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Everything posted by alastairq

  1. I wonder.....whether rather a lot of folk will look at how they've 'coped' over the past 18 months.....and compare that with what they can do/spend once restrictions are lifted...and what went before? Asking, do I/we really need this or that? Do we really want to go here, there, or anywhere? I wonder how many will take the opportunity that has presented itself, to radically change how they conduct their lives, when compared with what went before [covid]? I wonder how many will realise [for example] how much money they have not spent [due to the restrictions]? Therefore, how much money they have to obtain some of the things they really really wanted, but could never really afford previously, because their hard-earned was being absorbed by all the ''activities'' that they took for granted before covid struck? Sorry for quoting you, APOLLO, but your comment seemed so apt for what I was thinking?
  2. I think there was an attempt at baffling me with generalism? A kind of propaganda?
  3. Personally, I find myself in completely the opposite situation, regarding 'optimism'..... Over the past 18 months I have found myself increasingly optimistic ....at long last I no longer have to fend off the opinion of society about how I lead my life. Especially the 'presumption' aspect. Now I find myself fighting pessimism, that the rest of society is rushing headlong back into the pit I saw it in before the pandemic. So I have zero positive feeling regarding GB's progress [or rather, a part of GB?} in so-called 'sport'.... To be clear, I have no ill will towards those individuals who are directly participating in the sports...Rather towards all the hangers-on that accompany said sports. I don't see it as ''optimism.'' More like, ''opportunism!''
  4. I do wonder at the medical establishments' reluctance over vaccinating children...then I recall the doubt over the combined MRR jabs, and thinking back in time, the rush over thalidomide? The covid jabs really haven't had the long term testing usually applied to jabs intended for kiddiewinkies....who knows what such a jab might do the to the brains of a 16 year old? [ I would add, i have the brain of a 12 year old, and thus far, the two jabs have ensured I remain a 12 year old for some time to come....]
  5. A bit off-topic , for which i apologise, but for those who model in S scale [1:64 scale], I'd like to remind folks f the Tomy offerings? Tomica, to be exact, who have a 1:64 scale Isuzu car, which of course, was the Hillman Minx! It is a quite reasonable model indeed...and can be had in an number of interesting colours. https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10372892
  6. Yes, 65 here too..seems they missed me out a long time ago? I got the aortic aneurysm jobbie done a while ago, too..All spotty-dog good nick...apparently. [Personally I think someone had gone through the surgery fridge during a quiet moment, and found a box of these pee numonia jabs? Probably the sell-by date is fast approaching?] Moi? Mr Cynical?? Never!
  7. Well....managed to get recognised by my own GP surgery yesterday! [Not bad at my age?] Went in for an annual BP and blood-letting session. BP, oddly, was remarkably low [normal] for me! Must be the relaxing atmosphere of a covid lockdown having its effect? Anyhow, the nurse on the other end of the plunger also put me down for a one-off pneumonia jab next week. Apparently [locally?] the biggest cause of problems..ie cessation of breathing, etc, when going into hospital [locally, cannot speak for the rest of the world]....is contracting pneumonia!! Regardless of what one is hospitalised for, pneumonia gets them every time round here... So the health guard dogs are out busy jabbin' anyone of an age in the hope they can reduce the death toll due to that particular cause? I don't mind....I've never ever been in hospital , for anything other than having bits stuck back on, or glued back together! Anyway, sat briefly in the waiting area [barely got my bum into shape on the chair before I was up & off again]...surprised to get such a quick call....especially as I was ten minutes early! Also got a deal of [loudly administered] praise from the receptionist [a forthright lady of the 'don't worry, you've got another one' type when approached for an appointment..they have to ask, in a general manner, what's wrong with you....being told ''I feel ill'' doesn't wash any more!].... Seems I was one of the very few who bothered to take a covid test before going down to the docs.....to check whether I was infected or not, even though symptoms were absent. She could actually check my results online, as I had submitted them at the time of testing.....so she said. A bit dismayed when waiting in the waiting area, it was full of sick people! Also took the opportunity [saves petrol] of collecting my monthly meds order, which I can do from my surgery, as they have a pharmacy for ''out-of-towners'' Means queuing up outdoors, a they serve folk through an open fire door.....but I was amazed at how easily some [older?] people happily lay the blame for the delays in getting sorted, on the staff inside..when, having earwigged the conversation as it was conducted quite loudly, the reason for everyone's delay was the old grunt up front actually messing the staff around over his script! The cheek when he turned round to the rest of us and firmly laid the blame on the pharmacist, when it was patently his own doing! I refrained from passing comment as the sun was shining...we were all something like 22 metres apart a well....[yup, I guess in east yorkshire, something is lost in the translation?} Anyway, just who the hell does the public think they are????
  8. ''Foggy George?'' ''Foggy too, Vicar!''
