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Everything posted by drduncan

  1. Chaps, Here are a couple of my first attempts. At the top we have a GWR S7 fish wagon with bars for the sides (I intend to use 0.5mm brass inserted through holes in the print - it is currently printing so I'll find out tomorrow if it worked)...I'm working on the Broad Gauge 6w predecessor of the S7 at the moment but need to redo the solebar as the axleguards/w-irons (only they aren't w shaped) are wrong. I also need to draw up internal bearing units on a 4w truck so as to make a proper chassis that will hopefully enable it to go round corners! Beneath it is one of the 1 planks. They have already been printed but without solebars and went banana shaped while curing. I am hoping the solebars will help limit distortion when they are printed and cured (hopefully tomorrow). Regards Duncan
  2. I hope to print them this week and have them at the EMGS skills day at didcot civic centre this Saturday. It’s free and layouts like Westcliffe will be there as well as demonstrators like me....
  3. Mike, Excellent work! And very inspirational too! Yesterday I completed my first 3D wagon designs: a GWR 1pkank wagon (actually 3 different ones each with different lengths/widths) drduncan
  4. Any new releases of the old nucast/keyser kits. Hoping for the GWR Armstrong goods!!!! drduncan
  5. I’m sure that this isn’t a problem at ExpoEM... it could be a new tag line: ‘The EMGS; finescale hygiene your neighbour will appreciate’. Not being a pee 4 type I couldn’t comment on S4 society cleanliness. But I’m not sure finescale soap can be produced to meet the tolerance they demand....
  6. You do work in Pee 4 after all....
  7. It’s proving difficult to find test subjects to get the empirical evidence for a rigorous article.... unless you’re volunteering to smell of wee!!!
  8. It’s a shame my article on how P4 modellers can get greater comfort and general happiness by swapping the collars and cuffs on their S4 society apparel for EMGS ones isn’t suitable for publication in the MRJ. Such clothing modifications reduces chafing and irritation and thus allows P4 layouts to operate more smoothly and problem free...
  9. Fear, surprise , ruthless efficiency, fanatical devotion to the MRJ and nice EMGS polo shirts...
  10. Lovely work,Dave. The prototype pictures are very interesting and I’ll now have to do a 4mm version to bring my rake of non identical GW 4 plank wagons up to date with this latest find. I’m sure I’ve still got an unmade Coopercraft kit in the stash somewhere! DrDuncan
  11. Or worse, over rated misery music from the 1980s....
  12. If anyone has any graham Farish 6’8” wheels off of a GWR Castle following a conversion to 2mm f/s in their come in handy/gloat box, I’d be interested in them. DrDuncan
  13. Can we have a smiffs status report from any of our field agents...
  14. My word, what is the MRJ coming to? At this rate issue 300 will be on sale in every newsagent across the realm on the date printed in issue 299!!!! D
  15. As 24hrs have now passed since the nominal publication date of MRJ 277, it is now officially open season for issue spotters or those running books on the actual publication date. For those of us, like me, who just want their finescale fix, anticipation is all very well but nothing like as good as getting hold of the product. MRJ is anything but ‘design clever’ - although it is often full of clever designs, solutions and above all inspiration! DrDuncan
  16. It’s a variant of the Broad Gauge Ceaser 0-6-0 goods loco. Europa lasted until 1892 and the end of BG. D
  17. It looks like the sole bars increase in thickness at the W irons to be flush with the wagon sides. Is that your interpretation of your composite image? Duncan
  18. For nine read non - auto correct tribulations
  19. I’m experimenting (at work so there is a hiatus for half term) on doing the planks by having a 0.25mm rectangle for the gap between planks that I can intrude into the side perhaps 0.25mm. Still at the drawing stage - one side of the unique BG convertible 4 plank prototype with its nine standard dimensions and wheel base - and the end to do. Then more trawling of fusion tutorials to see if there is an easy way to duplicate completed faces onto new sides/ends. I’ll let you know how it goes! ....
  20. What’s your plan for the ends? Duncan
  21. Mike, A very nice looking waggon side. Excellent work! Duncan
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