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Everything posted by Waraqah

  1. Wouldn't it have been a bow and a stern?
  2. I'm confused... did I misread the previous comments, or is this really a trainload of milk chocolate sausages?
  3. Some more American trains scattered throughout this video (to one of my favourite songs ever). If you watch the end, around the 4 minute mark, it seems that train-spotting is a much more up-close and personal pastime in the States!
  4. No Wembley specials to be diverted though the Junction, unfortunately :-(
  5. The thread seems to be turning into a "I said, he said..." type of debate. Would everyone mind waiting a few minutes while I get my popcorn?
  6. Those Borg signals have assimilated nicely... Sorry, I couldn't resist that. I tried, but as someone else pointed out, resistance is futile.
  7. Is that a big wooden spoon on the underside? Could come in handy for stirring the ###t on some other threads.
  8. You deserve a drink after all that splodging. How about some lager and a packet of crisps? Max Splodge
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