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Ray M

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Everything posted by Ray M

  1. Whats the mileage of the class 91`s. i know the Deltics all did around 3 million miles in there 20 years.
  2. I think your slacking a bit there Lee. Ya need to try harder.
  3. Looks like 66413 is on Midland Road, today (in bits)
  4. I Thought it was That neat Thats neat, i really love your tiger feet.
  5. J6813. The APT test track as we knew it in those days. i remember them building that track bed, some time in the 70`s. And then wondering where it had gone, the first time we went over it
  6. bottom pic of the 31 ? Sorry but no 1 has done anything that looks like a 31 yet (00 Gauge that is)
  7. I remember my nephew being in the Railriders club, Ref :C8416. Dont know what it was about though ?
  8. Ya know I can`t remember seeing a wezzie on Crewe works, in those days.
  9. Nice to see thats its now pointing north again. In my earlier photo at Wakefield Westgate, its pointing South.
  10. Just love 1 of the other videos on that page of "Dawlish rain v shine"
  11. Thanks to all. I`ve phoned him ,this morning and he seems well chuffed that he needs no other mods.
  12. No DCC involved. And all the points will be new Peco. So there should be no mods. He did send me this pic, using some old track that he has. To give a rough idea.
  13. Yes it does help a little. I did have a good read of the forum before i found out i`ve just had a senior moment.
  14. Hello to all. My nephew as sent me this simple diagram of some sidings he wants to lay (on a new project) He tells me that the only insulfrog point is the double slip, the others are all electro frog. He has bought himself a few of these Peco electro fishplates with the wire feeds & some insul fishplates. the question i ask, is where do you put what. I`m still doing the old insulfrogs every where, so i have no idea about this new fangled stuff. Thanks to all.
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