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Everything posted by scottystitch

  1. MC-130J I think. There are six at Mildenhall. these are for Special Operations use so frequently at low level. They are used for infiltration, e filtration and resupply of SO troops. They are also used to air-refuel SO helicopters. The one you saw would most likely, then, be carrying out training. best Scott
  2. thanks for the information so far. For clarity my project is set in Glasgow so I’m concerned primarily with trains to and from Glasgow. best scott.
  3. Can anyone advise the situation in the above time period regarding locomotive changes on trains between London and Glasgow. I'm aware that many Glasgow trains changed locomotives at Crewe. Did the same happen at Carlisle? Also what about the other way, Glasgow - London? Did the locomotive come off at Carlisle and then Crewe? Trains between Glasgow and Liverpool/Manchester, Same locomotive throughout or change at Carlisle? My roster will use mainly Type 4s (40) and Princess Coronations for the London trains. Jubilee and Royal Scots for the Liverpool/Manchester. Many thanks Best Scott.
  4. Viewers might remember I took advantage of the offer on Horizon Zero Dawn a while ago. I haven’t had much time to play it; however my immune system has now been visited by the ‘rona so I had a run at it this afternoon. I’m not far into it (8%?) and only just met the Corruptor for the first time. I need to figure out the best way to defeat him/her/it. loving it though, I have to say. And a main protagonist I actually care about. best Scott.
  5. London Upper Service and London Middle Service (in the context of flight levels and heights) Best Scott.
  6. No, that's correct. We don't have any. I understand there is a Dutch mobile launcher, however, that can fire Harpoon. Maybe (if the land-based Harpoon story is correct) it's in conjunction with a launcher like that? Best Scott. EDIT: Found it. It was Denmark https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Danish_Navy (Ctrl F and search for MOBA) Not sure if it's still operational so it may be irrelevant. Scott.
  7. https://www.militaryaerospace.com/sensors/article/14214005/taiwan-coastal-defense-harpoon-missile Best Scott.
  8. I solder to the link wire underneath the turnout. I then countersink the hole through the board for the wire. This accommodates the solder joint without upsetting the correct laying of the turnout. I don't think I've ever ended up with one side isolated so that may be a different problem you've had. Best Scott.
  9. Does this help? https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=19&lat=53.95443&lon=-1.09936&layers=168&b=1 Best Scott.
  10. It's refreshing to see/hear a sound fitted model locomotive being driven properly with regard to throttle and coasting. Thanks for sharing. Best Scott.
  11. Apparently, one of them is a GCR Bogie Fish Van from Tiny Undeground Models: https://fb.watch/bEi0_2_YJ0/ Best Scott.
  12. Does this 1961 1:1,250 help any? https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=17&lat=51.54411&lon=-0.34967&layers=170&b=1 Best Scott.
  13. I know there have been variations on this theme posted before, but it never hurts to watch this kind of thing again... This factory is apparently in Rumania/Romania. Best Scott.
  14. It seem Uncharted, despite it's failings, is doing rather well - which bodes well for a sequel. $100m already, with a budget of $120m before marketing. It is generally accepted that a film needs to double it's straight budget to be deemed a success, so it looks on track... https://www.businessinsider.com/uncharted-movie-beats-box-office-expectations-details-reviews-2022-2?r=US&IR=T Best Scott.
  15. Agreed; and is that paperwork on the floor, beyond the chap in the striped top? Best Scott.
  16. I couldn't figure out if they were left luggage lockers for use from the van, or if they were in the process of being delivered to the station building, or if it was a secure parcel transport arrangement... Best Scott.
  17. I see what you did there… Best Scott.
  18. In other news I had a spare bit of time to give Horizon a go. Very impressed so far. I've not done much, just the first stage of being let loose on my own prior to going to the hunger games proving trials, but what I've seen looks great. Very promising. The machinamels look great. Maybe by the time (if) I finish this, they sequel will be at a silly price too! Best Scott.
  19. Well it depends. I'm generally quite hard to please when it comes to movies. As a movie, it was pretty poor. Minimal character development, a lot that didn't make sense, felt rushed. But as a tie-in with the game, it was probably okay. There were recognisable scenes from the games - The auction from UC4, the aerial scene from UC3, discovery of the prize from UC4. Nate's brother make an appearance. Some nice touches such as a scene out the back of a C-17A where Nate is jumping from air droppable cargo to air droppable cargo, in a similar (albeit ludicrous) style to that found in the game. Also there is a point when Nate purloins a torso gun holster and puts it on, which is quite pleasing. The only character cast well was Chloe, who I think they got absolutely spot on, but like the other characters, was criminally left under-developed. Sadly, I just didn't care too much about any of the characters. The film was touted as Indian Jones-esque, when it truth it was nowhere near as professionally put together, despite being reasonably slick in places. I think it tries to do too much in too short a time and has no real focus. The dialogue wasn't awful, but the the script fell flat when trying to develop any kind of wise-cracking between Nate and Sully. The only time it felt like they'd gotten the banter right, was in the closing scene, pre-credits, and then again in the second post-credits scene. I wouldn't say avoid it, but don't rush to see it. In a word, underwhelming. (It suited my SO, since it required zero thought, and there were scenes she recognised from watching me play the games.) As I intimated earlier, it would have been better as a slower burning series or mini-series, perhaps taking one volume of the game and dramatising it almost scene by scene. UC4 would, in my view have been the better one to start with in that vein. Subsequent series' could then be produced to introduce some back story. Nathan Filian seems the obvious choice to play Nate, who knows, maybe Tom Sellick as Sully... If only I was a mega rich producer. Best Scott.
  20. I didn't mind the sword fight... I am going to see the film tonight, I don't hold out much hope, but the other half wanted to watch something she didn't have to think too hard about and I'm sure this will fit the bill. I'd have much rather someone like HBO had taken this on as a series, and tried to run it faithfully to one of the games. But hey-ho, maybe it will surprise me. Best Scott.
  21. Ah, I thought it looked a bit smaller than your model, but as you were! I don't think you're pushing the boundaries all that far. It's not at the terminus, but the Burghead branch served a facility about mid way along the line, at Roseisle Maltings: https://www.google.com/maps/@57.6695046,-3.4762375,3a,75y,125.59h,85.02t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sjNIj8LYsVnoqdH1KwO-yZw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en The line has been lifted but you can see it's remnants in the line of trees. The line was still active into the 90s, although not serving Burghead. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Burghead/@57.6693795,-3.4732471,1275a,35y,119.97h/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x4885737649db9aef:0xb3ae2868bff551d3!8m2!3d57.700232!4d-3.489213?hl=en In the link below, you can see where it's sits, in the centre of the map, and it's relative size. On the right, you can also see where the branch left the main line (Aberdeen to Inverness) at Alves. Burghead is bottom left. https://www.google.com/maps/@57.6684202,-3.4736629,7224a,35y,101.35h/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en Best Scott.
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