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Everything posted by WCML100

  1. Looking good - always a hard balancing act when building a layout but also trying to maintain some workbench projects too! Keep it up 😄
  2. Thanks - This is my second Hattons 66 with sound (@Chris37044 also has the barbie GBRf Hattons 66 with sound too) - and I have to say one of the best factory sound options I have come across. Really is a great bit of kit and I am looking forward to adding an Accurascale version or 2 for the layout
  3. Can anyone shed any light on which Class 50’s were active during 2010 - 2017 please? And if any of these are being done in the first batch by accurascale 😃
  4. Those wagons look seriously good! Well done 👍🏻
  5. Still working away hard on projects but another recent addition to the shed fleet is a second 66088 in debranded EWS livery with DB logos. This is another Hattons example but this one is weathered and sound fitted. It was up for a good price that I couldn’t refuse so here it is. This will be used on the binliner and calvert spoil runs amongst other stuff. My original dcc fitted (not sound) Hattons 66088 will now be renumbered to another number I am yet undecided on. The new arrival features some weathering, sound (a video in due course) and a driver. There is also a second man with his feet up for good measure! Thats it for now but some exciting projects coming to a close which I will be able to show you soon. For now enjoy some pictures of the new shed on the block😁 Plenty of inspiration behind 66088 and its many working through Greenford on Flickr too (credit to the photographers linked)
  6. just seen that some of 37/6's came back into stock - still hoping my orderer the NR 97 will be dispatched soon 😀
  7. same as me. That puts my mind at rest then - thanks 🙂
  8. Hi Accurascale team! Are you still sending out the orders for yellow peril?! 😃
  9. Some seriously good work their mate! RHTT and support coaches look especially on the money! Look forward to seeing the stock on deadmans lane 😃
  10. Great work as usual mate. Seriously good outcome! The step by step guide is also a nice touch and definitely provides some ideas and inspiration 😃
  11. Wow I am impressed. They look like a kit they are that clean! Look forward to seeing them progress! I am looking to obtain some of the S-kits offering and build up a rake. Not tackled kit building wagons yet though but do have a few KEA’s to build first. & my work? Thanks! anything in particular ?
  12. That is interesting to hear. The FDA sounds like a good idea and not one I had thought of! I have dropped you PM regarding the KFA / track carrying panels that may be of some use :)
  13. Thanks - Ideally on the look out for the Hattons type. If anyone has some spare that would be really helpful or I would be willing to buy he full wagon with the track carrying panels included 😄
  14. Some great work mate. The salmon looks ace - will you be modelling any other track carrying types? I am currently working on a KFA with track carrying panels but the panels themselves are hard to get right! (Currently toying with the idea of buying a Hattons FEA-S and just using the panels from that and selling the wagon itself on, although at £65 it is a lot!) I am glad you took the plunge on some MXA‘s! After doing research for my engineering rakes - its not uncommon to see 4-6 or so of the MXA’s mixed in with other flacon types or even coalfish types too, so not necessarily a wagon type which you will need loads of to get a prototypical rake which can be helpful when they are at the £60 mark each! Seacow looks great too, something I have also overlooked thinking of they went out of regular use years ago until again stumbling on some evidence of working into the mid 2010’s. Think you have got the weathering and colour spot on! Keep up the good work!
