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Everything posted by MarshLane

  1. Noooooo - you can't just leave us hanging like that!!! 1980s Llanbourne in 7mm is on the horizon i can see it now Those latest pictures are superb Peter. Very inspiration modelling as ever. Rich
  2. See you've got one of the pesky lineside observers looking on!! Nice shot of your 45, they are a nice model. Rich
  3. Good to hear that your pleased with where you are - hindsight is a wonderful thing my Dad use to tell me!! (And still does on occasions, usually after just hitting ones finger with that hammer ... Me: Ouch, Dad: See if you'd moved your hand that wouldn't have happened! Still hindsight is a wonderful thing. Me: *!&*!*!&*!&*!&*!&*!&*!&****&!&!*&!&!* ... loosely traslates as yes your right, but ouch that hurt!) As for the soaps, well that is the only reason they were invented ... to give us modellers time to enjoy our hobby in peace! Is your signalman late booking on btw? See that 9F is still sat at the station signal ... he'll have needed the water column by now! Rich
  4. Really enjoying following the progress of Lancaster Green Ayre. Only seen it once on exhibition but have followed quietly in the background more regularly on here! Full of admiration for how you not only deal with something that size in a small space, but also manage to transport it across the country! Rich
  5. Hi Richard, Just checking in for a catch up on things! Your making nice progress and the latest batch of signals look good - that 7200 is superb too! Always did like the big GWR tanks, bit of a soft spot for 4277! Nice to see that things are progressing however, and the trick with the loads, pva glue and cling film is one that is well worth me remembering! Rich
  6. Looking good Andy, pleased to see your getting there. Happy with the outcome? Rich
  7. Very nice Andy Always good to see the results of a master at his craft! Rich
  8. Thanks bennyboy, I'd missed that totally when I saw that sheet. Great news! Rich
  9. MarshLane

    Dapol 08

    Thanks F-UnitMad Giles can I order three sets then please? Do we just put a PayPal payment through? Rich
  10. MarshLane

    Dapol 08

    Giles, Apologies if I've missed this - but does 1 set just contain enough wipers for one locomotive? Rich
  11. Hi Wombat, Well that answers that one then!! Still look good! Rich
  12. Does anyone know if Heljan are going to do the different nose ends for each O gauge Class 128 DMU model, seen as we have different numbers in different liveries? Or is it just going to be the head code box and plated over for the later liveried versions? 55990. https://flic.kr/p/T1tMtd 55991. https://flic.kr/p/F5APCq 55992. https://flic.kr/p/fv6nNd 55993. https://flic.kr/p/QvTFPd 55994. https://flic.kr/p/TynJKZ 55995. https://flic.kr/p/rQumir Now we need a Class 114 as well to be able to recreate scenes like this!! https://flic.kr/p/qD4FnR Rich
  13. Hi Brian, Well there's lesson No. 1 ... and established 'O gauger' would know that the words "have a LITTLE to spend" and "O gauge exhibition" never go in the same sentence!! In theory possibly, in reality - never!! Hehe! But its a great hobby to be in! Sorry for going off topic guys! Rich
  14. Sorry to hear your having problems with the 31 Peter - need to get you in to proper locos and get Llanbourne rebuilt in O gauge Rich
  15. Ah! I only asked as I sold three or four Mk3As that had the name transfers on last year, and they looked very similar If they were mine, would be nice to know they went to a good home!!! Keep up the good work. Rich
  16. Oh that WD looks superb Andy!!! Wow! Always been a fan of the old 'Dub-Dees' and their clank! Born way to late to have heard one in BR service, but just love the general run-down look they always have and yet they still get the job done! Looking forward to seeing what you do with that! SuperD is nice too - but being a Yorkshire (well Lincolnshire!) lad, its the wrong colour of the rose Rich
  17. Hi Brian, If its as good as last year - your in for a good day! Just watch the wallet - was very expensive for me in 2016 that day!!!! . Bought an A2 lol. Seriously layouts were great, and the trade support was brilliant, so hoping its as good again this year, but having said that it is more trade than layouts, but that works for me! Rich
  18. Well thats good reason to go if ever I heard one! Really enjoyed last year's show and pleased that the GOG Committee have stayed at the Dome for this year, lets hope its now a regular feature. Halifax was just a bit too awkward for me to get to! Looking forward to the show. Rich
  19. Great new video Simon and crew! As an aside point if you don't mind me asking when/where did you get your Lima Mk3s from? Rich
  20. Nice shots Simon - love to see anything modelling this period. Unusual version of the Intercity livery on that 47! Rich
  21. Hi Andy, Thanks for your time this evening, much food for thought! The new layout is coming on, that 9F looks superb already and thats before the track has been ballasted and the scenery added!! Keep enjoying it Rich
  22. Looking very nice Steve - personally I think it looks far more complete with a 37 in residence! Rich
  23. Evening Dave, Just catching up, but superb photographs as ever - I still say your sneaking some real ones in!! I have seen a comment about 08s shooting off when stood before. Mine hasn't, but it might be something to do with either the project, or as one of your other commentators suggested the ability to run on DC needs checking to make sure its switched off. It could be something to do with the project too I guess, although id have thought it would be more widespread if so - you mentioned it was a Zimo chip, whose project is it? The model of 47001 looks the business too! As far as I know, all wheel chocks are wooden, certainly the ones I've used are! But that shot of the NRM one is a fairly good style, although a lot of the depot ones, and ones on locos etc, don't tend to have the handle. As you have so much detail on this layout, let us in on the secret for how your going to put them in place on the locos on the layout hehe Rich
  24. If I've got it right, this should do it Jim - great to see the layout in action. Rich EDIT: To do that, just past the URL in as normal text, don't link it or try and embed video just normal text like you would normally type. So in Youtube, click share, then copy the URL and paste into the text box - bingo!
  25. Hi Jeff Wow ... just ... wow! That is totally superb and the level of detail ... sorry i have to say it again .. WOW! Rich
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