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Everything posted by Waraqah

  1. Like this, you mean? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_Bottomed_Girls#/media/File:Queen_Bicycle_Race1.png
  2. Keep them coming Alan. i think I speak for a lot of people when I say we're enjoying them as much as you are.
  3. Hi Alan, I don't often post here (in fact, this may be my first post!), preferring rather selfishly to just enjoy the (rather excellent) fruit of your labours without leaving any comments in return, but I can't go without wishing you a speedy recovery and all the best in your future endeavours. I look forward to seeing what you decide to do next. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be up to the incredible standard we're all used to. Regards, Waraqah
  4. He'll have to save himself first! "These aren't the sort of 'points' I'm used to", thought Thomas. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/cars/news/thomas-tank-engine-replica-bmw-stopped-police-way-scumrun/
  5. As a Plimuff bey it hurts me to say it, but well done Pompey. At least we can cancel the Wembley play-off special this season, Mr. Sweet.
  6. Hi Halsey, Thanks for the reply. Branch Line Terminus - it seems obvious once you say it, but as I was saying to my daughter when she asked for help with her HW the other day, sometimes you just can't see the obvious answers for looking. If you want obvious questions, or even downright stupid ones (!!), then I'm yer man. :-)
  7. I hope you'll excuse my ignorance, but I've seen the expression 'BLT' used to describe layouts a few times now and I've got absolutely no idea what it means. Any chance you (or someone) could enlighten me, please?
  8. The wave in that second shot must have been particularly strong; it's washed the pointy nose right off of that first train!
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