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Everything posted by Jock67B

  1. Evening all, Gutted of Clacton here (dare not employ Andrew's words the way I feel!). Can you believe that I've just spent over two hours catching up from Christmas Eve on, and then a further hour and five minutes typing a lengthy post, only to lose the whole damned lot as I almost reached the signature!!!!!!! My left thumb obviously pressed something on the iPad, clearing the bleddy lot. I'm now too tired and upset to try to do it all again at the moment so I'll see if it's possible to find time tomorrow to try again. At least I know that nothing disastrous appears to have happened to any of my digital friends in the meantime, Kind regards, Jock (Seriously pi**ed off at the moment). G'night Pete! G'night all!
  2. Evening all, Just returned from delivering lots of left over goodies from yesterday's party to daughter and grandson's houses - we don't drink Coke and Lemonade, and there was a surfeit of perishable food, so rather than waste it ........ I really hope that no-one is caught up in the horrendous flooding that we've been seeing on the news? Later, after a plate of cold turkey and pickles, washed down with some of the lovely cider that came from Somerset as a gift from the children, I'll try for an early night. Whether I've got time to catch up by then, I very much doubt, but I'll do my best over the next couple of days. Meanwhile, I hope everyone has enjoyed themselves as I have, Kind regards, Jock.
  3. Morning all, Apologies but I've just crawled in to bed with my iPad. Very tired indeed but I've managed to stay awake throughout a very busy day in which my house was taken over by the whole family and various partners, children and a Westie bitch to keep Archie happy! No1 son is staying tonight with his beautiful lady, and they've all joined in to manage a massive clear-up which leaves me with little to do tomorrow, other than start consuming the food that's been left - anyone for turkey? I am horrified by the scenes of flooding throughout the land, having just turned on BBC News 24 for the first time today. I do hope none of our digital friends have been too badly affected, and all being well, I'll get more time to look in tomorrow and start a marathon catch up. Please forgive me if I've missed anything serious, my commiserations/congratulations as necessary and I hope most of you have had the sort of Chrirmas that you enjoy, Kind regards, Jock. G'night Pete! G'night all!
  4. Peter, I ticked thanks on the post above, as I've just woken up, and looked in for an update. I had no idea you'd be in peril from flooding when your avatar says you live up a Welsh mountain, so presumably the village/town is in a dip. Has this happened often in the past? Hoping you don't end up inundated, but as usual, you take the pragmatic view! Please keep us posted if your connection holds. I'm off to get the dog seen to and the turkey crown from the garage to put in the oven! Kind regards, Jock. PS apologies, in my tiredness I missed saying good night last night - apologies.
  5. Evening all, Been back from grandson's house (he stayed sober to run everyone home - what a host!) for a couple of hours, but dozed off on the couch! I haven't consumed as much to eat and drink for many months so I'm afraid catch-up is unlikely to start until day after tomorrow, which looks like being another busy day. Although number one daughter is 'doing it', when it all happens in your house, there are lots of things to be done - I'm told!! I shall cook the turkey crown in the morning and little else (I hope). Peter, our thoughts are with you, your family and neighbours and we have our fingers crossed that the worst of the weather by-passes you. May get back tomorrow for a short while, Kind regards, Jock.
  6. Afternoon all, Not had a chance to think of catching up, but gammon cooked and carved and turkey crown (overdone slightly - couple of babies eating!) and we are about to be collected to take the meat to grandson's. Ready to be spoiled! Hope to look in tonight, but not sure about focus, Kind regards, Jock.
  7. Jim, That is beautiful, and exactly what Christmas means to me - the look of sheer enjoyment on Hong un's face is a joy to behold, thank you so much for posting it! Hope your festive season goes with a swing - a well deserved rest, look forward to following your threads again in 2016, Kind regards, Jock.
  8. Morning all, Sorry to say that I've been unable to catch up by at least two pages, and tiredness has overtaken me. After various cleaning chores in preparation for Boxing Day, I've boiled the gammon, but glazing/roasting will now take place later in the morning along with roasting the turkey crown to take to the grandkids when we're collected after lunch. Usual traditional bottle of bubbly will be consumed as a traditional element of our Christmas breakfast. The silly jumper and Santa hat are laid out, and so will I be if I don't get some sleep! I'll endeavour to catch up over the next few days, and hope I haven't missed anything important. Have a great festive season all, Kind regards, Jock. G'night Pete! G'night all!
  9. Morning Mike, My Clan motto is 'Sero Sed Serio' - 'late but in earnest' and so I'd like to wish you and your family a wonderful festive season from my wife Joanna and myself. Thanks for sharing your superb craftsmanship with us, Kind regards, Jock.
