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Everything posted by drduncan

  1. Oops! I really ought to keep track of what designs I think I’ve done....
  2. That’s absolutely the right approach: model from photos whenever possible. Of course the problem is when there are no photos... The 2 plank I sent to Mikkel was based on a description in the Saltney book that suggests that the first two planks might not have had doors. DrDuncan
  3. Well, as the person that who’s fault this is all I can say is I’m extremely grateful to Gareth! And I’m looking forward to seeing it running on Nampara in a few years - this isn’t a dig at Gareth’s speed of progress but my own! I think at the current rate I’ll be lucky to have the track finished by next summer.
  4. As I’ve had no volunteers come forward we can consider this thread closed (and locked if the Mods wish). Duncan
  5. Ian, to change direction a little; are there such things in 2mm as kits for the Dean 6’4” bogie? Duncan
  6. Also are the bolts on the frames bolts or rivets? They look rather tall. D
  7. What height are you extruding your rivets to? I use 0.25mm above the surface and then use the chamfer tool at 0.125mm to round off the extruded cylinder. D
  8. Looking at wagons 4 and 5, 4 might be a GWR V12 or later. No 5 looks like it might have end louvred with shutters - all of which suggests post c1910 at the earliest. This then could mean common user wagons if post 1915 and therefore no inferences about destination or frequency of company types can be made. DrDuncan
  9. So, to try to move this along: 1. Who already has images of the stock books from Kew/York AND (all other things being equal) be prepared to contribute them to the project? (Please detail references and piece numbers so we can avoid going over the same files). 2. Who would be prepared to photograph stock books in conjunction with others at: a. Kew b. York? Volunteers only reply please, negatives are not required. Also please let’s not keep going round the houses about what might or might not be possible. If enough people can support the project to make it plausible we can then go into the details... Duncan
  10. I’m more interested in being given the contents rather than an empty vessel in case I get accused of making the most sound.... DrD
  11. No idea about OSR. Maybe the stationmaster or Miss Prism might have a scoob....
  12. With regard to the search issue, I’m told by a chap who is paid to understand such things the the open source Mayan document management software has an automatic ocr facility. I’m experimenting with Mayan at work and one of the tests will be to see how good the ocr facility is wrt jpeg images. If it is all that is promised it may be the solution. DrD
  13. Yes, that’s why I feel a collaborative approach that shares images and means people can avoid going over the same ground might be fruitful. Duncan
  14. Done. I blame autocorrect and poor proof reading. D
  15. Dear all, For those interested in wagons and the GWR’s wagons in particular the wagon registers at Kew and York are a mine of useful information. But being so far apart consulting them is difficult for many of us (for example Kew is easily doable for me but York not). So I was wondering if as a community we could collaborate in photographing the registers and sharing the resulting images. I imagine we’d need two teams, one photographing the Kew files, one the York. We could then either set up our own io type group to host the images, or ask Andy York if RMweb could (but I suspect there would be too many files) or ask an organisation like the GW study group to host it in their io group. In the much longer term we could transpose the information into an excell spreadsheet which would be easier to share and be searchable - but this would be a very long job. What to people think? Duncan
  16. Dear all, I’m sure we were all saddened to hear of Adrian Swain’s passing after a long illness. It set my inner historian thinking and having rooted through my catalogue stash from long lost businesses, I’ve found that my copy of his last catalogue (the blue one) didn’t survive the last house move. So I was wondering if anyone had a copy they could scan and post here both for posterity and to encourage anyone who might be thinking of resurrecting the ABS/Four Most range. Indeed any catalogues of Adrian's other ranges would be very welcome to add more interest in and information on his contribution as a businessman to our hobby. Regards, Duncan
  17. Just in case anyone else is interested, close up JPEG’s of a very useful diagram in the Lewis article....
  18. Yet another inspirational and informative post. Many thanks. Duncan
  19. Oh and the blister for the brake standard is there - promise...
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