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Everything posted by manna

  1. G'Day Folks. T go to the other end of the spectrum, a Deltic had two exhaust ports and 36 cylinders ! manna
  2. manna

    Hornby P2

    G'Day Folks I find with Hornby chassis, a small hole first, then slightly bigger and so on until you get to the right size hole. manna
  3. G'Day Folks Some of the early Black fives also used the Flying Scotsman chassis............ manna
  4. G'Day Folks Apologies to Londontram, for forgetting he asked me a question, The B12 wouldn't be bad, but the old Tri-Ang Princess, is even closer 26mm, only 1 mm out. Haven't been wasting my time, been fixing up a couple of GN tenders, new wheels, coal etc, but no coal rails yet. I've also been running some trains, many have been packed up so that I can finally get round to plastering the ceiling, now that's going to make a mess, talking of making a mess, I've made the splashers for the B1 (couple of pics below) going to need a bit of filler etc. manna
  5. G'Day Gents In a few more years, I'll probably be doing that without the aid of sauce............... manna
  6. G'Day Folks Where did St Peter, get his nips !!!!!
  7. G'Day Folks The SAS proved that on German held airfields in North Africa, but they didn't get out of their jeeps. manna
  8. G'day Folks I was waiting for the Lynx to pick the ship up and take it back to Port !!! LOL manna
  9. G'Day Folks Probably a running in turn, something slow and gentle, let all the parts bed in. manna
  10. G'Day Folks Modern image porn, positively ancient now, mines prehistoric (19320/30's LNER) manna
  11. G'Day Folks St Enodoc......patron saint of 'Fizzy' drinks. manna (well know three legged horse)
  12. G'Day Folks With the RN so short of staff, would it not be a good idea ( ??) to have a talk with our Allies (Australia/NZ/USA Canada) to 'borrow' some crew members to 'pack' out ships crew numbers, it would help to foster good relations with Britain's Allies Etc. manna
  13. G'Day Folks State of the Art............sold in packets !! manna
  14. G'day Folks It said on the blurb, that the tender came from a 'Kitmaster' loco, and kitmaster made a NYC 4-6-4. manna
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