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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Thanks for the compliment, I always find it mildly amusing that other than the backscene it's still the same layout which as is claimed required extensive rebuilding after passing through the hands of several owners. Just me the builder, and one other, the original purchaser of this and Ashwood Basin. Still John and Jackie the current owners are really nice people and have exhibited the layout at several shows including last years Warley almost opposite me with my Wallows layout, in fact we have exhibited at several of the same shows, so I have in effect had two layouts at the same exhibition. It's a funny old world.
  2. Just couldn't resist adding a poster reminder of a previous layout. I suppose simple things please my simple mind. Enlarged version of poster
  3. Hi Barnaby, yes it's going to be the workers train. I'm in the process of building a low wooden platform for the end of the layout. cheers Mike
  4. Rail-car now in primer and a small Cannon motor and gearbox fitted driving one axle . Just need to fit the pick-ups and I can get on with finishing the beast.
  5. Spent today at the work bench doing a bit of bodging, namely building a rail car. Need to rectify the hand rail, fit the steps and add the castings. Roof still needs to be correctly profiled before fixing but for a days work I'm quite pleased with the outcome. Chassis is not fitted, body is only placed on and not correctly positioned.
  6. Slowly getting there, just need to ballast the narrow gauge track and fit a few more stone sets then lots of weathering etc.
  7. The inspiration and the model. Now to complete the ballasting.
  8. A bit more work on the oil tank, still a way to go.
  9. Inspired by Chris Klein, I've been bodging a small oil tank. It started life as an Airfix kit built 00 Esso tank wagon. Cut and shut removing a section to shorten it added a couple of brick piers and there you go. It needs flatting,priming, painting and weathering and Oh! a nozzle for the filler pipe.
  10. Your quite correct, I have indeed changed the wire from the nickle supplied to some nice straight brass wire as you say about 1.0mm. cheers
  11. Small lead weights added to the S&W paddles,* I also use the mounting plates so the completed couplings are fitted as a unit, simples.
  12. Absolutely, if the loop is set at the right height the couplings should be spot on.
  13. Hi Barnaby, happy snaps of height gauge, goal posts, couplings and electromagnet uncoupling.
  14. Hooks fitted to both ends of the wagons, locos have goal posts on both ends. I'll post a couple of happy snaps a.s.a.p.
  15. All 4 locos have been fitted with goal posts for the S&W couplings and 8 wagons S&Ws' have had small lead weights fitted to the rear of the paddle. The weights are small round fishing weights flattened to form a disc, they work a treat.
  16. A selection of photos showing where everything goes, some things still to be finished including the ground cover, ballast and fascias.
  17. Well zip-a-dee-doo-dah, the last building is almost complete. Toilet and wash room, small and bijou, ridge tiles door knobs, guttering and down pipes, weathering and not forgetting the chimney flashing, still need to be executed. Still I'm almost there, says me with a large smug grin, although that could be down to the G&T.
  18. Hi Jordan, yes they worked, but the way I had fitted them ruined the appearance of the wagons.
  19. HI Mark, thanks for the comments. Having added 16 x 3 links I needed a lie down in a dark room, well not quite it was a large G&T. You are right about the paddles and I will be adding some lead weights to help as you described. I have started and it is nowhere near finished the extra Terra-forming, the siding extension is from some flat bottomed rail which will be almost overgrown with just the rail tops showing and as no loco's will run on this will be un-powered. Static grass still to be added.
  20. Hi Andy, Roxey Moulding do a 3ft 7" wheel insulated one side, may be of interest http://www.roxeymouldings.co.uk/
  21. Today is all about assembling 16 Sprat and Winkle couplings and fitting to 8 open wagons "Oh what joy". Built a coupling height gauge so they are all the same height, just need to fit the goal posts to the locos. I have laid short siding extension and started on a bit more Terra-firming, photos to follow.
  22. Taking a break from buildings, I thought why not do a bit of scenic bodging. The map shows the location of the pit, followed by a photo of the type of area and finally a photo of the bodge as work in progress.
  23. Well the tank build phase is finished, now to slap on some paint. One more building to complete and then I can get on with the scenic work and play trains. No I can't ! I have some track to build and lay all 300 mm of it. I must admit to be struggling with an ear infection and waiting on the hospital to get back with the swab results. I keep losing my balance so my work rate has slowed.
  24. Tank viewed from the operators side, still needs a ladder but at least it has a concrete base with leg plates and bolts.
  25. Thank you so much for your most generous comments. I'm just a happy bodger with no particular expertise in any of the modelling disciplines, a jack of all trades but a master of none. I love this hobby which over the years has enabled me to make a lot of friends.
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