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Everything posted by -missy-

  1. Hello I was holding off posting an entry until I had something worth talking about and now I think I have. FINALLY! I have managed to get my little pannier tank engine working on the layout. Its quite a serious milestone for me which has been about 4 years(ish) in the making, Im very happy It took a bit of head scratching but now electrically everything works. I had 3 faults with the wiring on this board in the end.. 1. I had a short across 2 tracks on a piece of veroboard (a bit of solder) 2. I had wired the relay that controls the building lights the wrong way round 3. I had wired the LEDs on the control panel the wrong way round (this one took me about a week to figure out!) I have a couple of points to tweak a bit as the engine struggles going through them but other than that it all works on this board (the most complicated one) Finally a photo of the control panel which to me looks a bit cool... Missy
  2. Hi Andy Its kinda stopped right now. I have spoken to a few people about the issues I am having with the electricals and the general concensus is the PC power supply isnt supplying enough current so to stop anymore problems now and in the future I am going to remove it and replace it with a dedicated 12v power supply. Apart from that everything works fine and all first time too (well apart from a small short across 2 tracks on a PCB by a bit of solder) I still havent run anything on it either. I dont really want to until I know it all works. M.
  3. Im sooooooo close to getting these damn electrics working!

  4. Hello Thanks for all the encouragement guys. I wasnt really digging for encouragement (although it is nice!), I was trying to get across how nervous I am getting over taking it to exhibitions. Although the whole layout was built so it can be transported around its only now really dawning on me when I go to shows and see layouts there, that it will be me soon. After reading peoples 'frank' comments recently about some layouts has just reminded me that if the lyout is not upto scratch I could be in for a rough time. I guess by the comments I have had about Highclere that people have certian expectations about seeing it and its a bit scary to think I have to live upto those expectations. Hi Pete. The bubble car has kind of taken a bit of a back seat for now. The only reason why I was doing one was to try out some of Negel Lawtons motos and pulley stuff. I have plenty of other engines to make right now! I am hoping you are comming to the expo anyway!! TBH I dont think I have had any choice in the decision if Highclere goes or not. It seems it is going regardless Hello Michael. Of course they will be green. Thats modern image in my eyes! Anyway, it isnt worth adding another blog entry but I have been busy on the layout again today but with not quite as much sucess as yesterday. I have finally managed to finish off the last connectors today and get everything plugged together and switched on! The good thing is I was surprised that some of it actually worked, the bad thing is not all of it works. The DCC side of things all works fine and in theory there is no reason why I cannot actually run something on the layout (which is way cool) but there are still a few problems... 1. The 12v circuit which powers the servo controllers, the lights on the control panel, and the relay which switches the 3v lighting circuit is there, but only the servo controllers are working. I have checked to see if there is voltage to them which there is but they dont seem to be working right now. 2. Not all the servos are working. Out of the 4 on the first board only 2 seem to be operating when switched. I am hoping that this is just because they havent been adjusted yet (none of them have been setup) After trying to figure out the problems for just over 7 hours today I am giving myself a break until tomorrow. I HATE electrics Missy
  5. Hi Chris Thank you. Performing you own songs? That sounds interesting. You really should come to the expo regardless, Im sure with your abilities you will pick up loads of great ideas and who knows maybe even try something in 2mm FS? Yes, sorry about that on Saturday, it only clicked who you were when you started talking to Mark! I have been admiring your stuff for a while too! Missy
  6. Thanks guys for the vote of confidence The reason why I mentioned it was because I seem to be finding quite alot of comments about poor layouts and the way they run etc, mainly in the exhibitions comments where someone would be dissapointed with a particular layout, era, or scale. I know my layout is far from perfect but its my best attempt and I have put alot of effort into it and I have never said to myself 'that will do' but done everything to the best of my ability. The whole exhibiting the layout thing frightens me in a way, after all I am building it for me. Michael. I have heard you will be dropping in on the show which is cool. You can have a play on the layout if you like. Pete, you are right. I currently have an 02, 08, 33?, and Warship ready for the layout (although the 02 and 08 arent really any good for it). The 37 is still N right now. I dont mind diesels at all, just prefer steam engines. Pugsley, it was nice to meet you and have a chat on Saturday and thank you. And thanks Jim for the vote of confidence. Its late and I am waffling Missy
  7. Hello I have this week off work (woohoo!) and one of my goals is to finish off the electrics and actually get something working on the layout, after all its only been about 4 years now plus I think people will get a bit bored at shows if nothing actually works! Anyway, day 1 of my break this is how far I have got... The control panel is now 90% finished. I just need to fix some magnets to it to hold the top bit down (which are on order) Apart from bits like uncouplers and signals I THINK I have finished the wiring on both basebords now. I have one cable left to make and in theory I should be able to plug it all together and it hopefully will work! Thats quite a big milestone for me. I thought I would post this as it shows how I have fitted the little flicker things (from the tea lights) to the layout. I have soldered them to a bit of veroboard and also added a variable resistor so I can tweak the brightness of them. The final picture shows some more woodwork mods. I am fitting some cross braces to the underside of the baseboard which the legs slot into. The idea is to reduce the flex of the legs a bit. On the subject of exhibitions I am getting a little worried. I am starting to think about taking the layout to some exhibitions (as I am starting to get invites for it) but reading some postings it seems people are getting quite critical over layouts they see. I dont mind constuctive critism but please be gentle with mine! Missy
  8. -missy-


    Hello Dave I have just stumbled across this and it looks really good so far. The whole track plan comes across as nice and flowing, plus you are making your own track too, thats definately a huge bonus. Im a bit surprised about your comment on the easitrack though, when I was at Ally Pally on Saturday I saw both bullhead and flatbottomed rail with wooden and concrete sleepers, the concrete sleepers are amazing as they even have 'dowmac' embossed on them! Even with soldering track together in 2mm/N its a vast improvement on the PECO stuff. Your soldering looks fine to me, I think you are being a bit too critical as once its all painted it will look great. I will look out for this one, shame its diesels though Missy
  9. -missy-


    Hello Jon Im really happy that you like the track. Im even happier that you got a sample and tried it with great results by the looks of it. It was nice to meet yesterday. Missy PS: If you are on about changing wheels and couplings there is really no reason why you couldnt convert to 2mm FS is there!
  10. -missy-

    Let there be light.

