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Father Dougal

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Status Updates posted by Father Dougal

  1. Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Father Dougal

      Father Dougal

      Today I am 47 years old!

    3. bgman


      I'm sure they're just numbers when you add 'em up !

    4. RJL


      Is it your Birthday there father?

  2. Thornbury model show today- very excited.

    1. trisonic


      Is Ted taking you?

    2. Father Dougal

      Father Dougal

      Mrs Doyle- she is working on the tea stand.

    3. RJL


      Will there be a spider baby there this year. Oh, and watch out for the Goat there Father.

  3. New kit arrived today - feels like Christmas!

    1. muddys-blues


      Ooh what have bought ?

    2. Father Dougal

      Father Dougal

      TTA. fed up of making box shaped wagons.

    3. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      It's not.


  4. Wife wants to watch some astrology film tonight called the fault in your starts. Should be better than the usual films she makes me watch.

    1. Mallard60022


      Faults in your starts is usually a dodgy battery.....

    2. Father Dougal
    3. bigP
  5. New kit arrived! Very exciting.

    1. muddys-blues


      Ooh what have you got ?

    2. Father Dougal

      Father Dougal

      A class 02 diesel. PRMRP kit

    3. muddys-blues


      I saw it later on your thread, I shall follow with interest.

  6. I won a 3 figure sum on the lottery!

    1. Londontram


      Will it change your life?

    2. Father Dougal

      Father Dougal

      Might be enough for a nice cup of tea.

    3. DonB
  7. Note to self- don't leave the cat the layout when you have a PVA river drying.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RJL


      dose this also apply to Hamsters on Bicyles ?????

    3. RJL


      Better keep Sampras away too.

    4. RJL


      And not forgetting that lovely Horse.

  8. Been scribing DAS all day- my fingers hurt now!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RJL


      And is that a hole in your jumper ? What will the Parishoners think ?

    3. Jawfin
    4. Horsetan
  9. Note to self- don't run your finger along the edge of a brass kit again!

    1. Boris


      Could've been worse, there are more sensitive parts of the body than the finger...


    2. 69843


      Like the foot...

    3. RJL


      careful now Father.

  10. Note to self- next time use solvents with the window open!

    1. fursty


      Father Dougal, thats what made Father Jack what he is today. Open the window

    2. RJL


      Whats that square black mark on the Window, I can't seam to shift it ?

  11. Off out for a full English.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedgateModels
    3. Horsetan


      Should ye not be giving up that type of thing for Lent?

    4. RJL


      Careful now!

  12. Oh god the wife has les miserable on!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      I can supply ear plugs.

    3. Father Dougal

      Father Dougal

      I might just poke my ear drums out- less painful than Russels singing!

    4. RJL


      Give Jack something to chuck at the Tele !

  13. Oh god the wife has les miserable on!

  14. Oh dear, we have a Kitten!

    1. RJL


      What are you going to call it ?

    2. Father Dougal

      Father Dougal

      Lola- I didn't chose the name, Mrs Doyle did.

    3. RJL


      At least it wasn't Father Jack. You'd have all that confusion again.

  15. Ouch- just pulled a muscle in my back. Walking about like I wet myself.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      My sympathies - I know what that discomfort feels like!

    3. Jim49


      Pulling a muscle in your back or......?

    4. RJL


      Did you trip over Rinnaldo's Bike ?

  16. Oh that was a hot bath!

    1. RJL


      Did Mrs Doyle do under your arms there Father ?

    2. Father Dougal

      Father Dougal

      She missed a spot

    3. RJL


      Alright so.

  17. Is eating. Particularly nice Feta cheese

    1. Metr0Land


      Not supporting Kerrygold father?

    2. Father Dougal

      Father Dougal

      Doesn't work in a Greek salad!

  18. Having a Hawaii 5 O night- book em Danno

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Horsetan


      I have this abiding image of a boat being rowed at high speed...

    3. RJL


      "Buck em Danno, murder one !"

    4. RJL


      "WHO LOVES YOU BABY !" sorry thats Kojak.

  19. I'm back- South Devon is a tad cold at present!

    1. Jawfin


      I doubt Craggy Island is much better.

    2. Father Dougal

      Father Dougal

      It's the wind- gets everywhere

    3. RJL


      Cup of Tea Father to warm you up , ah go on !

  20. That should be off, not of!

  21. Of to ride some steam trains- anyone want photos?

  22. My first 'Hot topic' can't find any Hazelnuts however.

  23. Just watched criminal minds, that put me off my tea

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      That show did the same thing to me several times...

    2. RJL


      Would you like some cake with that Father,it's got Cocaine in it .

  24. I think I might be tempted to build a steam loco!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horsetan


      Is the money just resting in your account?

    3. 69843


      Go for it I say

    4. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      put the kettle on Mrs Doyle!

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