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Everything posted by Chris116

  1. Union Chapel is one of my favourite venues. I have seen Lainey Wilson, Josh Turner, Sarah Darling and had tickets for 7th May to see Ward Thomas but that has now been put back until later in the year.
  2. SWMBO says she has two sticks to shove......
  3. Are you certain? Think you may need to do a recount just in case
  4. Breakfast was enjoyed, my wife went for her walk that she has to do twice a day after her hip replacement. I follow her with the wheelchair so if she goes further than she should I can get her back home. VERY noticeable how much colder it is today compared to yesterday. Now back home going to have a hot coffee to drink and make an iced coffee for SWMBO. Then washing up and a visit to the local supermarket for some supplies. Already have a tomato cheese pasta in the fridge ready to heat for this evenings meal. Stay safe everyone. For those who don't like Pannier Tanks, just send them to me and I will give them a good home!
  5. Good luck with the testing.
  6. Anything, including a blank screen is better than the TV being switched on!
  7. I missed the Mildenhall one but will make sure I see the Skegness meeting this evening. I was racing manager for Vince Moody for six years from 1994 to 2000 so spent a lot of time at Skegness as well as Swaffham, Kings Lynn and Sheffield during those years. Saddest thing was the failure of the Speedway but it should have been run in the Conference League for at least the first couple of seasons.
  8. During one of the Iran Wars I was commentating at Mildenhall on the Stock Car racing. Each time the heavy transport planes took off I just put the microphone down as I could not hear what I was saying let alone anyone else in the stadium hearing the speakers! One meeting featured the BriSCA F1 Stock Cars and the sound of 20 454 cubic inch Chevy engines without silencers was totally drowned out by one of the planes taking off.
  9. They sponsor the Edinburgh Monarchs Speedway team!!!
  10. Be careful that her aim with something heavy at your neck does not improve!
  11. I just wondered when the madness of isolation had got to him!
  12. When did you carpet the ceiling?
  13. Following my wife having her hip replaced on 27th February she has to do two walks a day. I take her wheelchair with us and she walks as far as she can before making use of the wheelchair. We go towards our local Co-op most days on one of her walks and pick up a few things like milk, cheese, bacon, eggs and her cigarettes. Met two charming(!!) ladies today on the way home who refused to move away from us as they walked in the opposite direction. My wife asked if they could keep to the two metre rule but was told that the lady did not believe in it and as my wife was being rude to ask people to move away she hoped my wife caught the virus and looked forward to attending my wife's funeral in two months time. I just stopped myself from giving her a smack in the mouth and walked away as quickly as possible. First time I have witnessed such stupidity and has left us both rather upset.
  14. Sounded like Essex to me!
  15. Put a poached egg on the crumpets and they are great anytime of day.
  16. The old one on the flyover made of concrete sections. As an aside I once moored under the M6 on the canal and it was only in the morning that we found that we were next door to a rather large prison!
  17. Still smoother than the M6 through Birmingham!
  18. Thank you for your very interesting photos on this thread. It is a ray of sunshine in the situation we find ourselves dealing with. Stay safe Jim, we need you more than ever at present.
  19. The toilet paper company went to sh1t. The second toilet paper company was wiped out and are no longer feeling flush.
  20. So the Houses of Parliament must be a successful corporation! What is even worse is that an election is normally won by the most convincing liar.
  21. Another two runners on their mobile phones looking as if they were texting would have run into me if I had not jumped out of their way. Many years ago I worked with a guy who upon seeing a runner coming towards him and not paying attention on who they might bump into used to kneel down to tie his shoe laces up. Twice I saw a runner going head first over him! I think I may try the same thing if the runners don't start to pay attention on where they are going although I think I will wait until after the virus has done a runner as I don't to catch it from them.
  22. Pleased to say that my wife and I have not suffered from bad drivers. She had her hip replaced on 27th February and has to do two walks a day around the local area as part of her physio to make sure the new hip works as it should. Before lockdown most drivers just kept going if we were waiting to cross the road but for the past two weeks we only have to look as if we might want to cross the road and cars come to a halt and the drivers wave us across, which is very nice. Most pedestrians we pass keep well away from us with a cheery comment but the exercise enthusiasts just run past everyone almost pushing people out of the way, paying no attention to the 2 metre rule, a bit like some cyclists with traffic lights in more normal times.
  23. My wife who is 66 had her right hip replaced on 27th February and what is number one on the list of those most vulnerable? Solid transplant! No letter from the government and no delivery help from the supermarkets. One bus driver said I should not be travelling as I was not working and when I pointed out that to get to any of the larger shops I had to use the bus, he told me I should be getting my shopping delivered. I wish TfL would get the supermarkets to deliver but they won't. Seems that between them they think starvation is the best way to avoid the virus. Rant over, have a lovely weekend at home and stay safe.
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