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Everything posted by 25901

  1. As I've work with Harry in the past and this is one of his locos, follow the action plan for non starting locos, (1) Blame batteries (2) Call everyone else a c@@@ (3) Blame Big Norm or Des (very old hands will remember) (4) Phone somebody from SB Depot (5) Walk away and buy another
  2. Being 20087 and 20110 are in the process of moving to Worksop I guess HNRC have the job and these are for spares. I know that when these were offered for sale it didn’t include the wheel sets
  3. Cough, cough, Worksop, cough Wonder if 20303 will ever get fixed, she's still dumped by the new turntable
  4. 37610 sounded hellfire as she blasted through York this afternoon heading southbound light engine
  5. 07001 spent some time at Snailwell on hire while belonging to HNRC
  6. One little point to those who have pointed out that it is too narrow, this is modeled on the Swiss narrow gauge version ( 1000mm ) and not the standard gauge ones.
  7. Picked one up this morning while hanging around Manchester, it says it can be motorized.
  8. There the 142s returning from store, was told by a Newton Heath lad that they are booked for exams. Make of that what you want but I’ve heard something is on the cards for them.
  9. From what is going around at the moment on a few forums, Northern Rail are returning some 142s back into service for the Manchester area with the first ones back at Newton Heath on Monday (22/06/20)
  10. As a loco owner I can say "sod that at speed", never mind testing the buffers your tests the loco as well.
  11. The Bradford is now fitted with Rawie buffer stops but last time I looked all the gear for the old ones was still in place.
  12. The sounds of bacon cooking and cans opening lol
  13. Chatterley Whitfield when still open to public and the NBL I was looking over, no it's not running but I gave it a go lol
  14. Reminds me of this sweet little cat lol
  15. Only just walked past what’s left of the site a couple of hours ago, nice to see there’s still life in the place
  16. Steamport at Southport had a coach with a class 24 controller fitted to it so it could do a push / pull service with 24081. The controller I think is now with the 15 at Bury
  17. Where I work one department does a lot of works for Springfields and the work is ramping up while another department has just done an order of engine valve springs ( 1000 off ) for Ruston CSVT power units to a PO Box in Crewe. Busy times !
  18. Useless fact of the day, the world's last operating Magnox reactor at Wylfa Unit 1 closed on the 30 December 2015.
  19. I think you did too many Santa Specials at Bury to remember all that lol
  20. 3Dprintingcorner are doing one soon according to their FB page
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