  10. Morning Jamie, My Clan motto is 'Sero Sed Serio' - 'Late but in earnest', so I would like to wish you, Beth and all your family a wonderful festive season from Joanna and myself. Thank you for sharing your modelling skills with us, I've picked up a lot from your thread. And I wonder now if scribing Das for the Hurlford shed in 00 would be feasible so I hope you are going to do a blow by blow account? Kind regards, Jock.
  11. Morning Gordon, My Clan motto is 'Sero Sed Serio' - 'Late but in earnest' and so I'd like to wish you and all your family a splendid festive season from Joanna and I. Thanks for sharing so many ideas with us, I have learned a lot! Kind regards, Jock.
  12. Morning Derek, My Clan motto is 'Sero Sed Serio' - 'Late but in earnest', and so I'd like to wish you and all your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Joanna and I. I like others am terribly impressed by your scenic work and think the last set of images demonstrate why. I hope the festive break re-charges your batteries and you can return with renewed enthusiasm! Best wishes for a relatively pain free time, Kind regards, Jock.
  13. Evening Al, We would like to wish you and your family s very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Joanna and myself. Thank you for sharing your modelling work with us, especially with your skill in the production of such accurate miniature devices like the ground signals or the lawn mower for instance. Very inspirational and I look forward to the next episode when you get time. Kind regards, Jock.
  14. Evening Duncan, We would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Joanna and myself. Thanks for sharing your modelling with us and I sincerely hope you get more time to relax with it in the coming year! Kind regards, Jock.
  15. Evening gentlemen, To Chris and family, and Jason, Sophia and Sara, we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Joanna and myself. Thank you for this inspirational thread, I've enjoyed it on so many levels, and learned a lot! Kind regards, Jock.
  16. Evening Mike, A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family from Joanna and I. Thank you very much for sharing such an entertaining and inspirational layout with us - I have learned so much just looking in occasionally, and look forward to the next episode! Kind regards, Jock.
  17. Hi Chris, A couple of health issues have meant I've just had to play catch-up. Just wanted to wish you and all your family a very Merry Christmas and a productive Happy New Year. Thank you for sharing your modelling with us, warts and all! It has been a very instructive and inspirational thread and I look forward to more of the same in the coming year. Hope your celebrations all go as planned, Kind regards, Jock. PS Jonathan, my hernia op. is scheduled for 31/12 as long as it goes ahead! J.
  18. Morning all, I'd like to wish all who contribute to Paul's excellent thread a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks to you all for keeping my interest in that wonderful county alive, and the informed comment from the current railway workers, as well as the images from the accomplished photographers amongst us! Kind regards, Jock.
  19. Lovely card thank you Brian, Mine is a simple wish from Joanna and I that you and all your family have a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for sharing your modelling with us, which I have found entertaining and instructive. Look forward to developments in the coming year, Kind regards, Jock.
  20. Morning all, I'd like to wish all those daft enough to admit to being members of the 'asylum' a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for all the entertainment throughout the year, and for those times when our brains were exercised with some fascinating science and Universe discussions. I hope all are well, and enjoy their festive season, Kind regards, Jock.
  21. Morning Jeff, Like Polly and Ray, my wife Joanna and I would like to wish you and all your family a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and Happy New Year. Hope you enjoy your break, and that the withdrawal symptoms aren't too painful. Thank you also for the supportive comments when I've been unwell, much appreciated! Kind regards, Jock.
  22. Morning all, Thank you as ever from my heart for the responses to my Christmas greeting, including a literally staggering PM from AndyB! About a week ago, I thought that Joanna and I were going to have a fairly leisurely time with Christmas Day being hosted by No1 grandson and partner, and Boxing Day being hosted, albeit in our house, by eldest daughter from Epping. Grandson's partner is terrified by the prospect of cooking a turkey and a gammon for all the family for the first time, and so 'old softy' here has volunteered to cook them in my range, and take them with us in time for an afternoon kick-off (they only live around half a mile away)! It then occurred to No1 that if she leaves Epping on the morning of Boxing Day, there won't be time when she gets here to cook the large turkey crown, centrepiece of her planned buffet. Guess who's doing it? Not really much stress however. Sprouts as usual have come from one of my old customers who at 80+ still goes to work for a few hours at a nearby market garden. He turned up with two whole stalks, cut that morning and crowned with lots of my favourite greens - Brussels tops. Dave(TG), belated 10th anniversary greetings, I hope you both have many of them! Lovely images of the beautiful scenery near you, it must be a joy to ride with those views. I didn't much fancy the one of Featherville in the Rockies though - I think 88inches is a bit over the top, and we simply wouldn't cope in this country. Lurker, hope you and your family have a lovely festive season, it's difficult to believe that a whole year has passed since you informed us of FiL's problems. I hope he is capable of joining in this year. DD, that is indeed a beautiful wildlife photograph and, as Warren (BoD) said, that certificate certainly