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6892 Oakhill Grange

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Everything posted by 6892 Oakhill Grange

  1. I have just walked to the display cabinet and looked at the tender. What is wrong with it? Once a comet chassis was stuck underneath it it seems fine. Perhaps too much daylight now becuse of no well tank but you can't have everything.
  2. Zoom in and take a look at the boiler washout plugs. Better still buy an Airfix DG and a brand new Bachy Collet Goods and compare the boiler washout plugs.
  3. It looks good but i thought that the aa15 had the old style rod hangers for the footboards and the strip type appeared later. As the strip type are much stronger in model form this seems like a good move but in that case why not model the AA18 or later allowing those who wish to make an aa15 using Dartcastings bits and some wire. Oakhill
  4. I approached that bridge in 2003, joked with the wife that I hoped that there wasn't a train coming. Guess what aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!
  5. Years in the Mid East may have made me easily offended but l find top feed on a small tank engine deeply offensive. Yours Disgusted of Al Tunbridge Wells
  6. I was a little worried about this on my own project. But I found the Comet roof tape a doddle to use. I used dividers to mark the position of a rib relative to the previous one and each rib ended up parallel to the eye and cruel enlargement in a photo.
  7. Duette: still my most used.
  8. Does smut mean that fireboxgate is over. I almost said waistgate but that word is a little charged.
  9. Hacksaw is probably too brutal. Not sure what to suggest though.
  10. Schrodinger's Layo Schrodinger's layout
  11. As both seem to have oversized splashers, I would be tempted to use Oxford's running plate to get the rivets. Oakhill
  12. I will not believe in a brexit hangover until the ultrascale delay is less than 5 months.

    1. Horsetan


      Could be a long wait.

    2. sharris


      I remember a Brexit hangover after a post-referendum pub session.

  13. I will not believe in a brexit hangover until the ultrascale delay is less tha.

  14. I will not believe in a brexit hangover until the ultrascale delay is less tha.

  15. I will not believe in a brexit hangover until the ultrascale delay is less tha.

  16. I will not believe in a brexit hangover until the ultrascale delay is less tha.

  17. Where I live using a garage to bypass traffic lights is perfectly normal. UK is a bastion of decent road behaviour and this is reflected in the death per million of population or death per billion km figures. The second world is slaughter on the roads and the third world is chaos. Oakhill
  18. Problem is that the plain vanilla 57xx/8750/97xx/67xx//riveting pannier is in need of a facelift. Correct tank filler, correct cab doors, lack of top feed or presence of, correct brake shoes, 3D tank stools, roof grab rails only when necessary etc. While required in masses for ant GWR layout post 1938 or so, not very cute and therefore not currently commercially viable in 4mm - very bizarre. How much does a commission actually cost. Oakhill
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