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6892 Oakhill Grange

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Status Updates posted by 6892 Oakhill Grange

  1. Oakhill Grange has just stuck a craft knife in his finger. Anybody else owning up to being an idiot today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. toboldlygo


      Oakhill Grange, you're supposed to cut away from yourself ;)


    3. mark374


      think my day as village idiot is tomorrow

    4. Metr0Land


      I printed Scalescenes brickwork onto self-adhesive A4 paper. Trouble is, when I peeled the backing off... well you can guess why I had to look for some PVA

  2. Oakhill Grange is sitting on the floor checking (colouring) P&IDs.

  3. I have lost my GWR goods wagon books I have been searching and judging by my foul language I have Tourret's.

    1. Mikkel



    2. Zero Gravitas

      Zero Gravitas

      How? It's possibly the biggest book I own...

  4. Ahh Ramadhan again. Favourite time of year, dehydrated all morning and then nice quiet afternoons in the office. Drive safe all of you.

  5. Ahh Ramachandran again. Favourite time of year, dehydrated all morning and then nice quiet afternoons in the office. Drive safe all of you.

  6. Lorna Doone on the other hand is fabulous. So good they named a Dean Single after it.

  7. I have watched more Poldark in 2017 than in 1977. At aged 9 I recognised it's literary value. 40 years later is this what marriage is about.

  8. Two days seem to have passed with no comments on the OR Dean Goods

    1. bgman


      Don't start ! :))

    2. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      They're grazing in a different field at the moment.

  9. I will not believe in a brexit hangover until the ultrascale delay is less than 5 months.

    1. Horsetan


      Could be a long wait.

    2. sharris


      I remember a Brexit hangover after a post-referendum pub session.

  10. I will not believe in a brexit hangover until the ultrascale delay is less tha.

  11. I will not believe in a brexit hangover until the ultrascale delay is less tha.

  12. I will not believe in a brexit hangover until the ultrascale delay is less tha.

  13. I will not believe in a brexit hangover until the ultrascale delay is less tha.

  14. Has just decided not to buy himself some ultrascales for xmas.

    1. Welly


      This coming Xmas or the Xmas after?

    2. Horsetan


      Or even this century.

  15. Ah! Singapore what a change from Muscat! Still no modelling supplies though. Toilets on A350 OK, long time since my last trip on a voyager.

  16. Blue smoke escaped from another decoder.

    1. SHMD


      It's ok. It's gone to Silicon Heaven.

    2. bgman


      New Pope ?

  17. Just drilled some CSB fulcrum points.

    1. gridwatcher


      If what I told my wife was true you could buy a sound fitted O gauge class 20! Ahem!!

    2. Tim Dubya
    3. 6892 Oakhill Grange

      6892 Oakhill Grange

      Already have some Hornsby depleted uranium wheels. Doh just typed uranium on the web, knock knock at the door.

  18. Anyone now the proud owner of a Part built Finney prairie?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      Whoever it is certainly paid a bit more than he intended to...

    3. Brinkly


      I was watching it, but then when the price started going up I stopped watching! What did it go for in the end?

    4. Horsetan
  19. Did some modelling earlier but then discovered 20 pages of ANTB to read,

    1. gwrrob


      Thanks, I think that's a compliment.

  20. Wife has just returned from a business trip to the UK with a selection of train bits, 500 nespresso capsules and 8 kg of pork. I shall eat well, not sleep for a while and have plenty to do while unable to sleep and there will be no more motor gearbox combos for a Dean goods.

  21. Wife has just returned from a business trip to the UK with a selection of train bits, 500 nespresso capsules and 8 kg of pork. I shall eat well, not sleep for a while and have plenty to do while unable to sleep and there will be no more motor gearbox combos for a Dean goods.

  22. Wife has just returned from a business trip to the UK with a bag of goodies for the

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