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Everything posted by Jawfin

  1. SLNCR B appears to be losing its dignity...

    1. Horsetan


      It has been doing that for a good long while.

    2. Jawfin


      The tarp is falling off - revealing some relatively good looking paint! :O

  2. Not even a nice shade of yellow. Ah well, at least they haven't painted the 111s like that.
  3. I've only really realised today how great it would be if the DCDR line went to Newcastle - it'd pass right in front of my house! :O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jawfin


      Yep - BCDR No. 30, 148, 72, 153, and 154 with the Golfer's Express to Newcastle... Drool... :O

    3. Horsetan


      That would require serious cash.

    4. Jawfin


      Ah, well, if they can do it in Britain... :)

  4. If the Bs are electro-motives, then are the Gs hydro-motives?

    1. Boris


      Depends on whether they are Staying Alive or not....

  5. Grr, they're getting on my wick more than usual!

  6. They're getting on my wick more than usual!

  7. Anyone know where I could get CI

  8. Attempting to sort the pictures from my, "trains around Ireland," gallery to a new album on my iPad. It's like trainspotting, but less fun.

  9. Jawfin

    Make or Break?

    Brilliant, as always!
  10. Just out of 146's cab - was very warm!

    1. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Hmmmmmm, lovely engine fumes :-D

  11. Exams over! :D

    1. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Same, we may enjoy our freedom together :-D

    2. Guest


      Enjoy your luxury, but think about those that haven't finished yet!

  12. "Australia 6, New Zealand 7."

  13. Is feeling very sad looking at pictures of BCDR locos :(

    1. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      May they all rest in peace.

    2. Fenway Park

      Fenway Park

      Swept away by UTA together with some lines which in hindsight could have been kept in a modern context

  14. Someone's stolen my name! http://www.jawfin.net Thief!

    1. ews60002


      just get www.jawfin.com?


  15. Exams start today - wish me luck! :/

    1. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Same, good luck mate.

    2. 69843


      Good luck to you both

  16. Don't need to revise 'coz me granny lit a candle for me instead.

    1. Metr0Land


      How about organising an rmweb novena?

    2. Horsetan


      Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today.....oh wait, no.....

  17. An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman all claimed to be The most famous of The three of them. 'I'm known all over England,' said The Englishman. 'I'm known all over The world and other places besides,' said The Scotsman. 'Let me show you both how famous I am,' said The Irishman. So they all travelled to Italy together, to The Vatican and into St Peter's Square. The Englishman and The Scotsman looked up and saw Paddy The Irish- man standing on The balcony with his arm around The Pope, waving to The crowd. An Italian standing nearby said to The Englishman and The Scotsman, 'Who's that fellow on The balcony beside The Irishman?'
  18. In it just me, or do I

  19. The shells of smarties taste different because of the natural colourings used, but only orange has a different flavour of chocolate - orange flavour.

    1. 69843


      Useful info

    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Always wondered why I didn't like orange smarties as much....

  20. The shells of the smarties taste different because of the natural colourings used, but only orange has a different flavour of chocolate - orange flavour.

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