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Status Updates posted by centraltrains

  1. Why were the Three Kings late to visit Jesus? The Orient Express was ran by Southern railway.

    1. Hroth


      "Southern regret the late arrival of this joke, due 6th January, 2018..."

  2. Hornby customer services: "Due to training we are closed until 3, try again after". 3PM: "We are closed". Terrible.

    1. Hroth


      Its to be expected, its POETS day....

    2. Liam


      They didn't mention anything about another announcement did they?

    3. Horsetan


      This is just like some government departments.

  3. Results day tomorrow e.e

    1. Jack374


      Indeed...good luck to all, I’ll be up at 5:15 but by 6am when ours are released I should see a charter pass by me!

    2. cal.n


      Good luck. I see you have your priorities right (-:

    3. Liam


      I too am getting my results next Thursday, GCSEs that is.

  4. ASDA FM better not be going with this merger...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hroth


      ASDA FM Popular music for the masses...

    3. Paul.Uni


      Will we get Nectar Points in Asda? If so more Ebay and VTEC spending money.

    4. centraltrains


      Horth, you must've not heard it between 8AM-12PM on Mondays & Thursdays then! Gets quite retro!!

  5. Overspent on ebay.... On a bus...................

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. thaddeus


      did that once, eventually sold it to a hippy who took it to Iraq

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Did you have to sell your car to fund your e-bay purchases, then?

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Was the word 'rare' in the description?

  6. Been spray painting platforms and joining up bridges today!

  7. Upgrading my Hornby Pacer, Yes - Pacers can be upgraded... Supposedly.

    1. Kris


      To razor blades?

    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      The subframes (motor/drive and trailing) of the powered car can be used on a 4 wheel railbus (needs 70 thou' of packing above the trailing subframe if they're going into a DIY chassis). I've used one on a On30 railbus.


      The floor they're fitted to isn't great - especially the big metal block hanging from the centre.


      The interior needs a lot of work.


      The bodyshell basically looks the part (despite the wrong doors).

    3. centraltrains


      I 3D Printed a modern interior, so apart from lift ups for the pickup hubs it is much better :)

  8. Connecting all the track wires together! Soon trains will no longer have to run in one block only!

    1. BoD


      Red to red. Black to black. Red to red. Black to ......

  9. Has anyone modelled that train time machine from the end of back to the future 3?

    1. Captain Kernow
    2. ian


      Yes - but it disappeared when I ran it...

    3. The Black Hat

      The Black Hat

      No... but keep your eyes on my RTR detail thread. I'm sort of working on it!

  10. Anyone know of a search term for those copper strips used to pickup electricity from wheels? "Pickup" doesn't give too much :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. big jim

      big jim

      try replica railways for them, thats where i got mine from

    3. centraltrains
    4. Sam Moss

      Sam Moss

      slaters plasticard also do them.

  11. Added lighting to my TTS class 97! Shame the super glue ruined the look :( Anyone know of alternatives (which don't melt the plastic like poly cement?)

    1. modfather


      pva or a canopy glue from a model shop.


  12. Finally added directional lighting to my Class 156!

  13. What trains should I buy this year? Class 121, 90, 68, 395, New Livery 373?

  14. Bachmann 150, London Midland please!

    1. rs4


      Here, here. It's a nice livery in my view.

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