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Everything posted by HeeleyBridge

  1. The Ballad of Johnny Reb - Flying Saucers
  2. Red River Rock - Johnny & the Hurricanes
  3. Yup got all those. But then, I was banned from our local pub quiz for telling the guy who set it that he got the question wrong (three times in one night) ... He said I was an obnoxious know all. I told him he was completely correct, I'm quite proud of it and that it was the nicest thing anybody had said to me all day. How can you answer a question properly when the question itself is wrong? Just the neurotic Yorkie to contend with today, #2 son comes home from his well deserved holiday with the family in Skeg Vegas tomorrow. It's the first week away he's had in three years. He's usually he taken the wife and kids and then gone back to work while he was working in the hotels. The change of jobs has given him better hours and a lot more free time. He'll be back driving his bus on Monday.
  4. And so day four of #2 son's neurotic Yorkshire terrier and #1 son's kids (while their bathroom is being refitted). I need a holiday, a long, long holiday in a far away place. Mars looks very good today ...
  5. The old fella around 1950 (white helmet).
  6. Dead Egyptian Blues - Michael Smith
  7. Way Down Yonder In New Orleans - Freddy Cannon
  8. Wash Machine Boogie - Echo Valley Boys
  9. Ain't Wasting Time No More - The Allman Brothers
  10. Aww I baked you cakes. You'll feel much better when you've munched them.
  11. Ok I have to stop posting to have a snack
  12. Poisoning Pigeons in the Park - Tom Lehrer be afraid ...
  13. Nadden dee beeave else dat gooin int coyal oyal.
  14. Incredibible engineering no doubt, but that thing is fugly..
  15. Kinell, this isn't about apostrophes, it's my life. Inreigghtsheffeldishthesnocommasandspacesthanooersthesjuswotthawantstosehtektheglocklestopanshuvitweertsunduntshine.
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