  9. I do like the idea of the missus sat in front...forerunner of the airbag? [windbag?]
  10. I've tried....many times.....and survived 3 divorces, and heaven knows how many assassination attempts....
  11. I get it! The implications being.....common sense, and British people, are unlikely to be matched in reality....which I wholeheartedly agree with. From my many decades of observation, I think the creme egg example is somewhat on the mild side for the so-called 'commons sense' displayed by our delightful population? Regardless of how old the example happens to be? I cannot see any evidence of things having improved over the years? ** Of course, 99% of RMweb members will disagree..to which I would only add, ''if the cap fits?'' ** Of course, one person's idea of ''common sense'' will be another person's idea of ''idiocy?'' For the mods...if you wish to ban me [once more?] then kindly inform me, as last time I spent ages trying to work out what was wrong with my computer!!
  12. Are they still providing the Canal with a new [to the canal?] tug with a bit more heft? I've not noticed any ''wanted'' adverts on eBay?
  13. I think the parents are riding for a fall there? Imagine, if you will, in 20 years time, when the child has seriously fallen out with parent? This photo album will definately be used as evidence Mum tried to off her offspring using a train to do the job, when they were little... Imagine in 10 years time, when said child decides to phone childline cos it cannot get its way?.....This photo will be used, etcc.... Mum seems blissfully unaware of what may lie just around the corner of life....
  14. Indeed they do. But I have yet to find the resin kit which has these tin patches cast in situ.
  15. Coopercraft apparently did a GWR grounded van body. Sorry, 4mm scale. I have not come across the resin body in the OP's post. With the corrugated tin sheathing..
  16. https://peco-uk.com/products/grounded-van-body-2 Peco do a van body too. Also, 442 Modelmaking do a grounded van body in resin https://www.422modelmaking.co.uk/copy-of-coachbuilder-packs Scroll down, BK14.
  17. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/124789816514?hash=item1d0e0d7cc2:g:BSwAAOSwCuBgSLkw
  18. That problem alone means we live in a society where the 'thought' police rule? Does this mean, I can 'think' it, in private, but not in 'public?' That I cannot tell someone who just happens to be of a different nationality or colour, that I simply don't like them? {Should the question arise?} What happens when one simply voices a dislike, or disapproval, of a foreign football team? Or the action of a foreign government, for example? I think things have really gone over-the-top, when honesty has to be suppressed.
  19. Well, I've never really 'noticed' the different people, especially working with them...until someone comes along and shoves an #### -ist thing in my face! But, I believe it is my right to take a dislike to some people, or certain people.....or any people, come to that! After all, there are many out there who have taken a dislike to me...either as a person, or as a member of a certain colour? Why should I not be allowed to reciprocate?
  20. Not sure if this will be an asset towards Yorkshires' campaign for Devolution? After all, look at Wales? {Takes 5 times longer to read road signs, then use google translate.....]
  21. But, didn't we actually think our quality of life was damned near perfect , before covid? [TIC!!} I agree with the 'quality of life'' thing. {Over-riding our seeking of economic excess.] But, what might need changing is the overall concept of what 'quality of life'' actually means? [Certainly not what the mass media, or PR spectrum of society would have us believe?] Personally, I shall miss all those things Bernard mentioned.....[except I don't even 'like' going in a pub any more? They smell rather nastily! Which may prove I don't think I've ever been 'infected?] The relative quiet, the lack of numbers... I went into 'town' the other day....I didn't know there were so many people on the planet!!! Driving into town the other [late] evening [dad's taxi run] and there are a completely different type of 'feral' human {?} being driving and loitering around. Safe in the knowledge our local constabulary are all in the bigger towns, or at home, tucked up in front of the telly? For me, a decent quality of life actually has its costs. Fine for the likes of me, I can accept them wholeheartedly but, for the greater unwashed, is a 'better' quality of life really worth the price? Can they even afford a 'better' quality of life? {Obviously some can, given the way property prices in out-of-the-way places like Wales, or Herefordshire, have rocketed recently, as the better-heeled seek to escape to the more peaceful, tranquil world of 'better living?' No good if trying to escape the iniquities that go with high rise living, though? Unless one accepts a 'different' kind of poverty?} Perhaps 'quality of life' might mean, a more 'resilient' life style?
  22. I've been told not to use the village de-fibb for jump-starting my old cars.....Seems I get oil on the pad thingies, and the ladies don't like the marks they leave behind... Also been asked to cease dialling 999 for the First responder to come out to help give my cars a push...apparently that's not what we're supposed to ask our neighbours to do these days? Also, calling out the local Police to an intruder [ooops, sorry, next doors cat!], and whilst they're at it, can they also fetch me some fish n chips? No salt or vinegar, please? { I pay over 100 pension-pounds a month council tax...if I don't get my money's worth, what price 3 bin collections a fortnight? }
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