    Hi I like lights and illuminating things. It defiantely gives a different feel to a layout which has them so great work on the lamps. The only suggestion that I would make is to see if you can get hold of some 'warm white' and also known as 'golden white' LEDs. They give a much nicer and more realistic colour to them than the sometimes harsh and cold normal 'white' LEDs. Its well worth that little bit extra effort. Missy
  11. Hello Alcazar I know its hard to tell from the photos but all the fur is actually a pale straw colour, both on the front and back of the embankment. Its come out how it has because of the exposure. Sorry. Missy
  12. Hi Thanks again for the comments. I dont have anymore shots like that right now though Pete, although its kind of how I take pictures of my engines and stuff so no doubt there will be more in time, unless of course Highclere gets finished! If anyone has any suggestions on how I could improve on these then I am more than willing to hear them. Missy
  13. Hello In one of my previous blogs Alex asked how I take my photos so as promised here is how. Now before I start I want to point out that I am far from a photography expert or anything and this is how I do it. It probably is wrong in some way but it works for me! This is how I set everything up. The two lamps are 60w daylight bulbs, the embankment is a bit of left over foam sheet with a bit of track stuck to it and covered in some very well trimmed fake fur, the backscene is an A3 sheet of paper with a countryside picture printed on it. The camera is a Canon Digital Rebel 300D. This is what the picture taken looks like untouched. To take the picture I set the camera to apeture priority and set it to the slowest speed possible to get the depth of field. They are always taken with the camera on a tripod and using the self timer or remote control. I also always use manual focus too. Thats what it looks like after its cropped to remove the cutting mat. And there you go. Like I said its not perfect and no doubt can be improved quite a bit but it looks a bit better than something just sitting on my table. Missy
  14. Hello Don Ahhhh, I knew this blog entry would be useful to someone! Missy
  15. Hello Tom If I was making something like that I would probably make it out of solid round plastic rod. I would probably then use a scalpel and scrape the rod to give the impression of the angular cross section, at the same time I would also scrape away more towards one end which will taper the rod. Missy
  16. Hello Rich Crikey! you got me worried for a bit there, thought you were packing it in!! Nice buffer stops, they put mine to shame plus its nice to see some progress too. Keep the posts comming... Missy
  17. Hello Andy I have to agree with that. Bobs 9F is a fantastic engine and he has done wonders in producing the kit. I cant wait to make a start on mine but I just cant afford all the other bits right now plus I unfortunately have more important things to do like getting Highclere is some decent state ready for the 2mm Expo in July. Hello Alex I will post something about it in my next blog entry. I dont really do anything special, a couple of daylight bulbs, a printed backscene and the camera set to a long exposure on a tripod. Missy
  18. Thanks you two Hello Michael Thats a good point. I am trying not to stick to the smaller scales when browsing RMWeb as there are so many little nuggets of information dotted around the place. Its one of the advantages of a forum like this as it covers what seems to be a VERY diverse hobby. Ideas dont necessarily work for just one scale / region / or era (but Im sure you guys already know that!). You tell me if you have been missing out or not Missy
  19. Thank you There was a plan to it. Hopefully most of the guys will leave it alone! Missy
  20. Hello Just a quick post really. What do you do when the club layout you are a part of uses the same controllers and your own controller could easily get mixed up? This is my solution... Paint it PINK! Missy
  21. Hello Thanks guys Stumpy. I might add a few Ministry tanks, it depends on how much money I have, these tank wagons are the 'cheap' alternative to them. The plan is to make myself a few different tanks at some point and maybe even produce my own wagon kit. Mikkel. Im glad it has the feel of the DNSR, after all its what I am trying to achieve. Its amazing what you can do with a short (30cm) length of track and a A3 photo backscene though! Andy. The plan is onday to have a 9F pulling a nice long train of these. I just need to get some cash together to get the rest of the bits for the 9F kit first, then of course build it! Thanks for the hint about the number of wagons too, of course I didnt take into account the wagon I already had made. Its all been fixed now though Thank you all for the comments though, its most welcome. Missy
  22. Me again As mentioned in the last post, the tank wagons needed a splash of varnish and weathering. Well here are the first six finished... Once varnished with a matt varnish I used a bit of light grey weathering powder to take away the harshness of the black. I then used a mix of black and dark rust weathering powders to add a few highlights / roof muck and then I gave them all a light dusting of some railmatch sleeper grime (to take away the harshness of the white transfers more than anything). Im happy with them so its time to move on to the next thing, probably more electrics!! Missy
  23. Hello I have to agree with JB, this is going to be a fantastic layout once its finished. Have you got any exhibitions lined up for it yet? Missy
  24. Hello Will So.... Are you going to enlighten me to the 'might be a 2mm convert' comment?? Do tell.... Missy
  25. Hello Neb That looks really good, its a really nice kit to build. As for the cleaning I am surprised that the fibre brush and the wire wheel didnt clean it up enough, I have used both of those without any problems. It the wire wheel a steel one? Its what I use. Keep the posts comming, I enjoy looking at what you are upto. Missy
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