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Everything posted by -missy-

  1. Thank you guys, I am trying my best! Thanks Mark. I am striving to make everything look toned down, I agree with you saying its important in 2mm too. It makes everything blend together much better. Thank you Mike. Im surprised that people pay attention to my 'tags', kudos to you for looking them up online too I will never disclose my reasoning behind them though There has been a bit more progress today, I dont know if to do another blog post so soon or to wait a bit until a little more is done. Any preferences? Julia
  2. Hello again 2 posts in as many weeks, this is unprecedented! I seem to be on a bit of a roll with the layout right now, I dont know why and it is a bit weird but I am not going to stop myself if its working. Weekends are good, they mean I have an opportunity to spend a little more time on things I enjoy doing and although the weather has been a pain I have still managed to get a few bits done... While the station board is out it seemed to make sense and carry on working on it, the area around the station building needed the most attention. The about photo shows the beginnings of some ground cover where I glue down a covering of woodland scenics blended turf, I have found this as a good base to subsequent coverings. This shows one of the gated entrances to the platform. The gates are etched from the scale link GWR spearpoint fencing etch. The static grass has just been applied. The stationmasters garden and vegetable plot is also comming together now, he now even has his own garden shed. An overall view of the station area how it looks now. Finally,the passengers now have two warnings to be on the lookout for trains. Julia
  3. Thanks for the post Andrew. I agree with you about modelling a prototype, its a double edged sword indeed. One one side its easier to get things right as you are in effect copying something that actually exists but at the same time if you drift away from the prototype it gets very difficult to keep it looking correct and obvious when its not. I am still undecided as to the fate of the tablet catchers right now so have decided to move onto something else for now. I am sure it will becomme obvious where to put them in time. Julia
  4. Its nice to see the name in that photograg is spelt correctly. Julia
  5. Hello Andrew. Its really nice to see the layout preserved for the future. It took some effort removing it from his loft so its nice to see that effort rewarded by someone taking it on. I really hope you enjoy it and I look forward to seeing it on here and possibly at a show sometime in the future. Julia
  6. Thanks Most of the photos I have seen show that there werent even signals at Highclere in the later years so that makes sense to me regarding the tokens. I am guessing it was through the lack of and serious amount of traffic after the war which meant the change in operation. Thanks for the vote MP, option 1 is my preferred one but as I have 'chopped' the station around so much I wasnt sure how valid an option it would be. The thought was to plant them inbetween the signal and the end of the platform. J
  7. Thank you Miss P. I think the moral of this story is never to bend the truth too much as it gets complicated. That makes sense to me as the token apparatus looks like it was removed when the passing loop was lengthened. To add to the complication I am using the rebuilt signal box which was situated past the end of the platform near the sidings and not on the platform where the previous signal box was. Its amazing how by tweaking the truth a little, how much it can change! It seems there are a few options... 1. Place the token stuff as per the prototype at the end of the platform and have it a large distance from the signal box. 2. Place the token stuff near the signal box so it looks in the right place although not prototypical for Highclere (but then the layout isnt anyway) 3. Not bother with the token stuff and flog them on ebay or something! J
  8. Thanks guys That is interesting because in the photo I have (in that book) it clearly shows two sets of token apparatus at the end of the platform opposite to the signal box (where the signal is in the last photo above) so would this mean the token exchange would take place there away from the signal box? I must admit its where I had planned to put them (well 1 of them until I build the second one) but I am a little confused about it all now. I could put them by the signal box at the other end of the loop by the sidings if it makes it all look a little more realistic but this will be deviating away from the prototype, but then alot of the layout has already done that! Julia
  9. Hi. A picture taken of my 2mm Finescale layout Highclere... Julia
  10. Hi Guys Thank you for the replies. I cant post a picture that I have but if anyone has got the 'Didcot Newbury and Southampton Railway' book by Paul Karau there is a photo on page 131 which shows where I was thinking. It makes sense to me as well to have them close to the signal box but from the picture I have of the prototype it seems to be at the other end of the platform to the signal box. Yes, I havent made the other ones yet! Yes, I enjoyed that day, thank you very much for helping me out. Julia
  11. A person of few words! The originals were around the end of the platform (as in the photo) whilst the signalbox was towards the other end of the platform. J
  12. Hello. Things havent stopped yet, I have made a bit more progress and have managed to get the second board ballasted now. Que a dodgy photo.... Also I have a question, hopefully you guys remember these? I am not sure where I need to plant them, is there anyone that can help? I know I am bending the truth a little with the layout and period with the track plan, signals, and now the single line apparatus but I am thinking add them to the layout as disused but still there. They need to go in roughly the same area as the signal, any thoughts? Thanks. Julia
  13. Celebrated my Birthday by spending the day cooking in the sun at the Woodcote Steam Fair

