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Everything posted by -missy-

  1. Thanks Nick. The motor mount works well so I am pleased with the result. Hi Mike. The motor will drive the engine through a couple of universal joints as you mention. I havent done the shaft yet but the couplings are some I got 3D printed a while ago. This will be a good test for them (if I ever get it finished!) Thanks Mr S I have a second one which hasnt progressed quite as far. I wasnt planning on fitting a coupling to the driving end of the autocoach but fill it up with pipes an such instead. The plan for the other end was to file down a DG and solder it between those hangers on the body. I dont know if this will work yet but fitting the coupling to the body might be a pain as it will get in the way of lots of the brake gear. Have you had any thoughts on this yet? There are lots more things I didnt mention too Hi Castle. Yes, the plan is to come along to Railex on the Sunday so I might see you there. I really need to pop along to the GWS too as I need to renew my membership and take a closer look at the autocoach there. The brackets and cranks on the ends have got me flummoxed so far. Dont forget these are 2mm scale, I dont have the luxury of a detail set! Missy
  2. Grrrrrr, picture malfunction! M
  3. Hello I feel its time for an update as its been a while. I haven't been upto much modelling really, the majority of my spare time has been taken up with trying to finish off my van as I made myself a new years resolution to finish it off this year. Things haven't ground to a halt though, first bit of modelling in this entry goes to the King Arthur tender... As in a previous post this has been virtually rebuilt from scratch, the initial intention was to tidy it up a little with a repaint and a bit of detailing but as expected I couldn't leave it at that. The bogies have been replaced with some etched ones, the whole tender has been narrowed so it resembles something near scale now, and now the motor has been replaced... As the floor of the tender is a solid sheet I had to think of a way to remove the motor easily so I came up with this, the motor mount holds the motor in position and is screwed to the tender base from underneath. The coal can then be stuck to the Brass sheet soldered to the top of the motor mount. I really hope the engine doesn't need as much attention as this! Second on my workbench is a Chris Higgs Autocoach chassis... The kit solders together well but sadly it lacks some detail so I took up the challenge. I am feeling a little overwhelmed with all the rods, brackets, and linkages though! 'till next time... Missy
  4. Hi. The North Yorks Railway 22nd April 2014 Missy
  5. Hi Andy. The tank wagon does look really good and its a great advert for Stephens kit. I dont know if you have mentioned it before but where are the transfers from? I agree with the ladder though, it does look a little too shiny to me. M
  6. And the drivers seem to acknowledge the webcam too (he even waves) M
  7. Well I can tell you are a man because you obviously cannot read. M.
  8. Hi. This has been the most frustrating thread on RMWeb ever! I was really interested in seeing how the repairs on the track (as I know the place well) but continue to find myself having to wade through pages and pages of nothing but waffle to find the interesting bits. Its been about 90% waffle of no substance and 10% of things that have actually been informative, things like links to the webcams and the fantastic pictures by CK have been lost amongst talk about pasties, cricket, and animated gifs! Its exactly why I dont like threads... Missy
  9. Disassembly of a chassis can also damage your enthusiasm too Another thing worth mentioning as you say, next time you know what to look for so the next one will be even better. M
  10. Hi Andy I had a similar thing with the chassis for my 14xx and found out that it was either a gear or a muff which wasnt quite eccentric and therefore making the whole thing run uneven with a tight spot at the same place every revolution. Dont tell anyone but I got around it with a fudge and turned down the diameter of the gear slightly to stop it jamming against the worm wheel which solved the problem really well. Fortunately even the 100dp (or metric equivalent) gears allow for a little tweaking. I always say to people that building a loco chassis is 40% actually building it and 60% tweaking it so it runs well. With your modelling abilities Andy, I am sure it will be a fantastic little engine when you are done. Missy
  11. I think you are right. I am so rubbish at engine classes and things. There is no secret plan behind the tags, they are just random words really. The Abingdon show this year was a good one with some very nice layouts there and I was surprised too on how little was posted about it. Maybe no-one had anything to complain about it hence no posts? Im sure people read posts more than a week old, especially if it interests them, unless you are referring to the nightmare that are the threads which I still struggle navigating around and finding anything. M
  12. Hi Halfwit. There is a certian amount of fun in taking someone elses model and turning it into something of yours. I am enjoying this and hopefully it will be something I will be proud of at the end. To answer your question, yes. I intend to fit pickups to the wheels, in the last photo the small squares of PCB on top of the bogies are where the pickups will be soldered to eventually. Hello Andy. I am glad in a way you said that. I thought it was just me being way to fussy once again so its reassuring to know that its what finescale modellers kind of do! You have got me questioning myelf as to what this engine is too! I was pretty sure it was called a 'lord nelson' class engine but what with my track record I could be totally wrong again! M
  13. Hello. I think its time for an update. I havent got that much to talk about this time really apart from a little bit of work I have done on my Lord Nelson Ebay purchase. The initial intentions were to do a little bit of tweaking to it then repaint it into something a bit more appropriate to my modelling era then move onto the next thing. Of course me being me, it hasnt quite worked out like that... This is what the underside of the tender originally looked like and I wasnt that happy with the solid chassis as it was that representative of the prototype. With this in mind added to a corner of my next test etch I added some bits to make a proper set of bogies for it.... They didnt exactly go together according to my first ideas bit I managed to get a pair of bogies out of the etches. The lesson I learnt from it is not to rush etches through without really checking them. I finished off the bogies yesterday at Ally Pally and made the bogie pivots today on the lathe. Of course when testing the bogies under the tender for fit I then found out that the model was 2mm too wide according to the drawings I have so there was only one thing for it... Chop the whole thing apart and rebuild! There is still work to do on the tender and then the engine is next in line, fingers crossed it wont need as much work as the tender...! Missy
  14. Why do I keep on doing this to myself! M.
  15. Hello Its nice to see the workers there are in a good mood... Missy
  16. You could do one using the original Dapol gears maybe? I think Ians conversion is really good. I love those 3D printed gears he has done and am interested in how they perform with the muffs included. M
  17. I have to say that I have seen some impressive realistic photos on this thread but those Adrian are amazing. Absolute top notch modelling and photography. They are, in no doubt, the best on here so far. Missy
  18. Thats the first time I have seen Highclere (and the DNSR) on film! Briliant! Thank you Colin for posting that. Missy EDIT: I have been told that there is some footage on one of those B&R productions DVDs. I was told which one but cannot remember which one now!
  19. That makes two of us then John! Thank you Izzy for posting this. M
  20. Hi Rabs. Thats 2 sheets (identical copies) in 20thou Nickel Silver roughly A4 in size for £70 incl. M
  21. The weathering on these models is absolutely spot on. Once again, brilliant work! Missy
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