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Everything posted by drduncan

  1. Portsmouth commercial road Smiths still stocking 271. ☹️
  2. Your D2 sides and the BGS ends seem a close match. Duncan
  3. Is there a specific individual to contact at NYMR or an email address?
  4. Is the China Clay Brachlines yahoo group still around? Has it moved to io groups? If so is there a link to it? DrDuncan
  5. Charlie, As I’ve got your D2 sides and a set of the BGS ends I’ll try to check them against each other for height if that will be a help. I got the ends to convert the Mallard/blacksmith 6w composite to the BG version but the BGS ends and the Mallard coach sides are a mismatch, so the D2 will be the ideal use for them. Have you made a drawing of the Culm Valley 3rd and would you be prepared to share it? Duncan
  6. I wish my 4mom one looked as good! DrDuncan
  7. Dear all, Many thanks to you all for your replies and information. Seeing the perseverance range back would be very nice but alas not likely it seems. Duncan
  8. Can you post how you did it and which coaches can be done? DrDuncan
  9. Which BGS mag are you after? I have a lot but not the full run. Duncan
  10. Oh a Buffalo for Sherton please!!! D
  11. Hi everyone, Are Perseverance chassis kits still available? I think they were owned last by Chris Parrish up near Pickering... Thanks DrDuncan
  12. I’m very jealous. I’m after a couple of Armstrong goods - one to bash into the BG convertible version! Duncan
  13. It was in BRM many years ago. The same issue as Richard Butler’s Westcliffe so is a real treat for the GWR fan and worth hunting out. D
  14. Dick’s layout is beautiful and his stock breathtaking. We were lucky enough to get him to the South Hants show in Portsmouth a couple of years ago. He was kind enough to have me as one of his operators but I keeled over with flu halfway through the day. Has he finished his Great Bear? Duncan
  15. Itching to see the River class build too! And seeing it in action of Sherton! drduncan
  16. drduncan

    Telegraph Poles

    This might be of interest.... Published yesterday by GWSG. Several pages on design and installation of telegraph poles. DrDuncan
  17. When were the C15s converted into C16s? DrDuncan
  18. Chris, Mike Trice did some nice looking ones here which might work. I think they will have to be done on 20thou as you suggest or a double layer in 10thou used (a bit like you see on some etched brass coach kits). I’m about to draw up some for my U9/U10 cutting file over the weekend (hopefully) so will share them with you on completion. Regards, Duncan.
  19. Chris, Looking very nice, but I couldn’t spot the door and clerestory ventilators on the cutting sheet. Regards, Duncan
  20. Or as Sellers’ & Yateman’s errata would have it ‘for pheasants read peasants throughout.’ D
  21. So work/life has prevented much physical progress over the last few weeks. I have however been busy CADing a GWR U9 and U10 6w composite. Yes, I know they aren’t BG or convertible stock but they only have a tumblehome at the sides not sides and ends which has made them easier to cut my teeth on. Once finished I’ll move on to convertible 6w stock. Today, I got 45mins in the attic and continuity tested the l/h board track. My soldering was both neat and effective hopefully disproving Chris S’s view that I shouldn’t be allowed near electrics after he spent last Thursday club night repairing the rushed bodged soldering on my portable test track. I think he was wondering just what had happened to ordinary solder! DrDuncan
  22. Dave, As discussed at the club a while ago (sorry not checked this thread for a bit), that sounds like an awesome plan. Duncan
  23. I’ll probably post it here: Or one of the other threads that come up on searching for ‘Inkscape ‘... Or one of JCL’s threads on using a silhouette cutter. Duncan
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