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Everything posted by kevinklein

  1. seems evergreen have already been on the job,,, double fold for us OOh! people, single fold for the "senior scale bottom" i`ll go get my "snufflecoat"
  2. As an interleaved sheet counter, i`m wondering if at this time Izal medicated in the flat pack would have been more authentic...? any ideas on how you`re going to tackle the printing?
  3. *last time i`ll off topic harrys thread!* quite correct... i just spent ten minutes banging my head trying to work out why 625 is in my head, then finally got it... i lived in 625a Sipson Rd... yes, 223 was my bus, and my skool seems to have a homepage too... very progressive, and i bet the HM does`nt have a cane any more....(OUCH!)
  4. brut brute link,,, any help? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Rail_Universal_Trolley_Equipment lovely pic here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thanoz/4890480328/in/photostream/ in tasty orange: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:307-blue_brute_Liv-St-Stn.jpg and working: http://www.nrm.org.uk/ourcollection/photo?group=Liverpool%20Street&objid=1995-7233_LIVST_PM_259 http://www.nrm.org.uk/ourcollection/photo?group=Liverpool%20Street&objid=1995-7233_LIVST_PM_258 and final resting place.... http://www.flickr.com/photos/phill_dvsn/3628420507/
  5. oops, my silly, i lived in Sipson, only my school was still called Heathrow Primary (bus 625 )... i lived in sipson road, right next to the airport entrance/tunnel road.... my "playground" as a youngster was in fact the airport... we knew it in and out, better than the customs then, as we were`nt often caught playing on the planes remember Edmonds too, now... seemed HUGE to a small boy good progress on the layout!!
  6. That`s not cheating, it`s "creative modelling time enhancement" lovely shed!
  7. i lived in bedfont then, caught the 117 bus to hounslow, if i recall correctly... the only working steam i saw was in that area, up towards feltham, so early sixties... i was very young, and we moved a lot....brentford, heathrow village... if i had a tenner for every address we had, i`d be rich:-D
  8. i used to go to the saturday matinee in the regal
  9. is that a double sided buffer next to the engineers building, in the colour picture?
  10. try shift+alt+delete... all their trousers disappear!
  11. with a bit of chocolate sauce for rust, and a maple syrup "grime" wash, it would look the bizz on any wedding cake, turn it upside down, and theres 8 very convincing candles.. a crunchy alternative to icing!
  12. this little video explains how spam cans work, i actually openened a tin of "bulleid" beef using the same system yesterday.... the world hasnt moved on that much ("tulip" is a spam similar substance, freely available in Austria)
  13. on ebay at the moment, with british rail "livery" http://www.ebay.at/itm/Britischer-Behalterwagen-WATNEYS-Lima-HO-451-E-gebr-/390651538834?pt=DE_Modellbau_Modelleisenbahnen&hash=item5af4a56d92 i bet one of you buys it:-D the tanks were also used for sludge/oil in diesel depots, and were often seen around dungeness... but always found their way back to Watneys... yummy!
  14. you know it makes sense... with a good "turnout" and a bit of work on those "subtle curves", you`re sure to "catch" her eye... probably won`t even need to "slip" her a double... good thing you`re not GWRish... we can leave out the "jiggles"... ooer..."time for bed" said Zebedee
  15. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/268005_10151517865452930_1559891771_n.jpg
  16. I find it interesting, trying ways of giving the viewing public new perspectives on a layout... if DCC enables one to operate the layout from the front without a spagghetti of wires, then maybe that gives people the feel of being involved, and allows contact with the operators, and surely better than noses hanging over the back of a backscene... video is surely an interesting tool to try out, again to give unusual views of a layout... my opinion, not having seen the "experiments" live... KK
  17. don`t worry, i`ve been lurking the modeller foren long enough to know why RMweb suits my... erm... sense of humour...
  18. interesting reading though, is the entry for "digital camera" in wikipedia, with lots of information about the importance of sensor size, as opposed to pixel count... i learned a bit about this trying to work out why my new 10 megapixel samsung is so rubbishy compared to my old canon 2megapixel... the size of the sensor affects directly the ability of the camera to capture undistorted pictures, and the older digital cameras had much bigger sensors relative to the original 35mm film format... modern "cheap" sensors are around 6x6mm, and the camera uses all sorts of digital techniques to compensate for fish eye effects... anyway, `nufff bla bla, i have alll my old cameras still, maybe if i get time i`ll set up a similar train to yours, and make a comparison between "old" and "new" digicams. very interesting subject tho, if it dosent already have a thread, maybe photography should get one here, then we can really go into things like coulour(liveries) and how differently people percieve them, and what factors influence that perception!
  19. just google "burnt out caravan", theres loads of piccies... but you`re definitely on the right track. ooh, my first post, and no mention of pies.... oops.
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