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Posts posted by Fishplate

  1. Big changes Graham. It will be sad for you (and us) to see CR2 'Beeching-ed' after all your hard work. But hopefully you'll pop up in the central operating well of CR3 as soon as possible.


    Which part of GB will you be aiming for? Do you have free hand? Or are you tied to a particular location/ area?



    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, St Enodoc said:

    I'll let our PW colleagues continue this conversation...


    Well, challenge accepted: full size Pway (12" :1ft scale) - Design to 1mm.


    Modern installation techniques mean that, whilst there are installation tolerances, we frequently see installation at between 1 - 5mm  to design position, both horizontally and vertically. Noting that the post installation surveys also have survey tolerances.


    When I first started (mid 70's), the general rule (given the equipment used then) was:


    Design to the nearest millimetre (log books only recently replaced with calculators, still hand written calcs)

    Set out to the nearest 5mm (theodolite straights, with wooden pegs and nails setting out the track geometry, or offsets from the adjacent track)

    Install within 10mm, then final line and level


    Hope that helps.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Oldddudders said:

    The AI climbed the cutting-side, while the OO stood, equally safely, in the cess.


    Out surveying with a very opiniated colleague, new to the railway, on a hot summers day. Colleague decided he was too hot, so had arrived on site in shorts and a tee-shirt. He soon took the tee-shirt off, wearing his orange vest round his shorts. 


    The lookout blew up for a train and we all stepped out to the cess. Those of us who were looking at the train, which was doing line speed, realised what the mist was around the lower part of the train and stepped back accordingly. 


    Our chum was not looking and, intent on grabbing the sun's rays as the train passed, was surprised to be enveloped in a wash of toilet flush and assorted contents. 


    He made sure he looked at the trains after that. 

    • Funny 15
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  4. On 18/01/2024 at 14:10, MrWolf said:

    That's possibly more fun than the kicking my wallet has had today for a new car battery and a taxi to get the memsahib to the station on time.


    Hi Rob, I hope all settled down now?

  5. On 18/01/2024 at 13:32, Fishplate said:

    Nostalgia plus emails from Rails of Sheffield are an interesting combination.


    Having succumbed to three corporate blue Newspaper vans, I then agonised over the fact I have no corporate blue locomotives. That's when the second email from Rails of Sheffield arrived..... 


    Pristine Class 73 (JA) 73002 buffers up to the freshly outshopped Newspaper vans in Carriage Siding 1.





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  6. 1 hour ago, 61656 said:

    It’s always really good to receive such positive feedback. It makes the whole depths of despair worthwhile!


    One of the great things about RMWeb. I know various people I follow have 'mojo absences'  from time to time. Sometimes it's good to set one thing aside whilst it is being a pain and try something else. Letting the subconscious work on the set aside item can bring results I've found.


    1 hour ago, 61656 said:

    There is a prize for the 100th follower


    Hurrah !


    1 hour ago, 61656 said:

    you are currently squad number 99. 


    Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. .  .. . 😀


    1 hour ago, 61656 said:


    I know a couple of people have gone back and restored photos, but that seems like a lot of work. I could do a compromise and rewrite the first page so that newcomers know where to start. The back story took a lot of working up, but it’s probably not obvious if you just dip in the middle. 


    I was lucky. I was only a few pages in, so reinstating pics wasn't too difficult. Can understand it would be a big problem.

    • Like 1
  7. On 17/01/2024 at 14:42, KNP said:

    I was amazed how lacking in any type of protection or care for their own safety there was. Spray everywhere in the wind and not a goggle in sight.


    One bloke does have his trousers inside some very long socks though . . . .

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  8. On 17/01/2024 at 11:15, Pete Haitch said:

    I am utterly in awe of this.


    On 17/01/2024 at 12:59, The Bandit said:

    Astounding. Pure talent!


    On 17/01/2024 at 13:04, Re6/6 said:

    A lovely angry sky George....brilliant!


    13 hours ago, John Besley said:

    It's difficult to tell where the actual board ends and the backscene takes over, that is skill 100%


    Everyone has beaten me to it. I'm too busy picking my jaw up off the floor. Superb George.

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  9. I came across your railway whilst looking at the 'Layout Topics' page over my Christmas break. I started looking at the then current page but soon realised I needed to go backwards to get the full picture. Which is when I ended up at Page 1. . . . .


    Love the entire concept and the development of the prototype timetable to accommodate Christleton Junction. A thoroughly enjoyable read. A shame you (and so many others) have lost the pictures earlier on in The Great Crash. Have hit 'Follow' and see I've taken this topic to 100 followers. 


    Very much looking forward to seeing your further progress.


    Ps. Our layouts have a few things in common: station on a curve, elevated tracks, so interesting bits/ inspiration picked up on the way through.

    • Like 2
  10. 8 hours ago, BWsTrains said:

    at least back then the pace of technology change was much slower.....  


    Or were people and organisations content with "if it works, why break it?" .


    Compare to the current need for constant change/ "innovation" and not letting change bed in before the next change starts. 

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