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Everything posted by brianusa

  1. Very evocative picture's, Andy, trains in the rain; everything looking clean and shiny and steamed up windows! Brian.
  2. Is there a preferred railway in modelling for any reason? Is it a regional thing? Do those in the north east prefer the LNER or those in Kent like the SR? For obvious reasons, my choice is the GW although my trains are mostly LMS due to the fact that old Hornby tinplate is now expensive and LMS is the cheapest! That's my excuse anyway. I did redeem myself however with the acquisition of a GW County. Brian.
  3. Most of the 2Ps found today are rebuilds by enterprising owners who could afford to do so! Considering the Compounds, although not cheap, they are the least expensive of the 4-4-0s and other LMS locos, hence my preponderance of LMS stock whereas growing up in the shadow of 83D, I am a firm GW fan. I was able to even up the situation with the recent purchase of a County which makes me feel better! Brian.
  4. Thanks Mark. I don't have a 2P but a Compound will pilot 6100 over the banks. Brian.
  5. Still Classic FM via the internet! I've not even heard of most of these favourites! Brian
  6. The Pines Express with Hornby No.3 Royal Scot and seven coaches, crosses an Up goods at the station. About the limit for my size layout but I don't suppose the real one was much longer. Brian.
  7. I am looking on the internet for this book. The Book Depository doesn't have it yet, a shame as they don't charge postage. Amazon UK has a shop in Exeter with it but they want over $78 which is far above the Lightmoor price of $45. Are there any more reasonable price around or is the cover price the best price still. Brian.
  8. Thanks Cap'n for those lovely evocative and nostalgic Devonshire pictures. Haven't been that way in many a year but it certainly awakened a few memories of similar autumn days a long time ago. Most of my byways are now bypassed so rarely get to see them when we return. Brian.
  9. Almost felt as though I was there! Brian.
  10. Hi Rick, know how you feel. We had a good cat for nineteen years and when he died it was as though it was a family member, which in retrospect I guess he was.. It was ages before we could have another. Brian.
  11. <<< The not so good news is I 'discovered' I need a load more points >>> A common ailment in layout building! Brian.
  12. The classic response but it would be interesting to compare the two. It would no doubt be conjecture though as such statistics from way back are probably lost forever. Brian.
  13. Makes one wonder how former railway employees survived! Cap, waistcoat, tuned up sleeves and maybe a flag. Suddenly, all that was not good enough and now they are enveloped from head to toe in Hviz and hardhats; be thankful these guys have the minimum adornment. Brian.
  14. In todays world a fly tip is possible at such a place. Lots of junk, old furniture, appliances, etc. But luckily for the time period of the model, doubtful! Brian.
  15. I'd venture to say a life boat station is part of the scene at a lot of harbour towns and villages. Its as familiar as a church or the railway station and just the thing one would expect to see. Brian
  16. For a long time these were open and a great temptation for any boy of the time. At Shaugh bridge, the tunnel was T shaped and large enough for a lot of dynamite or whatever and presumably others were similar. Plenty of room to play in! Brian.
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