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john new

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Everything posted by john new

  1. When I lived in York circa 1980 there was a butcher’s shop on Burton Stone Lane called C Hopcut and a joiners (in Gillygate IIRC) run by A Buckle & Son.
  2. Partly down to modern modellers demanding higher standards, that's fine but back in the day Hornby Dublo and Tri-ang made models that were simple to fix and durable. Somewhere along the line there occurred a cross-over point where the designers forget that some practicality is needed, that using standard fittings across a range means there are spares available. That is not a rant, but I do fail to see why the older methods of fitting bodies like two lugs under the cab and a screw down the chimney can't still be adopted or adapted either all or in part. I have just bought a OO Dapol B4 and relevant chip, I have seen a video on how it comes to bits to fit the chip - fully concur with you the method is very (overly) complicated.
  3. As an Irish friend of mine said a few years ago - you know you are getting old when the older women are your age. To be honest nowadays they are younger!
  4. Which if the cause of the bump was loss of power (as has been suggested) then they won’t work whether or not they are stuck in the sand until the propulsion problem(s) is/are fixed.
  5. Latest from the BBC (link as above):- The company that manages the container ship, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM), has denied earlier reports that the ship had already been partially refloated.
  6. It said partially refloated; my interpretation is therefore progress is being made but it isn’t sufficiently free yet to unblock the route.
  7. Happened yesterday. Apparently now partially freed (Today’s Guardian update).
  8. See BBC News - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-56505413 Given the reported boat-jam behind the accident I hope the expected models for 2ndQ delivery and reported as already in transit will not be overly delayed. I found the fact that they have already had to build a Suez Canal bypass interesting too and are now using it for diverted traffic. No options for shipping containers around the blockage on alternative transport though.
  9. One societal issue in opening up (for personal relationships) is going to be within couples where one is significantly more risk averse than the other.
  10. Sympathise. Trying to back up a 2tb drive this weekend which under Apple is getting flaky as the drivers are not now supported so also fighting IT issues. I have Windows 10 under Parallels, that still runs the drives but data transfer is sooooooo slow.
  11. The real Rosedale in N Yorks did have a railway serving the iron industry. It was higher up on the valley side though than the village near the Abbey.
  12. The concept was built and called the REP - TC combination with 33s and 73s in the mix too. An excellent idea stupidly abandoned rather than spread. The Southern region, and privatised derivatives, were way ahead with walk through connections, now getting lost with the cucumber noses.
  13. And why mechanical stokers were tried and oil firing.
  14. After it flooded during construction Robert tried to drain it with a sough (drift). Standard older mine drainage option where topology allowed it. It got dug but collapsed and was blocked by sand and therefore did not aid the emergency drainage.
  15. I know some of the LMS tanks had a bad reputation for lack of pulling power but a banker for a light engine move. Come on!
  16. On the prototype for everything thread a few days ago there was comment on the Class 91 / Class 43 units use when the 91s were being introduced. Could a single 43 push one of those sets off the wires if reintroduced as elctro-diesel bi-mode units. Seems more sensible than scrapping the MK4 coaches.
  17. Still nothing on RAIB's current investigations page but as mentioned above there is news on the Network Rail site.
  18. Been mentioned before - white roof for posing with the LNWR royal train coaches. Museum only condition. Mine will be as I saw it on three or four blue greys with cab roof black.
  19. Cigarette filters for roll ups are still available in bags of 100.
  20. My wife’s family had connections with the Scottish shale industry, but not sure if it was that plant.
  21. Difficult for us to take a local walk without crossing one of the local disused lines or having one in view. Today's photo is the Castle Road bridge over the former Portland Branch. The track went through it on the skew, the tall flats are built over the alignment on that side of the bridge and the 2012 Olympic sailing athletes village and a road over the alignment on this side of the bridge. That became a school (currently out of use) and houses. The line through it was originally built/worked as the Admiralty Railway (To the port only), then by the Easton and Church Hope (To Easton and the port), then LSWR/GWR joint and onwards into BR days. Closed 1965. This bridge is one of the few remaining sections of the line in Underhill not built over although much of the rest of the branch is accessible and walkable; notably the Rodwell Trail.
  22. Done years ago, agree it works. My option was 2 x 1 strip bolted through a plywood off cut and that grips in the workmate. Small vice permanently mounted to that. Bigger house would help, concur. We live 300 miles away from the children (Now adults with their own kids) so have to have all three bedrooms with beds in for family visits (when they are again allowed). The issue with the room I mentioned is having a double bed in what is really a single room, the other single has bunk beds. One of these days we will get the garage converted to have an insulated roof and a few other issues with it fixed. It was intended to be the railway room/workshop when we moved in (1986) but that idea had to be abandoned due to damp and white mould.
  23. You ask why are they doing it? Possibly they know they can't deliver enough vaccinations (reason for that I am not commenting on) so are attempting to deflect any criticism away from that real reason onto a medical issue. In the interim they know stocks are still building up and in a few days time the U-turn will allow those to be used. Just a thought from a cynic!
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