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Everything posted by rab

  1. rab

    EBay madness

    Probably just bounce right back up again.
  2. rab

    EBay madness

    Makes me wonder were it all came from?
  3. rab

    EBay madness

    So they are, not far off 0-4-0 then,
  4. Shave it off the edges and add it onto the ends.
  5. rab

    EBay madness

    No, they're 0-6-0's.
  6. Was it returning from its ill fated birthday tour,or going elsewhere to have the effects of its ill fated tour rectified,
  7. rab

    EBay madness

    Probably a few gauging issues there!
  8. rab

    EBay madness

    I see the listing has been ended 'because of an error'!
  9. Its been a silly situation there.Traffic has been diverted down that road, away from the town centre, but there's been road works with traffic lights, near the bridge as well. Bad planning somewhere,
  10. rab

    EBay madness

    It might make a hole in the middle of your wallet though,
  11. True but if no one had taken a risk and tried something new, where would we be now?
  12. I guess as punters it doesn't make that much difference to us, but I can understand that exhibitors putting in quite a lot of hard work, want to know who is benefiting from that hard work
  13. Showing my ignorance, which I know I can on RMweb, what does POP stand for!
  14. By the time he'd finished unloading all that coal, the hi vis would probably have been black anyway.
  15. I imagine that would cause even more problems than rucksacks. Rather than being hit in the face by a swinging rucksack, you'd be sent sprawling tripping over a low shopping trolley,
  16. rab

    EBay madness

    Perhaps the fact that it has no wheels explains why it's described as 'stranded'
  17. rab

    EBay madness

    . Painted/weathered with the wife's lipstick and mascara?
  18. I should have realised there is nothing new on RMweb.A very interesting thread. Having spent over 25 years designing with CAD, at least 10 of those in 3D, I would certainly agree its not just a case of pressing a few keys and a finished design appearing. Sometimes it could be very frustrating trying to get the system to create what was required, but when it worked the results could be very rewarding, But hey, I'm in danger of taking my own thread off topic!
  19. A comment in the '3D transfers' thread interested me, but not wanting to take thread off topic, I thought I'd start a new one. The comment was about using a full side transfer of a coach side on plasticard then cutting through the window apertures, but the poster then posed the question 'Would this still be scratchbuilding'? The reason I ask is that I have drawn up on CAD, outlines for a structure I want to create. I was planning to print these onto paper, stick them onto card, then cut round the printed outlines, a process which to me sounds similar to cutting through the waterslide outline. Will I still be scratchbuilding. How do you defibe scratchbuilding!
  20. I wish you well, (in your attempts to get this thread back on topic)!
  21. Perhaps that's because all the original pictures were in black and white
  22. I see the sleeper stock has been stabled at Laira the last couple of days, Presumably this is because of the problems with the fire at St. Erth?
  23. Didn't you know, that's how RMweb works now. Keeping threads on topic is old hat.
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