  15. So, other than new stock - we have been working on improving and progressing the layout. All tracks on the mid level are now in place and glued down. We have also improver the solder joints on a couple of the droppers before final glue down to reduce the visual impact and improve their durability. After trawling flickr (a regular occurrence finding oddities that have worked the route that I then justify buying!), I managed to find a shot from the main line looking up towards the platforms. This is hard to come by as their is no public access this side that can obtain this view - meaning it only can be caught when in a passing train and they are rare enough! In fact now there is no regular service on this line… Anyways back to the point, I noticed that the embankment is well, more of a retaining wall along side the station separating the two levels. Something we overlooked (quite literally!) - it is so over grown there it could have fooled most I reckon, especially when your only viewing point is from the station side! So I ripped it up and cleaned it off, ready for a retaining wall to be put in place. There is a small area to the end of the station which does become an embankment again which i will add back in at some point. Other jobs done over the last couple of weeks include laying the cork base on the middle board (mid level) ready for track work. The same technique was used as per the station board with a base layer and then a ‘running line’ layer. This will help reduce noise and assist when ballasting to create a nice ‘shoulder’. Time to order some more bullhead points so track work can commence… Another task we have tackled recently is cutting out the Greenford Road bridge section. The mid level is left in place and the upper level will higher and be built up in due course (as the last photo demonstrates fairly inaccurately with an old Hornby arch bridge). We had Bunters Yard 3d print us the bridge girders to our specifications - which are based loosely on the complicated type on the prototype. With this in place it really is starting to come together and feel like a model railway! Next jobs in the pipeline on the layout itself are to get all the feet on the legs, alignment pins in to get the boards firmly tucked in and straight / level. We are also exploring lowering the upper level on the station board to around between 1/2 and 2/3 of the current height difference, as we feel this is currently sitting a tad too high. All of these changes will allow us to start the track laying on the middle and l/h boards which we currently cannot do. That’s all for now, thanks for checking in!
  16. I don't suppose anyone has a spare set of track carrying panels that came with the FEA-S in yellow do they ? On the hunt for some for a project. TIA
  17. thanks for sharing - they do look good :)
  18. I have said it before but i will say it again to keep it in the forefront of minds of Accurascale team! EWS / DB FCA intermodal twin wagons! Have been around since the turn of the century and have been on various traffic since. A variety of boxes could be produced for these including standard intermodal shipping containers, various types of ‘Binliner’ containers, MOD type containers, and engineering type ‘baskets’. An easy churner and plenty of easily modelled containers to attach. Whats not to like? also some MLA wagons in network rail, EWS and GBRf / Metronet colour schemes too please 😃
  19. @McC are the bogies available as spares for these or could they be released as an accessory? They are a common bogie type and would be great for modellers to use on kits and other projects
  20. Thanks - a few have, but as you say not many. It is an interesting rake and as it has ran past the actual location during our time period, it would be rude not to include it! Regarding weathering the KBA’s, I'm most likely going to give them a coat of thinned paint - similar to James Makin’s excellent method of paint on, wipe off. This should allow the weathering pattern to still be faintly visible but dull in down and add the ‘layered’ affect.
  21. So on the back of this helpful comment from @South-East Rail I managed to get myself the KBA Barrier pack from Cavalex. In addition to the barrier wagons, I have also managed to pick up a cheap 20311. Together this will run as 20314 + 20311 + KBA VTG85933 + KBA VTG85936 working the 6M10 stock move from Peterborough to West Ruislip LUL depot via Greenford. This working usually had an S-stock set between the barrier wagons but on some occasions it ran with only the barrier wagons between West Ruislip and Peterborough - I am not quite sure what the reasoning behind this was? As loaded trains with S stock came to and from Derby. I will require a further 2 class 20's to complete the set but stuck between which pair to use now as there have been various livery options for this working (BR Blue, Railfreight, Sector Grey, GBRF, LU to name a few in the mix). So I will need to decide on what other pair to match them up with. I think I will also need to add some powders and/or another layer of weathering to dull down the finish on the tankers but over all very happy with them and the detail on them and make a nice, interesting and prototypical rake for the layout. Here is some pictures of the 20/3's together, some detail shots of the barrier wagons and altogether as a double headed set. I have also liked a Flickr image showing the real working slightly further up the line at West Ruislip after would have passed Greenford. 😄 and the real thing… That’s all for now, plenty of projects on the go! (I know I always say that, but I don’t like uploading until each project is at a complete stage or good stage, to show off) - more to come soon! Thanks for checking in!
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