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Everything posted by drduncan

  1. Thanks Gareth. What have you been printing? D
  2. What thickness are you using for the W irons and brake gear? D
  3. A little bit of broad gauge never hurt anyone! Go on, scratch that 7ft itch... Duncan
  4. Mike, Your explorations are always inspirational. Duncan
  5. It is a Form labs form 2. Sides are 0.5mm (I think) But only because it’s such a small wagon. The longer the side the ticker due to possible warping. D
  6. So I’ve managed to make some progress. First a CMR tippler wagon: The W irons are D & S. I think the buffers at the non tippling end should be self contained ones and I think I’ll modify GW self contained ones. Brake gear will be butchered coopercraft from the spares box. For the mark 2 I’m going to try extruding up the end door strapping to meet a 0.5mm brass wire hinge. I’m also going to do a later version with buffers At both ends with will have a slightly differential side brace at the door end as per some prototype images. A small set back with the BG opens. The 4 plank is ridding to high. The 3 plank is good though! W irons and axle Xbox/springs are MJT, brakes ABS and v hanger D & S. Duncan
  7. The prototype 3D print! The W irons are D & S. I think the buffers at the non tippling end should be self contained ones and I think I’ll modify GW self contained ones. Brake gear will be butchered coopercraft from the spares box. For the mark 2 I’m going to try extruding up the end door strapping to meet a 0.5mm brass wire hinge. I’m also going to do a later version with buffers at both ends which will have a slightly different side brace at the door end as per some prototype images. Duncan
  8. Thanks. I’m 4mm/EM. I intend using etched w-irons and modified cast or plastic brake gear. Not sure about the curved brake lever - probably cut from 10thou styrene. DrD
  9. Here is the first attempt at the drawing for the CMR tippler wagon. DrD
  10. I escaped to the attic for 5 mins yesterday and gave things a quick waft of Halfords red oxide which to my mind is a good starting point for GWR wagon red. It also allows the detail to be seen more clearly as in the horrid close up below. The strapping and corner plates are 0.25mm deep, as are the bolt heads which are 0.5mm square. Last weeks lunchtime 3D doodles covered a Cornwall Mineral Railways China clay tippler wagon and that will have some rivers that are 0.25mm... wonder if it will print ok As I’ve escaped to the attic when I’m not half asleep I’d better get on with Kipford et als locos ...
  11. Hi Mike, Thanks for the post. The cleminson works well dry, but assuming the ride Height it ok the centre axle needs work - not the carrier itself but how it fits Into the main under frame; it needs a short guide piece on each side to stop it twisting out of alignment. 40 thou square strip styrene should do it on the current bodies but any new designs will get the modifications D
  12. The osL182 fish truck with guard’s box also came out well (as did the ordinary osL182 and 343 lot fish trucks but the photos go over the 10mb limit so I’ll upload them later). You can see it sitting on the inside framed cleminson chassis but without the sole bars fitted. Here you can see the cleminson and again I need a buffer height jig to check the maths! DrD
  13. Well, the new tank has made a great difference and I’ve now got a pair of GWR broad gauge convertible wagons - a 3 plank and a 4 plank. Here is the 3 plank and you can see it balanced on the etched w irons. Here is the underside showing the recesses for the W irons and the relatively little cleaning up of the support stubs. And finally the 4 plank with w irons dropped in, at which point I realised that although I’ve made a BG axle spacing jig I need to design and print a buffer height jig to make sure all my maths was right in the design stage. Probably should have thought of that earlier!!!! DrDuncan
  14. Yes I have the Matthew’s book and I’m not sure of the accuracy of the drawing... Duncan
  15. Marc, Very many thanks. That 3/4 view is especially fine. I’m sure those images will be exceptionally useful. Duncan
  16. Yes. Three different wagons on the same build plate
  17. So I’ve been playing around with various drawings in the printer and slowly fine tuning how to place supports to irradiate distortion as well as some judicious tweeting of the drawings. I thought I was getting close to having something that didn’t end up with bits of red sharpie on it to highlight things that needed correction. And then this.... I think the printer got Covid crossed with galloping plague that was then attacked by a passing flame thrower given the pustules that are covering everything and melted stuff everywhere. The observant will notice the mass of supports on the middle without any sign of a wagon attached to them... What I presume was this wagon was found (or at least the floor) was found on the floor of the resin tank. I think the tank got contaminated somehow.... Anyway spare tank fitted, the dodgy one put aside for social enquires with a red hot poker, and we’ll see if anything useable emerges! DrDuncan
  18. Is a straight framed County on the cards too? DrDuncan
  19. Does anyone have a general arrangement drawing for the 1392 ex CMR 0-6-0 saddle tank engines (ie after they were rebuilt to saddle tanks in the 1880s)? Thanks DrDuncan
  20. Hi Mikkel, Whats the source and date of the photo? DrDuncan
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