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Everything posted by Mike

  1. New Level Mill ready for its first exhibition. Solihull November 9th
  2. New Level Mill ready for its first exhibition. Solihull November 9th
  3. Drains/manholes, those two blokes last seen outside the Jolly Collier (Wallows Pit) and a name. Note to self: fit those two buffer stops.
  4. Background, New Level Mill a 7mm Micro Layout New Level, now there’s a name to conjure with. Well no, abracadabra is a name to conjure with, but at least as a name New Level has a certain ring to it. So, questions, what’s it all about, why such a name, what and where is it? I like building layouts simply because my enjoyment comes from the journey, rather than the finished article. I know I should get out more, but then I’m an independent almost recluse like modeller. Well if I must start somewhere it’s better to start at the beginning. New Level is yet another Earl of Dudley based layout and yes, another piece of bunkum. As this will be the 12th layout in a series of Black Country themed layouts, it has as usual my trademark of massaged history and geographical manipulation. The layout is a snap shot of part of Round Oak Steel Works Brierley Hill and is based on a 7mm version of the Scalescenes boxfile layout. The name New Level Mill is from the New Level crossing on Level street which if you know the area is not at all level.
  5. My 0 gauge micro , just a picture from the box file section:
  6. Nice one Jeff, They do a 4 bay portacabin as a 7mm kit https://www.djparkins.com/product.php?productid=18345&cat=310&page=1 hope this helps Mike
  7. N Will be there both days wearing my Chairman badge.
  8. Reely Grate, Primrose Hill and the Muck Works aka The Saltwells Branch is in the September edition of The Hornby Magazine. Tim Johnson the new owner has done a splendid job of enhancing the model and continuing improvements. Mike
  9. Boxing day, well almost,. At least once it's finished I know the lighting works.
  10. Hi Paul, sorry for the delay in replying as my wife has spent time in hospital due to a re-occurrence of her cancer. The glue I use very sparingly is contact adhesive. I have now finished the construction of thew last building and once I have added the background I can fix them in place and finish them properly.
  11. The buildings are constructed from suitably braced 2mm LitePly and covered with embossed PlastiCard it's just my preferred method of construction. Back and end board painted but not with any sky detailing. Buildings not in their final position (still loose) as the paint was still wet. Second photo shows how the background will be treated.
  12. Hard standing fitted (requiring a minimum of gap filling). with the track-work inlaid. Buildings just plonked but loco testing went well and no derailments - sighs with relief
  13. Scenic section baseboard built so it's on with track-laying etc. soon be up and running, well maybe not so soon
  14. I have adopted the premise that the structures came first and the railway fitted in, or at least that's my excuse and of course I'm sticking to it.:)
  15. Last building before I start on the baseboards. I haven't a clue what the valves and pipes do.
  16. Hi Alan, the fittings are available from https://www.modelu3d.co.uk/ no connection with the supplier other than a very satisfied customer. cheers Mike
  17. Slowly, slowly painting and weathering has started on the mill buildings. Lots more to do and tidy up then off the work bench/drawing board and on to the base board..
  18. Hi Gordan Details http://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/events/19162-ExmoorCoastRailwayModellersExhibition Mike
  19. Today was an excellent day despite everything that the privitised railway could throw at us. No train crew i.e. cancelled service, unhelpful/lack of knowledge station staff plus a myriad of other niggles. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Lots to see, more than a smattering of 0 gauge, several Guild members and of course, Jackie and John Kneeshaw. What more could you want.......... Brilliant! Well done to all, it was a big thank you from me. Oh! I actually spent some money, now that is a first.
  20. Thanks Barnaby, a bit more work on the structures which are now more or less complete. I will start the paint job over the next couple of weeks so that I can put the in place on the base board- scenic section 900mm x 450mm. I hope to complete the micro by the end of August, notice I haven't said which year.
  21. LitePly and 2ball stanchions arrived from Cornwall Model Boats so a little more progress. Please excuse the red oxide primer.
  22. Hopper compressor, hatch and ladder installed, just a bit more work on my 0 gauge micro New Level Mill. Earl of Dudley Industrial.
  23. After a week away in the Channel Islands, a day in the work shop
  24. Thanks Barnaby, just a little bit more work done as gardening has got in the way.
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