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Everything posted by drduncan

  1. Does anyone know what the composition of superstrip is? Duncan
  2. Did you know Dart/MJT do a 6’4” etched compensated bogie (but unfortunately not the cosmetic frames to go with it) in addition to their BG w irons? Duncan
  3. drduncan

    Mike Sharman

    I only had the pleasure of seeing Mike's Mixed Gauge layout (or a bit of it) once at a show, a very long time ago. It left me with the desire to try my hand at mixed gauge, which ,after far too many years, I have finally started to do something about. He inspired a generation to give fine scale a go. My condolences to Hillary and their friends. Duncan
  4. http://traders.scalefour.org/DaveBradwell/rolling-stock/spring-plates/ This is what I was thinking of to fit inside existing/cosmetic irons. But your idea is easier as it avoids the need to make pinpoint axles. D
  5. Actually that’s not what I meant at all - but it’s a much better solution than mine for the W irons that aren’t w shaped! D
  6. I’m sure I’ve seen it done using just the sprung carrier and using the existing rtr/kit w iron rather than the one bill supplies. But he also does BG ones via Eileen’s Emporium... D
  7. How about using Bill Bedford sprung bearing carriers behind a cosmetic ‘w iron’ (not that all BG stock ones look like Ws) and axlebox. The pressure from the axle will keep it up against the ‘w iron’. I’m sure I saw an article in MRJ doing just that (but for RTR SG) D
  8. Charlie, What can package do you use? Could you do a tutorial on how you made your 3D prints? DrDuncan
  9. Charlie, Making some BG pinpoint axles is on my to do list. If they make on to the much rarer ‘done’ pile, how many would you need to be going on with? DrDuncan
  10. I really like the idea of drop in compartments! D
  11. Just had a look at the image on a (much) bigger screen; what I thought might be clerestory roofs to the left of the watertower might actually be gas piping on low roofed stock. Duncan
  12. A fantastic resource. Many thanks for all your hard work in the archives. DrDuncan
  13. Looks like 4 or more are Clerestory 4/6 wheelers too. Were there any 6w Clerestories in the R, S or T diagram series that are yet to cataloged on the Penhros web site? D
  14. The U22 4w brake composite was an 1886 vintage convertible so SG body on BG frames. There’s a drawing of one on Richard Spratt’s excellent Penhros Junction website. DrDuncan
  15. To change direction of the thread a little, does anyone have a reference for what the pre RCH head codes were? DrDuncan
  16. Richard, Many thanks. I look forward to the update on your excellent website! Regards Duncan
  17. Looks good. What’s the plan for painting? D
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