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Ian Hargrave

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Ian Hargrave

  1. I shouted for the Lambton only a few days ago.But I did urge to keep up the noise ! I believe we may have success in the not-too-distant future.
  2. Ian Hargrave

    LMS 10000

    It’s resurrection is currently being engineered at the Wirksworth end of the Ecclesbourne Valley Railway in Derbyshire .
  3. Ian Hargrave

    LMS 10000

    That’s right. I had 10001 of the modified lot fortunately .
  4. Ian Hargrave

    LMS 10000

    Plus the one with the BR e/c lion
  5. Ian Hargrave

    LMS 10000

    That’s the name. Thanks. Yes of course expensive as you’d expect from Ajin.Amazing performance though and beautifully crafted. The Dapol version I think rides far too high due to body clearances.
  6. I can appreciate your sentiments but they have IMHO significantly improved recently,so I wouldn’t dismiss their credentials . The recent A1/A3 ,the 9F and the P2 are well executed and run well.The 78XXX is appearing soon and promises to be equally good.
  7. Ian Hargrave

    LMS 10000

    There were actually three. Before the Bachmann “twins “,Ajin of Korea did them.Forget the name they were marketed under here.A pretty solid FMJ one too. If you can find one now
  8. No idea. But I avoided Bachmann’s earlier ( not the split chassis version ) reworked Mod. Hall for the obvious errors it generated.
  9. Oh yes. Salvation is nigh. I have now in front of me 31-780 6988 Swithland Hall in BR l/c green with conversion kit fitted. Bought from Rails 2016. Straight sided Hawksworth tender. Try eBay for it or similar.
  10. One….45509 in BR numbering The Derbyshire Yeomanry….spent most of it working life at,appropriately enough,Derby ( 17 A ) working the Midland Mainline and the inter regional cross country route. Later in their lives 3 further examples ended on ….nominally….WR books at Bristol Barrow Road ( 82E ) to add extra motive power to traffic on the route to New Street,Derby & the NE.
  11. I take your point. But surely more rests upon the quality of the motor and performance in the longer term….and this we don’t know atm…..rather than anything else. Perhaps best not to judge yet ?
  12. Thanks for that timely post,Paul. Now that you’re around “on here”,I note that your interest in the North East has recently led to the development of some very tasty wagons from that region..the Chaldrons are already here …with more to come. Now the obvious choice for a steam locomotive model to operate with them, Heljan having already given us an electric example, is Lambton tank No.29 which is I believe currently on the NYMR. I’m sure you will by now have given it some thought.As is said…just saying.
  13. That sums it up nicely.Though there has been of late a noticeable improvement in the rendition of “green” with new Hornby releases.So if that could be applied to an newly issued King it might brighten its prospects a bit. Though I can’t see this happening any time soon,( if ever ) given the continued waywardness of Hornby’s production “system “.
  14. I have run mine …7812…on DC for three weeks and have experienced none of these difficulties. I assume that the reference to a Stay Alive means that both are retro fitted with a dcc chip ? In which case,were they run first on DC analogue ? And were any such problems then encountered ?
  15. That seems a strange response,considering that Bachmann have just released the EFE LSWR Cross Country 4 coach set. I wonder if the response to its release may change minds . OO Works would certainly make a superb job of it as they already have a pedigree in LSWR models. An intriguing prospect….who will jump first ?
  16. Well no one else has yet. So here goes ‘You load sixteen tons,what do you get Another day older &deeper in debt St.Peter don’t you call me,’cause I can’t go I owe my soul to the company store’ Acknowledgements to Tennessee Ernie Ford Also to the certainty that our finances ….and souls….will soon be willingly in hock to this company store.That is if they aren’t already. Bravo…..again.
  17. Probably a normal Summer Saturday train possibly from Birkenhead/Wolverhampton/ Birmingham to Margate/Ramsgate etc As an aside ,in the late 50’s & early 60’s,Reading-Redhill services were hauled by 75XXX & 76XXX Standards and Schools too when displaced by Kent Coast electrification. Reading South depot was easily viewed from the WR mainline.Thus I spotted from my South Wales passing express the Standards and at least three much prized Schools….the last being 30903 & 30906 on 17/03/1960….returning from an interview at UCL .I didn’t get a place…
  18. The train reporting number has the letter “O” ,indicating a train from the WR to the SR via Reading-Redhill….probably Kent Coast onwards from Redhill via Tonbridge. The Manor would have worked to Redhill,possibly from the Midlands via Oxford
  19. Callow youths both. Manors ( new ) in BR black . First run behind one….7829 Ramsbury Manor 1954. I was 12 y.o. And yes,when it arrives,I’m set to run 7820 as a sound version on dc analogue…just for the sheer fun of it.
  20. Very interesting reading the posts of those who live and use transport in the London area,where mass transport is quicker & easier to access than it is for us country cousins ( well,sort of anyway) .ATM,I’ll happily settle for rail journeys unimpeded by the prospect of zero service /last minute cancellations .I have used …or attempted to use….rail travel just four times this calendar year. On each occasion I have faced this situation. I have a railcard which I am presently not using. Thanks be that I’ve kept my driving going,despite its everyday horrors. A return to a civilised society would be most welcome,with care, decency and compassion for all.
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