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Everything posted by nightstar.train

  1. My wallet, she canna take anymore! Really looking forward to new announcements, and more 37s. If the new announcement is an 08 I’ll be filing for bankruptcy in March! (Although if they’re in BR blue my wallet will be saved).
  2. I've just fitted both my 92s with the pre programmed DCC chips from Accurascale. They work brilliantly, although one slight annoyance. They are programmed with the functions exactly as the sound version, so the lighting and pantograph functions are all in the 20s with most of the other functions empty. Not ideal, but fairly easily sorted if you have something like Decoder Pro. Might be rather difficult if you're just doing it via CVs though. All the different lighting functions are brilliant, and the pantographs are just amazing. One question. Are the Accurathrash speakers in the 92s the same as the ones that the Deltic take? I'm very unlikely to fit my 92s with sound, so I wondered if I could swap the speakers into my Deltics if I buy a sound chip for them.
  3. Can I ask why DCC Sound on the 50 is £10 more than on the 31 and £20 than on the Deltic? (Class 50 DCC Sound is £110 more than DCC ready, class 31 £100 more and Deltic £90 more). Is it much fancier than on your earlier models?
  4. Goddammit Accurascale. I've just ordered a EWS 31, and now you've gone and announced Elgar. I'll have to wait a bit before ordering it, hope they don't sell out in record time!
  5. Implying you made over 7500 sets. That’s, um, wow! That’s a LOT of coaches.
  6. Hope this is allowed here, the banner at the top of the page does say "& Legomanbiffo sounds" If I bring some chips along to you at Model Rail Scotland will you be able to reblow them? Happy to drop them off Friday and collect Saturday or Sunday if it helps., And I presume it's better if i take the chips out the locos? Sorry if that's obvious but I've never had a loco reblown before.
  7. Rather disappointed that they haven’t announced Blanche and Linda in current condition. But on the other hand my wallet breathes a sigh of relief that they haven’t. Maybe they’ll be along in the May announcement.
  8. I think it’s a knock on effect of the world wide chip shortage. I was trying to buy some DCC decoders over the weekend, and they all seem to be in short supply. Tried loads of different stores and most were out of stock of Zimo and Lenz. Ended up with Rails Connect decoders so we’ll see how they go. They’re keenly priced so hopefully they’ll make a good standard decoder for most of my fleet.
  9. It's a Mk2D BFK and is AC, they did make a few AC BFKs. One of the BGs will be a generator van as both those 37s are freight engines and don't have ETH capability. I think it's the rear one, but the video is a bit blurry. Three BGs (6311-13) were converted as generator vans for use on the Inverness and Aberdeen sleepers. All three are still with us, 6311 with LSL, 6312 with WCRC and 6313 with the VSOE Pullman.
  10. I don’t need a third deltic, I don’t need a third deltic. I’ll be very interested to see if Gordon Highlander sells out really fast again, or if demand was sated with the first batch. It’s certainly a real marmite engine you either love it or hate it, there seems to be no middle ground.
  11. There's currently a Virgin 47 for the Bachmann Collectors Club, so I don't think they'll make one for the main range.
  12. Surely if you’re turning five you should make a commemorative Mk5? I should think one of the bars cars would look good in the livery you’ve done there, and would probably look pretty good in the middle of a rake of sleepers.
  13. The problem Rapido had with their chips was a component overheating and melting the body shell of the CoBos. Apparently ESU were supplied with faulty components. Hope your chips aren't affected by that.
  14. Here’s hoping for Blanche as a 2-4-0STT as currently preserved. Or even better an NGG16 Garratt.
  15. Indeed. Presumably there's a filing cabinet somewhere at the MoD with plans for the Royal Engineers to blow it up should France fall again, like in 1940.
  16. You don’t actually need that much room. The gap between Linda and her tender is only about 3mm, and she happily cruises around 9 inch curves. Looking at photos of Blanche I think the gap between roofs is about the same as between Linda and her tender, so should present no problems.
  17. The giant headlights are a sub class of a sub class that only lasted for a couple of years. I think it very unlikely the Irish lads would make one, but then they did make Gordon Highlander in purple with the WIPAC lights, so weird things do happen.
  18. One can only hope, and sacrifice offerings to the gods. It'll be a very expensive time for me if they announce a Beyer-Garratt. They do seem to be working their way through the Ffestiniog and WHR engine sheds, so IMHO a Garratt will be along in the next couple of years.
  19. Can anyone shed light (pun intended) on what i presume are giant headlights on 37603. As seen in this photo. They were fitted by EPS, but 37603 was the only one of EPS's 12 locos so fitted.
  20. Finally got my Linda with tender today. What a superb model! It really is a magnificent little engine. Thankfully it runs beautifully in both directions even at a very low speed. Very very happy. Now i just need a Blanch with tender, and maybe a Charles? I wonder if the 2-4-0T-T versions of Blanche and Linda will be announced in February?
  21. Please do not mention that vile piece of children's programming, this is a nice family forum. (I watched a fair few episodes with my son when he was 2 or3, it is SO BAD). As to real 37s I'd very much like a Royal Scotsman liveried example, a couple of Intercity Swallow examples and a couple of the EPS 37/6s.
  22. Received mine today, just the Caley sleepers, no TPE set. Quick email to Accurascale and they've confirmed my TPE set are still on order and will follow in due course, just a mistake in their dispatch system marking them as dispatched. Wonderful models, they really do look fantastic. My only criticism is the boxes. The 6 car Aberdeen pack is massive, and having three different box sizes (6 car Aberdeen, 4 car other sleeper sets, 5 car TPE set) will make them difficult to store. I think if i was designing the boxes I'd make trays of 2 coaches, then have a box 2 trays high for most of the sleeper sets, and 3 trays high for the Aberdeen set and TPE sets. Would make the boxes more uniform and easier to store I think. The boxes do look lovely though, probably the best looking boxes of coaches I have.
  23. The nameplates are from Railtec. They’re some sort of 3D printed product, not etched. I still haven’t found the envelope so can’t fit them just yet, but they look good in photos. https://www.railtec-models.com/showitem.php?id=5118
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