underlines the amount you do for the benefit of others - very well earned! Brian, it sounds like your cancer caused you to be put through the mill, but it's pleasing to read that the treatment appears to have been effective. The side effects from the radiotherapy can be quite interesting, weariness, washing with 'simple' soap and applying acqueus cream to the area affected to mention but three. My last dose was a large single one, but it appears to have missed the point where the pain is worst, near where the pelvis meets the spine. As I no doubt mentioned, the recent scan was to allow pinpoint targeting so they can try to attack the precise site of the pain, and this is due to occur as soon as I've recovered enough from my hernia operation on the 31st of this month. Baz, fingers crossed that 'youngest herbert' gets a result from one of these interviews. You must at least be proud of the fact that he didnt just sit back and accept his situation. John(CB) and Simon, there isn't enough 'stuff' in our house to cause clutter as Joanna is a minimalist. My study, garage and loft are a different matter of course, the walls being full of a large number of volumes from my book collection, as well as lots of 'useful stuff'! Must remember seasons greetings to our missing members such as Tex, and those off air like Rick, Chris, Bill and others in the hope they look in. The hump is just over, and I'll miss terribly the traditional de-camp to the local pub from my last garage which was a Christmas Eve lunch-time tradition. It gave us a chance to treat all the staff, from cleaner upwards, to drinks and something to eat to say thank you for the past year. Joanna will be happy though, that I no longer get poured out of a car at tea-time as I did then! Try to have a stress free day tomorrow, and think of me, no doubt helping with last minute cleaning so that the house looks OK for Boxing Day! Continued improvement wished for all our poorly members, and safe journeys hoped for those travelling to escape the hype, Kind regards, Jock. G'night Pete! G'night all! PS if the 'railsquid' happens to look in, I hope he, his good lady and above all the 'squidlet' have a great Christmas.
  23. Andy, I can guess what you mean - it looks beautiful in photographs, but is no fun at all to live with? Hope you manage to do all you need to for Christmas, Kind regards, Jock.
  24. Brian, You must have posted as I was typing! That is indeed good supportive advice to Dave and Is. It was only after I was diagnosed that I began to research what 'cancer' meant, and I was surprised to discover the large number of different types of tumour, all with different ways of affecting tissue. As you rightly pointed out, these consultant oncologists are very experienced and I have complete faith in mine, as everything he has predicted so far has happened and I'll soon have been alive for double my original prognosis! Kind regards, Jock.
  25. Morning All, I would like to say a Very Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New year to you all and your families. At the same time, I want to say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all of you for your tremendous kindness and support throughout the issues that my family and I have endured in the past year. Both Joanna and I really appreciate it and your input has really choked us and lifted our spirits on many occasions. We both hope that everyone enjoys the festive break, regardless of beliefs! AndyID, your post of images from the snow storm took me back to my childhood days in Scotland when snow was a feature for several months. Imagine my surprise when we moved South, the snow here has only been that heavy a couple of times in all the years I've lived here. Geoff, I believe you have every right to celebrate your news - I shall raise the glass to you tonight. Dave(TG), thanks for the update on 'Is', although my problem was from a different type of tumour which caused lots of secondary issues, my oncologist concentrated on the primary source to try to prevent further rapid spread. After that, three periods of radiotherapy were applied to 'mop up' the remaining issues - nodules in the lungs, small tumours on two ribs and a shadow on my right thigh. The theory was that they would gradually disappear, and that has been the case! The main bone tumours are sadly too advanced and simply can't be cured, but the radiotherapy slows down the advance which is why I'm back in the booth in January. I imagine that the oncologist looking after 'Is' has made a similar decision, especially as deep surgery can in fact cause further spread, whereas the radiotherapy will slow that markedly. Keep us posted, the fitness issue sounds promising. Is - keep up the positive approach!! Warren, good news on the op. and I'm sure the few days discomfort will be worthwhile to get your eye back in full working order. I agree on the TED socks, I had to have the nursing sister daughter attend to mine - I can't pull normal socks on, let alone those super-tight stockings! Do your toes feel extra cold? Polly, good luck with the molar - I hope any suffering is short term. Bill, hope you have a great break and look forward to reading your posts again in January. Duncan, sorry to hear about the extra work being forced on you, but you still found time to think of the poor souls in Cumbria who are back in flood trouble again! It was bad enough having to clear up the first lot, without their work being undone so soon. We hope all those ailing can at least get well enough to enjoy themselves throughout the festive season - I had thought I'd be doing nothing (other than paying for a fair chunk of it!) but that isn't to be - I'll post about that tomorrow all being well. Climbing the hump now, it will soon be downhill to Santa's arrival. I really look forward to watching the faces of the wee ones as they unwrap their presents. Nightcap time so it's kind regards, Jock. G'night Pete! G'night those who can't sleep for excitement!
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