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Everything posted by 25901

  1. The one funny thing about 45015 was the number of different groups that looked her over and came to the same result that she was finished back then at Toton. One other group from the ELR even denied looking at her, my answer to that was does that mean you don't want your torch back that you left onboard lol
  2. From what I have been told and heard on the grape vine is that they don’t get rent as they own her. I know this loco well as I helped do a survey on her when she was put up for sale by BR when she was at Toton. She was beyond saving then and from a visit a couple of years ago I can say that there’s not much on her worth saving apart from the bogies that would still need a lot of money spending on. The asbestos problems is due mainly down to the steam heat boiler falling apart and the roof missing causing the asbestos to be in the open. This is a big issue as the loco is next to the running line and somebody has reported this to the relevant environment department. The railway has in my view has hoped that this problem would magically disappear but instead it may have come back to bite them. Big loco’s, big problems, just ask the owners of the two 40s with dead crackshafts.
  3. October Diesel Event 1991 ELR and as for royalties I got my bit lol
  4. I got the diagram sent to me as an attachment in my emailed receipt. The first one will be the hardest but try a dry runs for fit and take your time, the rest will be a doddle. Its very forgiving on looks if you are planning to have a load on it as you really can’t see much of it but I have a mint looking one that will be an unloaded cradle. Have fun.
  5. Does that mean you can wave to us when we watch the Crewe Railcam tonight lol
  6. Borrowed a 4” Hold and Fold which is a piece of kits now on my wish list
  7. Yes this might be off topic but when did spotting/number crunching get so difficult plus it's a good few years since I had the original 101011 lol
  8. Part Three. Outer Member. Difficult to take picture but an easy part to solder on, just use the though holes as a guild. The small end ramps are the last part to put and and while there is a very small etch to fill in the outer ends of the ramps I went for filling it up with solder. After some final play around and clean up you get a very good looking cradle
  9. Part Two. Side Members. Again found location lugs a problem and and sorted the same way as above, yes the long strip looks crap but not soldered and just placed to show location. Yhere are four lifting point brackets but I left these off because in my view won't be seen and my fingers and eye sight are not that good lol
  10. Part One, Main Central Section. Sorry but I'm no god with the soldering iron or camera so here is my mumble offering. I found after folding these parts up that it was near imposible to get the location lugs into there slots so I removed nearly all of each of these so they fitted (ish) and still had something to solder with
  11. Will do, give my a couple of days and I’ll put the next one together with pics.
  12. As nobody has put anything about this kit on here I thought I'll do the honours. This is the first kit in 20 yrs that I've had to solder and even had to get a new soldering iron as I couldn't find the old one. Straight forward etch and even with my oversize fingers was found to be easy once you know what your doing, and in what order. As always the first one is part of the learning curve so the next three should be a breeze. And thanks to Pete for the kits ain these hard times.
  13. It's done by this happy bunch,The Ministry of Defence Police Special Escort Group (MDP SEG) . Have dumped into a couple of them years ago and what a happy breed they are, fun and laughter is removed at birth.
  14. Interesting to see it's not just Flying Scotsman that gets all the idiots on the wrong side of the fence taking pics. 40145s move getting stupid from one video I've just seen

  15. The grill while in service gets a build up of paint over the years so green locos had viewable through grill but the blue ones suffered with 30 something years of paint. One thing that my pic highlight is the fact that they designed the grill on the real loco slightly in the wrong place and the rad group doesn't line up and becomes a bitch to seal up correctly unless you like wet electrical equipment (now how many of you noticed that)
  16. She did didn't she, too many late nights as you may know too well lol (happy times)
  17. Bottom of door is flush if correct rain strip is fitted to door. Top marks for them doing the correct fiberglass roof that the 25s have but very low marks for the rad. grill (this is how the grill should look like)
  18. The Royal 47's were stored there for a time
  19. The name was hand painted onto a steel sheet which was bolted to the body side so you could argue it did have a nameplate
  20. Watch this space, the 2 from Bury are now at Worksop with one of them now up and running. Top and tailing 20s will be around for a bit longer but there maybe a short break at moment but note Harry is fixing up non mainline 20s which can only lead towards one certain big contract coming up.
  21. Rochdale still had a couple in last week
  22. I think these little beauties would be a seller and with over 40 yrs service
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