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Everything posted by manna

  1. G'day Gents I suppose after you had been 'dobbed in' by some 'snitch' you could very well want to jam them under a wagons wheels ?? manna
  2. G'day Gents In the Kings Cross area, they were called a 'Scotch' there a wedge with a handle on, you jam them under the wheels to stop wagons (and loco's) running away. manna
  3. G'day Gents Can't be bothered to build one loco at a time, he builds 'Fleets' of em ! Excellent looking loco's. manna
  4. G'day Gents From my point of view, one of the best parts of our hobby is taking a RTR loco and bashing it into something else, many years of reading the modelling comics has inspired me to 'get on with it'. Some of them are new bodies (scratch built)on RTR chassis, others are modified bodies on there original chassis, most of these loco's are of Ex, GN prototypes not available at RTR. manna
  5. G'day Gents I use a nail board to smooth out some of the bumps etc, even used ones are useful. manna
  6. G'day Gents Forecourt looks great, but did you take the picture at 5am on a Sunday morning ? there's only one guy waiting for his morning paper !! what time does' the morning paper train arrive, other than that tiny niggle, Brilliant. manna
  7. G'day Gents Thanks for the thought JCL, and to the people that gave me the likes. Time for another update, enjoying retirement, getting plenty done, I've 'Teaked' half a dozen old Hornby 'Gresley' coaches, I'll put up some piccys soon, the N1 is coming along well it's been painted numbered (one side), but I think the numbers are to far apart, so I'll probably change them, condensing gear has also been made and fitted, I wasn't happy with the dome so out with a big file, a new brass one was fitted, the same with the chimney (which I think was a GC one ) has been changed to a GN type, courtesy of Woodcock 29 (thank you Andrew) Plaster work has been done on the layout a more grass planted, I'll have to resurrect my Edgware thread (think it's down to page 50 ?) Here's the piccys. manna
  8. G'day Gents "Staying at the Tower".....................Off with his head !! layouts coming on a treat. manna
  9. G'day Gents We might as well go the whole hog...............build a balcony, so that you can stand outside to take your photo's . manna.
  10. G'day Gents I have seen many of Olivers Pacific loco's, and not one have slipped during my observations, although, I will admit they were all standing in a siding at Barry !! manna
  11. G'day Gents I tried golf 'once' I had visions of St Andrews, US open etc, But, I took 108 to go round Southamptons 'Putt-Putt' course (9 holes), never picked up a club again. manna
  12. G'day Gents Be nice, Sir Nigel probably has his other hand on a pistol hidden in his coat pocket.....................Look out Tommo !! manna
  13. G'day Gents An answer for your door problem is easy, remove your the lock and fit a 'Ball catch' ( I know it could be painful) in it's place, save you getting locked in. Definition of 'Heaven'.................getting locked in the railway room. LOL manna PS, Naked Duck=Plucked Duck !!!!!!
  14. G'day Gents From a railway point of view, the K3 and crew would probably have a back working, I've had many like that, when you can see no reason for doing what you did. Nice pics to. manna
  15. G'day Gents Three old ladies from the Old Folks home are sitting on a bench at the local park when a male streaker runs up to them and stands right in front of them, two of the old ladies had a Stroke.. the other couldn't reach.
  16. G'day Gents Well things have changed a bit since my last update, my foot hasn't healed, so it's back on with the moonboot, also I have a blood clot in my leg, so I'm on blood thinners to, and I've retired, now there should be plenty of time to model (it won't last.) The N1 has been in my firing line, I've cut off part of the bunker sides and refitted curved sidesheets and refitted the coal-rails that I carefully cut of, a bit of filler and there as good as new. the front running plate came in for a bit of treatment, this was cut back, as the area under the smokebox is very short, part of the chassis was cut back as well. Time now the refit the handrails etc. manna
  17. G'day Gents Adding to your list of tools, I'd like to add one more, a small Black and Decker, Angle Grinder, with a thin cutting blade, used carefully, it can save so much hand filing, a few seconds and your back to the work bench (I use mine in the workshop). manna
  18. G'Day Gents Time to buy a chainsaw.......... manna
  19. G'Day Gents I bet Tony has a large CANE, hidden under the layout. manna
  20. G'day Gents Mallard, that's a price not to be whistled at, back in 1970, 500 pounds was thought expensive for a nameplate !!!! manna
  21. G'day Gents No turntable at Tweedbank......disgraceful, what's the world coming to. manna
  22. G'day Gents School holidays...........innit. manna
  23. G'day Gents Ears !!!!!!!! Those GW things are weird. manna
  24. G'day Gents I have seen a A3 or V2 back lit up in the way you did your back lit O4, and on a goods train, only trouble is I can't remember where I saw it. manna
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