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Class 74

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Everything posted by Class 74

  1. Beautiful layout! Simon
  2. Uhhh, nice one! I vote for MUCH MORE pix!!!
  3. One of the best layouts here! And there are a lot of amazing layouts in this forum... fantastic! Cheers Simon
  4. I just love that layout, so realistic!
  5. Like that very much, lot of shunting possibilities!
  6. This summer I bought a fantastic book by this guy: http://www.philipdhawkins.co.uk/ Amazing paintings! Simon
  7. I've bought a Roco Digital set for run in the locos. Very useful!
  8. Looks very good so far!
  9. Uh, looks good so far but: WE WANNA SEE MORE!!!
  10. One of my all time favorites is a french/german border layout built by Jean-Michel Hartmann. A very simple N-scale doubletrack oval, no fiddle or hidden yard, just a depot and a station with a couple of sidings. But the best about this wonderful layout is that the tracks are not nailed or glued, he'd just put the tracks on the ballast (!!!), including banking on curves. Perfection! Unfortunately he died somewhat around 1985/86, some probably know him from some beautiful books he released (f.e. Magie du rail). Another master is (or better are) Marcel Darphin and his wife Astrid, a french/swiss 0 gauge layout... If you ever find that book, buy it!!! Highly recommended: http://www.ptitrain.com/librairie-nn/modele-nn/livres/cachindarphin.htm Here is a video on youtube: ... and Bradfield Gloucester Square is another fave of mine! Luv to watch the vids on youtube! Cheers Simon
  11. Wow, how cool is that! I often thought that Conwy is just ideal for a layout, the bridge, the castle, the medival wall... fantastic!!! Good luck with that enormous project, can't wait to see more! Simon
  12. Can't get enough of your pix, wonderful layout! Love your weathering. Cheerio Simon
  13. Love that tracks of the tramway in the grass, very good! And a nice little town. I'd like to get some money of the Deutsche Bank, go to Kaufhof and have a yammy ice cream at Fabio's! ;-)
  14. Wow, wonderful pix with a lot of interesting places and trains! Love that "No Exit" sign!!! And the tramway crossing, fantastic! (On the first page) Thanx for sharing Simon
  15. Looks superb with a lot of interesting operational potential! Love that small layouts!
  16. One of the best looking layouts for me, just stunning! Simon
  17. Good taste! ;-) I'm building a little scottish terminal right now, and the station's name will be Kilmister, so I'm sure there will be a poster anouncing Motorhead somewhere in Glasgow... ;-) (And yes, I know that Lemmy was born in Stoke and isn't a Scot!) It's good to have a bit of rock'n'roll on a layout, isn't it? ;-) Cheers Simon
  18. Fantastic little layout!!! Love that Maiden and AC/DC tags, so cool. ;-)
  19. Some real beauties here, my faves are: - DB's BR 103 (in TEE/IC livery, you can't beat that!!!) - EMD's F and E units (real icons) When it comes to steam, here we go: - BBOe BR 214 (later BR 12) - Est/SNCF 241.A Cheers Simon
  20. Fantastic layout, so much atmosphere... and NO, it's NOT boring to watch your videos! ;-)
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