sorry i have to say it again .. WOW! Rich
  3. Errm .... oops i think is the phrase!!! Can't miss a peak now can I! Just needs converting into a 45/1
  4. Yes know what you mean .. mine arrives next week! Rich
  5. Pah! Where is the dislike button!! Rich
  6. Don't forget the Heljan centre-headcode 20s are out in October mate. Looking forward to see you starting on the layout. Hope your able to move forward quicker than I am!! Rich
  7. Happy Birthday mate - enjoy Little Bytham, know your looking forward to it! Catch up soon Rich
  8. Hi Jim, Looks like you had a superb day there! That 47 looks nice! Rich
  9. Evening guys, Firstly, many thanks for all the feedback and comments over the past couple of days, much appreciated. I will desolder the whole thing and start again, I'm determined to get this right! I mentioned I'd been ill previously, having caught this cold bug/virus thats doing the rounds, unfortunately being asthmatic means that such things always seem to affect me worse and pull me down. Easter weekend wasn't great, and for the first time in 30 years of having asthma, I was within a few minutes of calling 999. Thankfully, not required in the end, and the inhalers did their stuff, but hence why progress appears to have stopped. Feeling much better now, and back to work on Sunday, but its always a two steps forward, one back scenario, and case of taking things steady! But we'll get there. Once I feel a bit more like things, I'll go back through the responses and reply, but thanks to Rob for spotting the error! Then set about taking this apart, cleaning it up, dealing with those bloody rivets and desoldering! The new flux that JonF recommended, together with the tip tinner and cleaner have arrived in the past 48 hours so I'm hoping I'm all set once I feel like sitting down with the iron! Hopefully not too far off, might even see how I feel tomorrow. Rich
  10. Hi Rob, Welcome! Thanks for the post, looking at the photos, I hate to say this, but I tend to agree - a rookie mistake on my part! Micheal mentioned some rivets that needed pushing out when I first spoke to him about the kit, but while it occurred to me when I read through the instructions there was nothing about it, it never occurred to me to actual look at the brass etches. Illness has prevented me doing anything over Easter, so I'll hopefully have a look those solebars the next few days. How is the best way of pressing the rivetts out? Rich
  11. Lol! No fear on that one! En block move with a certain Type 4! Rich
  12. Your one step closer than me Andi! I can't muster the courage to buy em!! If I did I'd have to have a go, and that spells disaster in my mind!!! But I agree entire with you on Paul's weathering skills. Outstanding. Rich
  13. Very nice mate! Looking superb! You should take up railway modelling with that skill you know!!! Rich
  14. Very nice Richard, Your modelling capabilities are superb! That shed looks like it's stood their for years! Rich
  15. Hi Jon, Thanks for that. I'd forgotten about the flux you suggested. Has now been ordered, so we'll see how that goes. I presume you just paint it on with a small brush? Will also get one if the brass tip cleaners that you and others have mentioned. Thanks Jinty! All helps as ever! I'm trying to remember the key points everyone has said!! I'll also get some Carrs 188 liquid solderonce the new website is up and running. Rich
  16. Don't worry about that Jeff, none of us can! I'm sure AP has hidden minutes in the day. Your layout never ceases to amaze me and the attention to detail over the large space is fantastic. I like how it really feels that the railway is part of the landscape and not the other way around. I've said it before and will no doubt say it again, but trains or no trains, KK2 is truely inspirational and award winning. Most of us can only dream of aspiring to such modelling quality. Rich
  17. Hi Marcus, Sorry missed your post earlier. Well I like to have different things occupying my brain, especially when I hit a snag with something, I can walk away doing something else and then come back to it a bit later, plus it stops me from getting board!! Your doing well with PDW, that new building looks superb. Totally agree, the Corus and Tata liveries are ok ish when in full sun but I'm not fan of them at all. Hi John, Thanks for that, I'm looking around at different flux options and have been going back over the suggestions from yourself and others looking for something better. Hi Paul, Ah didn't know that, thats a good tip (excuse the pun!) I have got a old pan scrub, that Im using the sponge side of but it didn't seem to be moving the corrosive. This iron tip seems different from the other's I've had in that solder just doesn't seem to want to take to it at all, and no matter how hard I try it won't tin. The solder either runs off, or just goes into a ball. Apply the iron to the solder against the brass however and it goes first time. Im not totally convinced everything is right, but in all honesty, don't know enough about soldering to work out what might be wrong! Thanks for the Soldering Tip Tinner Cleaner link, I'll take a look at that. Rich
