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Everything posted by fulton

  1. Plant City had its first outing yesterday at the Crawley US show, all performed well with some interesting conversations, pre opening photo, was quiet busy for a specialist show, will be replacing my mail boxes with some very nice 3d printed items from Baztrains, who were at the show, an enjoyable day.
  2. Interesting comment, yesterday I was exhibiting at the Crawley US show, my layout, modern image has sound which I like at home, the layout opposite also had sound, steam and diesel, and yes I could not tell where the sound was coming from, my diesel was moving all I could hear was a steam sound, both our layouts had modest sound volumes.
  3. Yes still cheques about, was surprised my car tax refund and later tax refund were both by cheque, first visit to my bank in years, new to me, cheques can be paid into the cash machine, which reads them. I'm easily impressed.
  4. Interesting project, my own layout based on the prototype Potato spur at Plant City has all the above, parallel lines, same direction, layouts first exhibition this Saturday at Crawley, photo from Google Earth 2014.
  5. When I open RMweb Home page, I them click on "View New Content" the page freezes, when hovering over " View New Content" displays " Third Party Ad Content" I then close the page and reopen all works fine, an inconvenience I would like to avoid, suggestions please.
  6. My experience was I was happy with the results with just spraying, but have read of people polishing it. As I said Alclad is a paint system, you need to follow all the steps for good results, also follow all the health and safety advice, I used a spray booth and wore a 3M mask.
  7. Have not tried on model railways, but have had good results on model aircraft using Alclad paints, must be sprayed, must follow all the preparation steps, its a complete paint system, preparation is everything as the smallest blemish will stand out. Was pleased with the results of an American etched stainless steel signal gantry kit, soldered using Carrs brown label flux, left unpainted.
  8. Just for interest, there still is a section of the narrow gauge railway at Lower Halstow, buried under the main road, while working there in the 1980's we cut through it for the sewer connection to the "new" houses on the old brickfields site, we also found buried a collection of rusted out hopper wagons, still have a cast iron point lever I found there.
  9. I prefer some sort of barrier to be provided, but have bought recently my own pull out tape barriers, the sort you see in banks, four poles gives 6m, all for the price of two wagons, did exhibit some years ago at Dortmund and Cologne, both big shows, no barriers provided, did feel a bit uneasy at times, with crowds four or five deep, but all went well, no damage, which surprised me.
  10. I use this tool from RIX PRODUCTS, turn it over and use the handle to help alignment on curves.
  11. I've been receiving similar messages, supposedly from people I know, the senders email behind the name is different each time so is difficult to block.
  12. This type of chain is available from Shapeways, 3d printed, various sizes, would not know how to reproduce any other way, other than a very tedious soldering job.
  13. You are lucky with packaging, I ordered this online, was delivered with no packing or protection, I was hoping for a lifetimes supply of bubble wrap and a box to store my old vehicle in!
  14. We ( my wife and I ) were at that stage a few years ago, and decided to stop all alcohol, we could see it could get out of hand, difficult at first, especially in social situations, even today sometimes I think a glass of wine would be nice, but we support each other, we both feel better for giving up. I did a job for eight years where I was in contact daily with people with alcohol and drug problems, each with their own story, how easy things can get out of control, one particular memory was of a young women sitting outside our building, waiting for her boyfriend who was inside, she had all the signs of heroin use, had not seen her before or ever again, I wonder what her story was.
  15. This is the situation on the front of my layout, not sure how you could offer protection without some sort of Perspex, prototype location being modelled, the left track will not see trains, so no protection required, most of the damage to my layouts, has been caused during assembly, disassembly and transporting, not by the public at exhibitions. I did have a very fine bracket signal on one layout, whilst trying to open the roller shutter on my trailer, something had moved and was in the way, " I know just pull the shutter harder" end of signal!
  16. Not the UK, but when modelling a yard in Florida, there was fenced off area with only rail access, most odd, discovered it was used to store tank cars of pesticides, awaiting delivery to a distributor.
  17. Ammo Mig do a flesh colour pack which covers the full range of skin colours.
  18. Had a trip to the Isle of Grain yesterday, fortunately for us if not the other road users, we were stopped at Grain Crossing as a Class 66 with empty stone wagons passed to Grain, How often does this service run and does the container port still use the rail connection? Semaphore signals still in use, must be some of the last, as are the manual crossing gates, the signalperson, not sure of the correct term, a women in this case, travels with the train and opens up Grain Crossing ground frame box, which controls the road crossing. If you like desolate places the Grain foreshore between the Thames and Medway estuaries is worth a visit.
  19. Our experience of the German railway system, in recent years, is one of unreliability, curious if there is an underlying reason or are we just unlucky? Our latest travelling to the UK, Dusseldorf to Koln 15 minute delay, Koln to Brussels, train starts in Koln, while sitting ready to depart, announcement train cancelled, only option take regional trains with two changes, arrived in Brussels 1 1/2 hours later than planned, ( Eurostar 3 1/2 hour delay due to a fire, but that is something which can happen, so you except it ) Also recently Dusseldorf to Munster train leaves on time then announcement, train not now going to Munster! so had to change trains which made a 1 hour delay, so late for an hospital appointment, coming back also, Dusseldorf train terminated short, so we had to change, these trips have been weekdays, can understand weekend disruption. The current 9 Euro ticket is a good incentive to use the trains but we wish they were more reliable.
  20. Not saying things cannot be improved, but can understand Hattons, having worked in a similar environment, you have systems that work, stick to them and they can be very reliable, what seems very simple to the customer can lead to all sorts of problems, which are time consuming to sort out, and the customer ends up with worse service, the price we pay for ever greater efficiency and low prices, in todays world.(talking about things in general not Hattons, in particular as I have no knowledge of their systems)
  21. Just to add my personal thoughts and experience, Smiths couplings are oversize but practical to use, did not find any benefit springing couplers or buffers, uncoupling tool with torch a big help, good general lighting also, everyone has their own preferred shape of coupling tool, check they all dangle freely, very frustrating when helping on another layout, in the public view, to find a chain stiff with paint or will not reach the next hook! the big hand from the sky has never bothered me.
  22. I print the Scalescenes on to thin card, I find it easier to handle and when gluing down, also have a selection of coloured marker pens to colour the white edges.
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