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Everything posted by Chris116

  1. According to the Colin Marsden book DMU and EMU Recognition Guide the Derby Lightweight DMBS (79008-79046) were 27 tonnes. The Class 107 DMBS (51985-52010) were 35 tonnes and the Class 108 DMBS (50599-50629) were 29.5 tonnes.
  2. About 40 years ago , one of the utilities that dig up pavements were replacing their pipes and outside each house used a spray can to show where the connection to the property left their main pipe. My parents had white painted gate posts, one of which had a large splash of the spray colour on it. My mother complained to the company (I can't remember if it was gas or water) and about three days later two men in a van arrived to repaint the gate posts, my mother having insisted that both were done so they matched. What she had not mentioned was that one post was very rotten and it fell over when they bumped into it while doing the painting. Cue company having to replace both posts as my mother said they had caused it to fall over! My father and I could not believe how she had done it but she was very pleased with herself!
  3. I must have been lucky at school. The milk was normally cool and I liked it but a lot of my class mates hated it. School meals were dreadful so I refused to eat them much to the annoyance of the teachers. They said I would be hungry and not having any food during the day was bad for me! What they didn't know was that I used to swap my empty milk bottles for full ones from my class mates so at the end of morning break we all had empty bottles and I had drunk around two pints of milk. Guess what I had when I got home after school? A pint of milk, I lived on the stuff and ate very little even at home. I am now 65 and still drink at least two pints a day but now I also eat well which shows on my waist line!
  4. In that case turn the Mobile Data function to OFF! Or take the battery out of the phone and the computer. No one can contact you except by coming to the front door and we are not doing that at the moment.
  5. Simple solution to that is to pull the plug out of the wall! Sorry, I have a power cut.
  6. You can Google "Stephenson Museum" and will find their website. The museum is closed due to the virus but is normally open. Not sure about the two coaches.
  7. I fully understand that the current situation was not in anyone's plans but even with the magazine being on sale at the show I still don't understand why when it was not due on the shop shelves or to subscribers until nearly a week later you would preach to those at the show. I am not saying you got it wrong, just I do not understand the logic. As I said in my original post, another good issue and once I have watched all the country concerts that are streaming I must get around to watching the BRM DVD. Best wishes to all at BRM, it must be even harder producing the magazine in the current situation.
  8. Another fine issue but can I ask why when it was not available in shops until 26th March and I got my subscription copy on 24th March you had adverts and write ups for an exhibition that was due to be on 21st and 22nd March?
  9. What do you call an expert fisherman who can bait his own hook? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Mastabaiter! Hat, coat and hide in the next door room!
  10. That is a funny dictionary you have if it uses just six pages from bored to tears!
  11. If that is what they look like in "O" scale, just think what they would be in 12" to the foot!
  12. I wonder why comments are turned off!
  13. Why waste office space on HR? In my experience most are a waste of air without giving them office space as well!
  14. You should be locked up for that! Sadly we have all been locked up with you!
  15. "bureaucrats" and "act in a sensible manner" are not usual in the same sentence but I did see a flock of pigs flying around earlier so you may be in luck.
  16. Looks like perfect timing to me!
  17. I had a pair of JW's arrive on my doorstep about 12 years ago. They launched into their spiel and I told them that I went to the local CoE church and was a server. This had no effect so I started to close the door and one of them made the bad mistake of putting their foot in the way. I opened the door, nicely asked them to move their foot otherwise I would slam the door. They just carried on with the spiel so the door was slammed and I think he got a badly bruised foot or worse but they got the message and have never called again!
  18. Be very careful making such offers. She may make you one!
  19. Following on from my previous message and yours above, I am glad to report that I have managed to get a week's worth of food supplies and although not what we would have as first choice. No pasta, toilet rolls, eggs or tinned tomatoes and not much fresh meat but we won't starve and I didn't buy more than two of anything!
  20. My wife and I are both trying to keep away from the virus but I have had to go supermarket visiting every day as I have been unable, like a lot of people, to buy what we want. The lack of stock due to the panic buying means we are now more likely to get ill. I wish I knew what the solution to this problem is but it is something we all need to be aware of.
  21. G is a waste of time. The damn stuff grows back again. I solved the problem by moving from a house with front and back gardens to a flat on the top floor (5th) of the block which had an excellent view right across London of the opening and closing fireworks displays of the London Olympics. Much more entertaining than Gar..................
  22. I wonder how many snowflakes we can all upset by forwarding that to them! It is a good thing I had finished my coffee before I saw this as the computer would have been covered.
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