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Status Replies posted by steve22

  1. Started packing the loft for a July move

  2. And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.

  3. "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative: violence. Force must be applied, without apology. It's the Starfleet way."

  4. Happy St. George's Day!

  5. In the beginning, the universe was created...this made a lot of people very angry and has wildly been regarded as a bad move.

  6. Went online to buy one of the new

  7. Happy Easter everyone. My own personal egg hunt went well it was where I left it on the work top.

  8. Happy Easter to all.

  9. Damp dog smell

  10. is stuck at work on a 12hour shift looking out at the lovely sunshine..Hmph..

  11. Fray Bentos pies, the king of pies!

  12. seen my first Colas 70 at Didcot but no idea which one it was

  13. The great thing about going to the doctor's surgery - I get to read all my old train mags in the waiting room.

  14. 0330 alarm clock for a 0423 book on has any body got any matchsticks please!!

  15. declares himself the Praetor.

  16. would like to take a moment to remember the families of the 96 Liverpool fans who went to watch an F.A Cup Semi Final at Hillsborough and never came back. Justice for the 96, never to be forgotten.

  17. Won an award for best exhibit at the Bangor North down exhibition and was awarded it by the mayor himself.

  18. Easter is a difficult time if you are terrified of bunnies.

  19. My new engine may well stay Mint In Box, as I can't actually open the box!

  20. Watching 'Exposure' on ITV, certainly explains the almost-comical-if-it-weren't-so-serious appalling standards of driving in east Birmingham.....

  21. is hoping to be heading home on leave on Saturday morning - with a drive from Milford Haven to Durham to look forward to...

  22. Disaster, I have run out of flux.

  23. You're the one that I want (Snoop dog, Snoop Dog)

  24. It's just the age. It's just a stage. We disengage. We turn the page.

  25. Yipppeeeee! Just booked the wife and kid to go on holiday far far away! Modelling time all next week then! :) :) :)

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