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Everything posted by MarshLane

  1. Morning Andy, Hope your feeling better - full of cold here - and getting back on top form? Think your choice of changeover / BR blue depending on mood sounds a good one, plenty of variety and options for running! Looking forward to seeing the progress as you move forward! Rich
  2. Hi Ken, I don't believe tagging does work, but a post on the Minerva thread (or even PM) might be the way forward ... if not what about approaching Cavlex (might have their name wrong) but they have done crowdfunded OO wagons before I believe. Sorry to hijack! Rich
  3. Thanks Brian, Considering the number of BDA wagons the big layout is going to need, you've just added about 24 things to my 'ToDo' list!! Rich
  4. Hiya, Are there any further exhibition bookings for Netherwood in the diary for 2017 at all? Im assuming your 76s are all kit-built, who makes the kit if you don't mind me asking? Really looking forward to seeing Netherwood at some point. Rich
  5. Another great video Simon! Why do I get the feeling that Bilston Airways is the one that Jasper Carrott was talking about in reference to the "pilot kicking the tires" and running down the runway over a cattle grid Is your plan to extend the overhead wires at sometime then, or are you happy with it all as it is now? Rich
  6. Bloody hell Steve, you had me looking at that Model Rail page - I was thinking good god there's a really great model of Holloway Bank and Shap out there, then I realised the smoke and that they were old photos and yours was the model, but oh my, I struggled to tell at first. Just shows the quality of your modelling! Well done, looking forward to seeing the full thing when it appears. Might even have to break the habit of a lifetime and buy a copy Wow - there's nothing more I can say ... just ... wow! Rich
  7. Evening all, Well its sods law isn't it. I post an update on where we are with things, and then progress appears!! A few of you have emailed me about the metro car model and design. At the moment I've no plans to make it commercially available, I'm not sure on things like copyright of design etc, aside from anything else, but I'm sure if at the end of the day anyone else wanted the drawings, or the various parts to build one themselves that something could be sorted out. The whole metrocar project is an 'as and when I have a bit of time' style project, but I do like the T&W Metro, and the light rail systems, and my current thinking is that my test bed layout that runs along the length of my study at home might get removed, and replaced with a small Tyne & Wear two-platform terminal station, with engineers siding, something akin to the original plan for the metro cars, but that is all someway off at the moment. However, the chap who is doing the CAD drawing for the driving cab end, which will then be 3D printed, has sent me some preview shots over. We're only part way through the design at this stage, and the window area has yet to be added, but i think its coming together slowly, and thought that some of you may be interested to see it... Like I say, still work in progress, but I think we've got the angles right. Once I've got a 3D print here, I'll double check all the measurements against the bodyside and we'll see where we go from there about getting the rest of it laser printed. Rich
  8. Wow the work on that chassis is superb! Just catching up with your progress. I've seen reference a few times to these Poppy wooden chassis boxes, I presume they are all about keeping things square? Regards Rich
  9. Hi Leon, Hope your getting your motivation back, and now the warmer weather is about, hopefully you'll have got up in the loft and given things a good run. Looking forward to seeing how your progressing, still one of my favorite layouts. Rich
  10. What a life eh Steve .. China Clay modelling, wife at home, and the beech all in one day! I assume the latter with the middle option was more a case of earning brownie points! Coming on nicely mate, good to see your progress. Rich
  11. Andy, You haven't been watching repeats of Yes Minister! on the box have you? Has a distinct tone of a Sir Humprey answer that one . Have you decided on an era yet ... or is it somewhere between Horse drawn and Crossrail?? Rich
  12. Hi Al, I've no real hints or tips here, but I think the open plan idea is potentially the best ... it does strike me however as your main line is not going to be operational, it might be best to build the boards around the Cromford line and Canal, and have a extra piece of ply or whatever you use for the top, mounted below at the front, screwed/glued from within the frame, so that the main line part is actually outside the frames at the lower level - assuming the frame is the same height as the LMS retaining wall, if that makes any sense? The boards on my Arksey layout (See Post #3) were designed to be light and possible for one person to lift, which they are. Obviously that is a different kettle of fish to what your doing, as they are 3' x 18' boards, but it strikes me that if you didn't put the ply top on, and added perhaps two or three cross-sections below, rather than the one I had ... that may give you the flexibility for different heights on the canal extra, without needing a degree in woodwork? Rich
