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Status Replies posted by steve22

  1. wuvs everybody very much.

  2. Why does nobody seem to comment on my layout topic? I don't get it.


  4. Just the weather for deckchairs, sheds & double-junctions....

  5. Amazing number of Minitrix locos on ebay and they all have bids on them. Unbelievable!

  6. CTMK has found a 'weather station' for sale on Amazon, which most fortunately is described as being 'weather-proof!'...

  7. ..is one very happy bunny. My dad has bought

  8. Im listening to Kerrang! Chart....so are the neighbours now :D

  9. Has just been presented with his Chief Scout's Gold Award..not bad :) ...

  10. Thanks for the existence of this site and many superb prototype topics, has kept me sane in hospital over the last 5 days after insertion of titanium bolts and cages in my back. Just wanted to say "ta"! Guy

  11. doubts that sailors would like to listen to music by Franz Liszt.

  12. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

  13. still thinks he is being overly ambitious!

  14. Happy Birthday to me....

  15. Oooooooo my spy deep within the factory at Chirk has told me what the 2 new models are!

  16. Warming up the lawn mower......

  17. has 'gone petrol' again after 13 years. Bye bye big green diesel!

  18. Not lending out any more stuff for RMWeb members unless I know them.............

  19. It's near the end of the financial year again. Traffic lights are springing up with gay abandon.

  20. Giod day today, something ive written got published online so 6 quid is on the way and a Midland brake van arrived that I had no knowledge about.

  21. My daughter is 5 weeks old, and today my wife was looking at schools. Interesting to read that Stainer is listed amoungst the former students of one of them...

  22. Currently putting together a 7mm signalbox detail kit.

  23. 1st of March - at last we're leaving winter behind!

  24. like Eric Morecambe.. I have all the right numbers on the loco but not necessarily in the right order !!

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