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. -missy-


      Thanks guys :O)

    3. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Ooops! A belated happy birthday, Julia. Toot toot!! :-)

    4. 69843


      And a very belated one, but all the best for it!

  14. Celebrated my Birthday by spending the day cooking in the sun at the Woodcote Steam Fair

  15. Well I was needing an excuse to pop on over and it looks like that is it. I need to renew my membership anyway so I will try to get over tomorrow. Thanks for posting that Castle.
  16. That hasnt stopped me so far! I have had ideas churning away for a bit now... J
  17. Brilliant Ian! The only trouble is seeing this tugs at my heart strings to go and build some broad gauge stuff. I am running out of excuses now... The way you are building this is ingenious, I will have to borrow some of your ideas sometime (if thats ok?) Julia
  18. Hello Folks Thank you for the comments, I know its been a while since my last post and therefore the last work on the actual layout but my enthusiasm comes and goes for it so please be patient. For now anyway, its nice to do some more work on it and hopefully it will continue. Who knows, it might even make an exhibition or two in the near future! Thanks John. I sold the artwork for the crane to Nick T of N Brass http://www.nbrasslocos.co.uk/ so it would be worthwhile sending him and email. The last time I spoke to him, he was finishing off the artwork so it might appear sometime soon. Julia
  19. Hi. This one is taken from my blog entry http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/220/entry-14301-remember-this/ Still lots to do but you can get a hint of DNSR I feel. Julia
  20. Hello Ian. Inspired by Tom E's blog a while ago http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/347/entry-7572-ropley-d-day/ (thanks Tom) I used some 'Normandy Earth' from Treemendus http://www.treemendusmodels.co.uk/ which I am very happy with. The only difference was that I used the traditional PVA and Water mix to stick it down with. The trackwork on Highclere actually looks like its part of the scenery now. Julia
  21. Thanks Guys I havent got anything planned for it and to be honest Im happy with that for now. We can talk about the London AG, I will send you my contact details ASAP. Julia
  22. Hello This weekend has seen a change in direction with my modelling and once again I have returned to my layout Highclere. Enthusiasm for this comes and goes just as quickly as the seasons (much to exhibition managers annoyance!) but progress is once again being made in the form of ballasting this time. Now that the point rodding is finished (remember that!?!) I am now looking towards more scenic work and the next thing on the list was the ballasting. Ok, so I have only done one board so far but its the board with the most track. Anyway, I had a bit of a play this afternoon when I was sitting back admiring that fact I have actually done some work on the layout... Julia
  23. -missy-

    Ask Dave

    Thank you for the reply Dave. I apologise if I am making you uncomfortable but I am just trying to get a feel of what to expect. It difficult not to compare DJM models with Dapol as you were so vocal whilst working there too so that where the majority of people know you from. As for you comment... You do say you are "Setting higher standards" , its in every post you make so you must be comparing yourself against something and I am assuming its other model railway manufacturers or have I got something wrong? Julia.
  24. -missy-

    Ask Dave

    Thanks for the reply Dave although it doesn't really answer my question, it just explains to me what the process is for 'a person'. Have you ever considered becoming a politician? What are YOU (note the caps!) doing differently in the way of dealing with the Chinese factory compared to what you were doing whilst at Dapol? Julia.
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