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Everything posted by -missy-

  1. Hello After much consideration I have decided not to continue posting details of my modelling and stuff on RMWeb so this will be the last post you will see from me here. If there is anyone out there in RMWeb world that has even a slight interest in my modelling and things then join me on my other blog here... http://modelopolis.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/all-change.html I havent decided what I am going to do with my blog on here but I am considering deleting my RMWeb account in the near future. Thanks for all the support you guys have given me in the past and I hope to speak to some of you in the future. Julia
  2. Farish N Gauge Jinty with much better looking 2mm Scale wheels. I cannot claim credit for the weathering, it was done by a friend who in my opinion is an absolute genius with an airbrush. Julia
  3. It looks really good so far Andy. How did you make the vertical braces? Julia
    1. 69843


      Looks like fun!


      Wish I could go, but a bit long distance for me!

    2. -missy-


      its 99% free, not usual for a festival

  4. Hi Don. Yes, the tanks are on Shapeways but not available to the public. I have had some interest in the wagon but not enough really for me to justify making them available at the moment so its remaining a personal project for now. Julia.
  5. Thank you guys Hi Guy. I cannot take credit for the bearings as they are the work of Alan S on behalf of the 2mmSA, it has taken a few attempts to get the dimensions of them correct but I think we have now cracked it. The coupling rods (and wheel counterbalance weights) are etched from my own artwork (and not transparant as Richard suggested!). Fingers crossed all the bits will be available through the association in time. Julia
  6. -missy-

    A Starter for Lambourn

    Hi Richard. I am glad you managed to solder the LED in the end. The signal looks really good. Julia
  7. Hello Just a little update, nothing really exciting to report this time but there are a couple of things worth mentioning... 1. Tank wagons... This is the latest test build of my anchor mount tank wagon. I have tweaked the etches to make a 10ft wagon this time as its the one I actually need! This particular wagon has also got a 3D printed tank, printed in the classic FUD and with a very small amount of sanding came out really well. It looks like there has been a problem with the paint reacting at some point and had produced some crazing in some areas but you know what, I quite like it and I think it add a nice 'effect' to the wagon so its going to stay. 2. Jinty. This has been on and off my workbench for a while now and has been in parts more time than I care to remember testing out various different components, but its now together and running really well. The components work and if I take away all the 'testing' aspect of it, it has taken about an hour to convert from N Gauge to 2mm Finescale plus its not that difficult to do either. Julia
  8. Thats interesting. Im looking forward to seeing more on these wagon chassis. Hopefully there are some great ideas there which I can steal. :oP Julia.
  9. Hi Tom. Im really sorry to hear you have lost your Dad. My thoughts go out to you and your family. Julia.
  10. Well for something that is a total mixup of bits and pieces it looks pretty good to me! There is some nice chopping up of bits there! Julia
  11. Hi. Its comming together well. What colour are the LEDs? Are they the blue/white ones or warm white? I am still a little sceptical about lighting a layout with LEDs and the colour of them is very 'precise'. The thing is though they are so practical to use. Julia
  12. Hi. Andrew wanted a watering can... Julia
  13. Hello Again Thanks Andrew but I have been looking online and I am pretty confident all the flora and fauna fit into what I am trying to achieve. Its meant to be a well maintained Poplar tree. The trees and bushes around the station area were looked after really well. Fortunately most of the fencing is going to be hidden behind bushes and hedges. I agree that it should have it but you will never see it. Thats a really good idea and I now have a plan on how to make them, watch this space. Thank you. Julia
  14. Thanks again for all the replies, its really appreciated. LOL! Yes, the faces of the privates have been blurred out to protect their identities! Seriously though, the castings havent really got much in the way of facial details but then they are really really small in real life (the models that is). Beans will be planted soon. Of course it will be a bumper crop, its very much 'the darling buds of may' there. Thanks, potatoes it is then! I had a 50/50 choice of potatoes or sugarbeet so I am happy with your choice. Yes I agree with you Andy. I am sure I can come up with an excuse though... Thats a very good question Julie. I dont really know if I was honest. It seems to be heading towards summertime at some point in the 40's / 50's / or 60's(ish). The whole layout is a mismatch of bits and pieces so its difficult to pinpoint exactly what its based on. Brilliant Mikkel! I wouldnt expect anything else than an excellently observed and superbly executed comment from you! Now thats a cool idea, thank you. I do have some pigeons to add at some point too. Thanks Owen, they arent anything special. Just some 0.5mm square Brass for the posts with some fine(ish) wire wrapped around them. Julia
  15. Thanks Guys Thank you Andy. Yes, I think I will have to plump them up somehow. Like with most things in 2mm Scale, you dont realise how bad something is until you see a photo of it. The rhubarb was kindly laser cut for me by a guy from the Oxford 2mm Group. The onions are small amounts of hemp twine dipped in pva then painted. That is a very good point and its something I am trying to do. If there is anything that is obviously out of place then please let me know. Julia
  16. Hello Taken from my blog http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/220/entry-14507-july-things/ Julia.
  17. Hello Well July has been a bit productive on the layout. Its probably because all the long drawn out bits are done and its now down to the scenics really (well, apart from a few bits and bobs). I enjoy scenics and it can come together relatively quickly too, I have even added a few details... This is an overall of the station forecourt area.Bits I have done include adding a field (of something) in the foreground, the station building now has some flowers around it, the station master now has a nearly completed vegetable patch, and there are a few more trees. This is a close up of the station veg plot with some potatoes, onions, and some (rather flat) rhubarb amongst other things. I still need to add some beans on one of those frame things. The field of something. I was aiming for sugarbeet! People are even popping up! A group of servicemen await a train. The station building needs a bit of repairing now but I can do that when I do the interior. Julia
  18. Hi. This one was taken at the RMWeb members tour on Sunday... Julia
  19. I think its probably down to my inability to cut straight when I removed the board from the layout! Julia
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