  18. Thanks Marcus, He really has, have to say I'm very pleased with it - his previous work has been exemplary, but I think he's pulled out all the stops with this one, despite an almost over-whelming desire to outshop it in Colas Rail orange and black!! Work has also started on building the brass NER ES1 kit for Arksey tonight, but as I'm keeping this thread to the actual layout, I'm documenting that build over on the Marsh Lane Depot thread. Hopefully some trackwork to be done, well it is Easter weekend, and Easter wouldn't be Easter without engineering work would it! Rich
  19. Evening all, Well, as you might have guessed from the last couple of messages, I've had an evening soldering! Not helped by the fact that I'm full of cold and spent the day half shivering and half boiling, but the solder recommended by JInty turned up today, and the new Weller 40W soldering iron (also a Jinty recommendation) turned up yesterday, so I thought why not! Whether it was the solder or the iron that was causing my problems, I don't know, but the new kit works a treat! Had about an hour or so tonight, and really enjoyed it! Never realised bonding two pieces of brass together could be so much fun ... despite a couple of burnt finger tips! So, where have I got to, well to recap this is the Judith Edge Kits NER Bo-Bo electric shunter, ES1 kit in 7mm, and its the first brass kit I've tackled. I managed to get the two side solebars on quite quickly, then the end inner buffer means took a bit of sussing out until I realised that they went on the end of the solebars and not between them! Having realised that, I then looked at the position of the four cross-spacer beams and decided it would be easier to solder those to the frames first - well that started a merry little dance to find the sods! I appreciate the at the frets are designed to make best use of the space, but it took me a while to discover the fourth one! All on different frets and in different places! No criticism of the kit, probably me just not being used these kind of things. However, all were found, soldered in and the entire assembly is now rock steady with no flexing at all. When its sat with the frame on the bottom there is a very small amount of rocking, but absolutely none, when turned upside down and sat on the solebars, so while I'm thinking I may have got a little too much heat into it at times, I think it will be ok. There's no visual warping of the brass at all. The one thing I have noticed is that the soldering iron tip is corroding very quickly, probably only get one solder join, before I need to take a file to it and clean it - is that right or am I doing something wrong? First impressions are I like this brass kit building, although I'm only on what most people would consider the easy stages at the moment, so I guess there could be plenty of opportunities ahead for me to change my mind on that outcome lol!! But certainly eager to do it a bit more tomorrow! Rich
  20. Thanks Simon, I'll see if I can get some of that - might be a daft question, but what is an ultrasonic bath? Im assuming its some bowl with a UV style light above? Rich
  21. Quick question guys, what is the best thing to clean brass with after a soldering session? Rich
  22. Just a quick note to anyone after a Southern liveried O Gauge Terrier - I see C&L Finescale are selling some on their website, at a discounted price - around £40 off the RRP. No connection other than a customer, noted it and thought it might be of use to someone! http://www.finescale.org.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=1108_1111&product_id=12746
  23. You know seeing things like this is enough to make one turn to the dark dark side and go 7mm GWR! Nah, the draw of a large logo 37 or 47 is too great!! Nice coaches tho Steve, can just imagine one of your tanks at the helm! Rich
  24. Especially if the wife see's you on her kitchen worktop, then one is carried away very easily ... on a stretcher! Rich
  25. Haha! As his 47 is sat in Marsh Lane Works awaiting its DCC fitment ... can I have first dabs on this half price sale!! Hahaha! You'll get there mate just don't be in a rush. Step back do your weathering and then come back to it ... very difficult not to go off at a tangent! Rich
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