  13. Al, It has just occurred to me, somebody (I think a club) did a model of this in OO a few years back, complete with working incline. It was on the exhibition circuit for a while and *I think* was described and photographed in Railway Modeller - I'm probably going back to early 2000s / late 1990s however. Can't think what it was called, might have been High Peak Junction or just Cromford Canal ... but might be of help you if you can find the article. Rich
  14. Hi Al, Thanks - I may well do that if you don't mind! Its a lovely building - hoping to pop over next week and do some close up detail shots of the building, so I'll share them on here when I do, if they help (or if you want hires images), use them with pleasure and feel free to shout! I would agree with the handbuilt pointwork, and having just started building my own Im enjoying it, but its one of those what works for one doesn't for another, and personally Im not sure I'd want to build them in OO, but thats just me!! However, as you've said its a quickie so to speak to get some stock running, so go with what works for you! As ever Rule #1 applies. Rich
  15. Hi Andy, Thanks - its one that has always appealed to me, and somehow the slightly darker blue of 60006 seemed to look better than the light blue on 37501. My dad used to work on the works, and managed to get me into the naming of 60006 and 60033 at Frodingham Platform, I still have the photos somewhere! So this was always going to be a must do for me! Just wish I could get things sorted out, so that I can get the big layout moved on, but in the meantime, its down to wagon collecting - although I can see a couple of Heljan centre-head code 20s being added to the fleet later this year! RIch
  16. Evening all, Its occurred to me that I've a few different projects on the go, and that some people reading this may think I've given up with some as I haven't mentioned a couple of things in a while, so this post is really a general round-up of where we are heading into Summer. Im not starting anything else now until a few of these are finished!!! But I do find having a few projects on the go gives me variety. Marsh Lane Depot Building Well things are almost complete with this - just need to finish the roof off and add the interior detailing. But all the lights etc, now work and I'm delighted with the result. With the house-move on the horizon, my original plans for the building have changed somewhat so in some respects I'm at a little bit of a loss what to do with it now! I suspect, it may end up on the big layout (when its built), possibly as the engine shed for the internal diesel fleet, failing that it may end up being sold. LNER Brake Van Kit Now basically completed. Just needs some pickups adding to allow the onboard lights to be track powered. The side lights need fibre optics fitting, and the whole thing needs a little filler, then painting, for which I'm waiting on the better, warmer weather. Metrocar Model This proposal was originally tied in with the layout that would have had the original depot building on, and while still on the go, its a little on the back burner. The whole vehicle is designed in Illustrator, ready to be laser cut from MDF and plastic, but I'm waiting for the cab ends to be complete to check all measurements before proceeding. The cabs are being CAD designed by a chap that I know, but he's been so busy with his day job recently, that things have come to a stop. He's still progressing it however, and once the cab is complete and has been 3D printed, then I can check the drawing measurements and get on with building it. The trailing and driving bogies are all identified as are the pantographs, the only big job (apart from building one!) is working out how to do the detailed bogie sides, which may be a resin cast - assuming I can work out how to do those! Big Loft Layout All on hold, pending a possible house move, but at least the trackwork has been designed, just need to make sure if I do move that the new house has a room large enough for it to fit in! Little Arksey Railway A portable 6' x 18" industrial railway layout. Primarily intended for trying out various scenic options before progressing with the 'Big Layout'. The project is now well underway - see this thread - One board is almost ready for the trackwork to be painted, weathered and ballasted. The other still needs the track work laying, but most items have been built. Then its onto the scenery. Motive power will include Dapol 08s, Minerva Peckett and Victory, and an NER electric loco, for which some overhead catenary will be built, although the real thing also used third rail, so thats an option yet too! Modern Industrial Diesel Locomotive Scratchbuilding This project was always destined to be a long term thing, but improving my knowledge of CAD design is ongoing. The real thing will be photographed and measured up this month, so that will start the process moving on that one, at which point I'll reveal some more details. But this will just bumble along in the background. Once I'm happy with the CAD designs, then construction using 3D printing and brass will start. Judith Egde Kits - NER Electric Now underway, pending a new soldering iron and solder, which have been ordered and should be here within a few days. This loco will, along with the Dapol 08s, be the key motive power for Little Arksey. Again no rush with this one, just take my time and enjoy the build! Like I say, I enjoy variety in modelling!!! Rich
