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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Just a little bit more work on New Level.
  2. Just a touch more done, white glue glazed window in the lower section and a couple of more bits moving forward.
  3. Buildings under construction just propped up to see how it will look once it's finished. Loads of work to do, but I'm getting there. Don't look at the background.
  4. A bit more work on the buildings, but need to purchase more materials.
  5. Hi Marc, I'll sort out a plan, but if you know my Reely Grate layout it's the same track plan with a wye point instead of a 34" radius right hand. I have started on one of the structures the lower section in the picture in the background. It's my usual method of 2mm liteply which will be skinned with embossed plastiCard.
  6. Just to prove I have started. Track and Pensnett Railway wagon.
  7. New Level Mill a 7mm Micro Layout New Level, now there’s a name to conjure with. Well no, abracadabra is a name to conjure with, but at least as a name New Level has a certain ring to it. So, questions, what’s it all about, why such a name, what and where is it? I like building layouts simply because my enjoyment comes from the journey, rather than the finished article. I know I should get out more, but then I’m an independent almost recluse like modeller. Well if I must start somewhere it’s better to start at the beginning. New Level is yet another Earl of Dudley based layout and yes, another piece of bunkum. As this will be the 12th layout in a series of Black Country themed layouts, it has as usual my trademark massaged history and geographical manipulation. The layout is a snap shot of part of Round Oak Steel Works Brierley Hill and is based on a 7mm version of the Scalescenes boxfile layout. The name New Level Mill is from the New Level crossing on Level street which if you know the area is not at all level. Pictures to follow
  8. Hi Ken, it would appear that the chassis was in fact redrawn from the 45xx to the 44xx which caused the problems you encountered. The 45xx was re-blown from the 4mm kit so had a selection of spacers. cheers Mike
  9. Here's one I built about 35 years ago I don't recall a problem with the cylinders or clearance as you described. sorry not the best photos.
  10. Hi, Colin the backscene is hardboard and is braced with 25mm x 12mm pine strip with the 12mm against the board. Hope that helps. cheers Mike
  11. Warley went well as can be seen in Chris Nevards photo
  12. Getting everything ready for Warley when BAM!!!!! layout slipped and the screens building ended up as a kit of parts. After burning the midnight oil it is back together, but will be fitted once the layout is set up on Friday at the show. Isn't life a bowl of nail clippings.
  13. A successful show on Saturday with my youngest Granddaughter engine driver at least that what her badge said. having fun it's what the hobby is all about. Seen here with my co-operator Brendan.
  14. Getting ready for Solihull Show on the 10th, really just an excuse to play trains. Warley on the 24th/25.
  15. w Lighting rig completed it needed to be lightweight easy to fit and dismantle for transport. The photos show the assembly from the operators position, it is fitted with 3 LED down lights which are perfectly adequate and do not blind the operators. The over long dowels protruding through the top are not just to act as locating pins, but to prevent the unit being accidentally lifted off the supports,the front displays the name of the layout. The slightly out if alignment of the number 9 seen in an earlier photo has been corrected. New Lighting rig completed it needed to be lightweight easy to fit and dismantle for transport. The photos show the assembly from the operators position, it is fitted with 3 LED down lights which are perfectly adequate and do not blind the operators. The over long dowels protruding through the top are not just to act as locating pins, but to prevent the unit being accidentally lifted off the supports,the front displays the name of the layout. The slightly out if alignment of the number 9 has been corrected.
  16. Lighting pelmet now sorted other than finishing the painting. Supporting uprights clip and lock into place and the pelmet locates onto the dowels nice and simple. For the benefit of FUnit the 9 is now in the correct alignment, honest Gov.
  17. Hi, yes I see you're D49 sandwiched between me D48 and Up The Line D50. I'm also next to the Guild village. Should be fun. cheers
  18. Lighting pelmet support showing how they clip and lock into place.
  19. Been a little busy with life matters but have just completed the lighting pelmet which is fitted with 3 cabinet down lighters. The uprights (photos latter) are 28mm dowel rod which clips into lockable clips, simples. photo only shows pelmet with name applied.
  20. Work worn Hudswell stands awaiting crew who are on their PNB. (actually haven't finished painting the yet)
  21. Well if you build a railcar you need to build a platform, so here it is:
  22. Railcar fitted with a Cannon 1620 and Alan Gibson gearbox, I have had it running on the layout albeit with fly leads to the motor and I'm delighted with its performance. Now need to fit some pick-ups and finish the build and of course hide the motor with the still to be made seating .
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