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Status Replies posted by steve22

  1. There was I, diggin' this hole, hole in the ground, so big and sorta round ....

  2. I told you I was ill

  3. Just not enjoying work anymore. Sad really that I can't wait to hand my notice in when a year ago it was all so different.

  4. Brio is rather good for working out the operating potential of small layouts

  5. Welcome to a new episode of Captain Combat and the Combatants!

  6. You are mere mortals.

  7. Can I play with madness?

  8. is waiting for the boom...

  9. Has just opened a box of Black Magic.Shall I pass them around.

  10. latest update from Swagonia - CK's out buying more sausages.

  11. bit too much bear last night

  12. Got my first Christmas prezzie...toothache !!

  13. The power. The speed. Talent 2.

  14. Do you hear what I hear?

  15. How long would be too long?

  16. its getting towards squeaky bum time. Just one week until the Weston Show!

  17. Today, was the best day EVER, I got to go into the cab of the 80 class sandite, what an experience I will never forget.

  18. Queen of Light took her bow, And then she turned to go, The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom, And walked the night alone. Oh, dance in the dark of night, Sing to the morning light. The dark Lord rides in force tonight, And time will tell us all.

  19. In space, no-one can hear you scream.

  20. My GP has written to tell me that I am now at an age where I am at risk of all sorts of nasty things. Really cheered me up that did.

  21. Layout has been up & i've been using it as a switching layout for the day which has been great fun

  22. Well, my Pulse and Blood Pressure are ok, but my weight needs to come down; there goes the sweet treats...!!

  23. I hate dentists

  24. Will sleep tonight . lost count of how many beers I had'''''''''''''''''''' YAY...............

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