  17. Hi Al, Nice plan - and a couple of photos of the workshop area there that I've not seen before. Im using the Workshop building, that still stands today, as the basis for the workshop building on my O Gauge Arksey layout, a couple of minor tweaks needed to make everything fit, but its a lovely example of its era. Looking forward to watching your progress with the layout as a whole. Rich
  18. Thanks Andy, Must admit Andi has done a fabulous job with it. Just needs a DCC decoder now - I think in all honesty, it may just fit in the back siding (that doesn't currently have any rails on the sleeper) so may make the odd appearance! It will be far more at home on the big layout eventually with a rake of BDA steel wagons behind it! Rich
  19. Well some of you who have been reading my other thread in the 7mm Modelling section all have seen that last year I acquired a slightly damaged Class 60 in Trainload Metals livery - no major problems, just some varnish that had either been spilt down the bodyside or hadn't dried properly, but the more I looked at it the more I decided I didn't like it! So while wanting to recreate a local machine, that was the obvious candidate for repaint. Hence it was dispatched to a mate in Sheffield for a trip through the paint shop and was duly returned this afternoon looking amazing! Its too big to run on the future two-board, 6' long Little Arksey but will be one of the locos for the big loft layout. There's some more pics over on the other thread, click here for Post #743, if you want to take a look, but may I present No. 60006 Scunthorpe Ironmaster, in ex-works condition having just been named! Rich
  20. Evening all, Glad to see there's several of us of a similar vein where alcohol is concerned!! Some of you may recall tat that last year I acquired a slightly damaged Class 60 in Trainload Metals livery - no major problems, just some varnish that had either been spilt down the bodyside or hadn't dried properly, but the more I looked at it the more I decided I didn't like it! So while wanting to recreate a local machine, that was the obvious candidate for repaint. Hence it was dispatched to a mate in Sheffield for a trip through the paint shop and was duly returned this afternoon looking amazing! Its too big to run on the future two-board, 6' long Little Arksey but will be one of the locos for the big loft layout. I have to say Andi has done a superb job with it, and it looks wonderful sat outside in the Spring sunshine on Arksey! These have all been taken on the big DSLR using Helicon software to present a fully focused image. As you can see during the photo shoot 08202 arrived back on shed from its days shunting, so also got in on the pictures! Rich
  21. Haha! Yay another teetotaller! I'm exactly the same, never have. So a trip to Costa coming up then!! Lol!
  22. Is that a case of an answer looking for a question? hehe Rich
  23. Might be worth looking at splitting the entire width in two and going for 18" wide boards? I've done that on Arksey and have to say they are a lot better and easier to lift that 24" boards I've done previously. Just a though for you. Two 18" side by side would give 36" to play with.... Rich
  24. Hiya, Sorry, don't know your first name, but that building is lovely. How have you managed to get such an accurate uniform look to the brickwork? Really nice, looking forward to see how you paint it! If you don't mind asking, what have you used for the handle on the door? Rich
  25. Thanks John, you've confirmed what I was thinking earlier - the search for a new hotter iron is on! Fiberglass Pen's - thats what I was trying to think of earlier for cleaning before soldering. Something else that vill go on zee list ... sorry been watching Dads Army Thanks Andy - one of those minor setbacks, from which we learn and go forward. As my Dad says, you need to make mistakes to learn sometimes. This wasn't so much of a mistake, just not making sure I had the right equipment in the first place ... not like putting Petrol in a Diesel engine is it ... uhmm, can't think why I would have suggested that comparison! . Im determined to build it tho, and if necessary, I'll just keep taking it apart until I get the bloody thing right!!!! Ah right, well I'll stay on the easy track and steer clear of power flow flux for now then. Thanks for the links Jinty, I'll go take a look. Always useful as at least I know what I'm looking for/at! Always welcome such likes, its up to me what I do with them, but often far better than saying oh something that does this and does that! As ever, that helps a lot Jinty .. think I'll have to bring these wagons over and treat you to a pint! lol Don't keep the popcorn to yourself mate! Given the amount of soldering you do, do you use a fibreglass pen for cleaning, or do you have other options? Rich
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