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Everything posted by Mike

  1. More bodging on the office, pattern shop and tempering shop. I should have connected the office lights before taking a photo and tidied the working area.
  2. More bodging on the office, pattern shop and tempering shop. I should have connected the office lights before taking a photo and tidied the working area.
  3. For those that may remember my Reely Grate micro and the Fulminator. The guy is checking the drawings of parts for the MkVIII which once cast will be shipped to Reely Grate for final assembly then after rigorous testing being approved by the Ministry of Defence .All very hush hush : Oops! I’ve said too much already
  4. It’s parts for the MkVIII which once cast will be shipped to Reely Grate for final assembly before being approved by the Ministry of Defence .All very hush hush Oh I’ve said too much already
  5. Getting this ready to add to the Foundry office.
  6. Thanks Marc, the plan is the same as my Wallows layout https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/115955-the-wallows/ the fiddle yard will just be two roads with isolated head shunts. Hope this helps. cheers stay safe
  7. During the lock down in my case now 2 months due to my wife being in the most at risk group I have started yet another (my 12th) Black Country themed layout. So far I have built all the point work 4 left and i right hand and started on the buildings. The canal-side factories are based on the structures of my Wallows layout so some of you might recognize them whilst the foundry is a flight of fancy. The buildings are 2mm lite-ply with embossed plasticard overlays although the foundry office is from plasticard. The Canal-side factories will hide the fiddle yard with the foundry hiding the exit. My baseboards are on order and as soon as I can I will order the track from Marcway. Note non of the roofs are fitted only resting in place as they need finishing.
  8. The continuing saga of Harts Hill 0 gauge micro.So far the foundry building is well underway along with the pattern, repair and tempering shops as seen in the pics. The roofs are not fitted merely resting in place as the are not finished. Now on with office building and once my supplies arrive, paint and evergreen plasticard I can complete all. cheers stay safe Mike
  9. Thanks Rod, the track plan is as my Wallows layouthttps://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/115955-the-wallows/page/2/ although the boards will be 2ft wide not the original 18 inches and the layout including fiddle yard will be 12ft long an increase of 3ft. The canal side buildings will hide the fiddle yard and the foundry will hide the exit. I started the pattern shop and added the extractor to the foundry roof. Once the buildings are all constructed it will be a monumental paint and weathering session. I intend to use Marcway track when I can get it, I have all the catches and pattern makers dowels I need thanks to the fantastic next day service from Station Road Baseboards. I'm almost tempted to go DCC shock horror.
  10. Well whilst I'm waiting for my baseboards I continue to plod on with buildings for Harts Hill. First off is the foundry which will have as yet to be built the pattern shop, repair shop, work room, office tempering shed and oven. These will have direct rail access. Photos of the foundry building with the roof templates taped in position - need my supply of plastic card to arrive - just for effect.
  11. Not really an update other than I have been assembling and fitting Dingham couplings to wagons and locos. So far I have managed 11 wagons and 5 locos. I cant say that it has been an enjoyable experience but a satisfying outcome, particularly as they all worked first time which is an added bonus otherwise I might have turned to drink, Oh hang on I already have.
  12. Now you will like this (not a lot) to Paul Daniels, I happened to use the template the wrong way round and first produced a right hand point. So for the purest I have in fact got 5 points.
  13. During the lock down in my case almost a month due to my wife being in the most at risk group I have started yet another (my 12th) Black Country themed layout. So far I have built all the point work and started on the buildings. The canal side factories are based on the structures of my Wallows layout so some of you might recognize them, whilst the foundry is based on an illustration of a 3dk kit and still far from finished..
  14. That's my boy, you are putting me to shame.
  15. 2020 Leamington Exhibition , Hardwicke, Newgog,& Alvechurch. already booked. Hopefully there will be an extension completed for the Alvechurch show.
  16. Thanks, yes it is check rails and the infill is 2mm Liteply scribed with a scrawker painted with Tamiya deck tan with a touch of buff and the lines accentuated using a soft lead pencil.
  17. Sat 9th - Solihull Model Railway Circle - Annual Model Railway Exhibition St Marys Church Hall, Hobs Meadow, Solihull, West Midlands http://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/events/19876-SolihullModelRailwayCircleExhibition
  18. Hi Both, the micro albeit just the scenic section will be on the O gauge Guild Stand. The figure is from France https://www.abe44.fr/en/figurine-1-43/1256-f.html although their site is currently being updated.. cheers
  19. Now you don't expect to find dog poo around here.
  20. Thanks, the whole area is 2mm liteply scribed with a scrawker, painted with Tamiya acrylics and shaded with a soft lead pencil then sealed with testors dull cote. I have included a photo of the fiddle yard attached. The photo board not completed is a record of all my previous layouts in my Black Country theme.
  21. Boxing clever or just in case. I have constructed perhaps better described as butchered some wood a folding base support for the layout. It's rather like a folding paste table which can be carried like a suitcase and then opened out to allow the lockable legs to fold down and the whole thing act as the supporting structure. Lightweight, compact and easy to transport.
  22. Boxing clever or just in case. I have constructed perhaps better described as butchered some wood a folding base support for the layout. It's rather like a folding paste table which can be carried like a suitcase and then opened out to allow the lockable legs to fold down and the whole thing act as the supporting structure. Lightweight, compact and easy to transport.
  23. Video failed so here's a couple of stills from todays play. Loco is a kit built ex Southern B4 once owned by Stewart and Loyds so technically a Black Country engine.
  24. Video failed so here's a couple of stills from todays play. Loco is a kit built ex Southern B4 once owned by Stewart and Loyds so technically a Black Country engine.
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