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Everything posted by -missy-

  1. Technically its on my 2mm workbench. Julia
  2. I think they were reverseable to cover the 4f as well as the jinty hence the half etch. They worked out fine for me, I'm happy with the results. I guess they just don't suit everyone. Julia
  3. Have you tried them Tim? I honestly didn't have any problem using them. J.
  4. I managed fine with the coupling rods, no problems at all. Julia
  5. All I can really see Don is a bit of track. You seem very knowledgeable. I would love to see more from you. Julia.
  6. Hi Don. Are you still doing any 2mm stuff? I haven't seen anything from you since 2015. I would love to see how you are getting on. Julia.
  7. First test run. Needs some tweaks but it seems ok (if a little noisy) I really needs a circle of track though. J.
  8. As always Pixie, your stuff inspires. Do I spy a possible range of 'greyhound model's' products? I would be very tempted by the western bits and bobs if they became available. I have one kicking around somewhere that needs a bit of TLC. Julia
  9. Hi Valentin. This is how I sorted out the gearing for the NG diesel engine. I used plastic gears throughout, I find them easy to work with. Julia.
  10. Thanks Nigel. That helps lots. I would be specifically interested in what tolerance has been applied to bit of the axle that fits the wheel. As I am sure you know, this is important to get the right fit onto a wheel. Julia.
  11. That's great news Tony, thank you. Is there an associated drawing for them? It would be great to know what the tolerance of the axle is so I can ensure a good fit with my wheels. Julia.
  12. Hi. Will the axles be available at any point Tony? Thanks. Julia.
  13. Looks like a good start Valentin. I personally would just power a single set of wheels though. The coupling rods should easily do the rest. Julia
  14. Thanks Nick. When they are working they certainly clean things up plus they leave the surface keyed nicely for painting. I have experienced the corrosion in the past, it can even be triggered by fingerprints if not dealt with. Regarding cabinets I have been looking at something like this as a starting point. Linky thing to ebay perspex box They guy in those videos seems to have a way more equipped workshop then I will ever have! Julia
  15. I will answer my own question I spent time today examining the airbrush gun thing to see how the thing works. In its original state it seems the thing is dependent on the air agitating the grit enough to flow through the long feed tube that runs up the middle of the hopper. The screw on the top is used as a basic needle valve to control the amount of media falling into the tube. As a result and the fact I didnt need a 'controlled' flow of grit but instead a good flow, I decided to chop it around a bit. Firstly I turned up a Brass plug that was a press fit into the feed tube. I drilled it out to just under the size of the guns nozzle so that it will moderate the flow a bit and also help stop the nozzle getting blocked up. I then chopped the feed tube as short as I dared then pressed the plug into the top. On trying it out I now have full flow of grit through the guns nozzle, even to the extent of the grit flowing through the nozzle when no air is on. OK, the gun is no longer a controlled 'fine' flow but it now strips paint etc like its possessed! The gun is no longer reliant on the agitation to supply the grit but is now a gravity feed. The hopper now lasts for around 10 seconds of continuous use. I'm sure with some more mods it would be possible to even remove the hopper all together and just at a flexible pipe to a larger hopper. I'm very happy with the results, and it means the tool is usable once again. Next is the cabinet for it.... Julia.
  16. The worlds most frustrating tool to use EVER! Its taken me 1 1/2 hours to strip roughly 2/3rds of a teeny tiny engine body. The damn thing is so temperamental. Anyone got any hints and tips on how to actually get these things to work? Thanks Julia.
  17. There are lots of mods possible on the MF70. I'm currently looking into the possibilities of a motor swap to try and get the spindle speeds down a bit. The only other suggestion worth mentioning, especially with the Proxxon, is backlash on the table. Backlash on a CNC is bad news. Julia.
  18. Fantastic work Andy. Those CNC mills come in very handy don't they! Invest in a replacement spindle, it gives you far more flexibility when selecting cutters. J
  19. That's amazing Alex. How are you planning on motorising it?
  20. I'm actually quite pleased with how this is turning out. J.
  21. As Nigel said, that is great work Nick. You definitely have the skills to make engines, your work is always top notch. I'm always in awe at the things you produce. Julia.
  22. Thanks Don. Regarding the quartering I made a jig for that. I seem to spend just as much time making jigs as the actual job... J.
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