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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Moscow Ayrshire is not far from where I live, However the locals insist that the village name is pronounced as Mos cow (as in the Bovine variety). Meanwhile only 47 miles away near Falkirk Jim
  2. On a similar vein, our French book at school told us that a raincoat was "le caoutchouc" and with the usual teacher this was no problem. Then we had a young French woman as a supply teacher for a while and when le caoutchouc was used she went bright red and suggested that imperméable was more appropriate. Turns out that le caoutchouc = rubber = condom, hence the embarrassment. Jim
  3. Think we have to establish equivalence, e.g. Primark Shoes = 2nd hand Lima loco Jimmy Choo Shoes = at least one sound fitted professionally weathered Accurascale loco
  4. Filled it in, however under the question asking which area I model it would not let me select Scotland, the box simply wouldn't tick, I had to select the unspecified area box to get past that question Jim
  5. Aberdeen! now, should I post here, the Forum Jokes thread or things that make you smile. Easily the biggest cup upset since 1967, well done Darvel, hope you do the same to Falkirk in the next round.
  6. Not sure if this should have been in the Football forum.....
  7. Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy - Elton John
  8. Just watched a humdinger on Netflix. "The Last Passenger" The film is a thriller set on-board two Class 421 “4-CIG” EMU carriages (numbers 76747 and 62385 from unit 1399). Despite the coaches used, artistic licence was taken and the carriages were portrayed as diesel powered for the purpose of the storyline. There is so much wrong with this film yet the producers went to great lengths to shoot it, including trucking two carriages to the studios and setting them on a jig with various hydraulics to simulate motion Jim
  9. Rule 2, should the aforesaid loco fail to perform while on that region, it is mandatory that fans of the host region must ridicule the capabilities of the visiting loco.
  10. Am I alone in being a bit uneasy about the inclusion of naked children in the set? Jim
  11. Trying to work out why there should be soot blackening of the bridge above one track and not the other. Is there a gradient here with the unit descending the hill? Jim
  12. My friend claims he can build a gun using his new 3D printer. But I’m not impressed. I’ve had a canon printer for years.
  13. Could result in a resurrection of their live steam locos under the "strategic reserve" brand.
  14. I have a friend who worships certain shades of blue. He's a cyantologist
  15. The Magicians Birthday - Uriah Heep
  16. Pull the udder one. (and don't call me Shirley)
  17. Guaranteed to be on the shelves of every charity shop by the Coronation. Jim
  18. Reports are coming in of queues already forming ahead of Harry's book signing.
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