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Everything posted by WCML100

  1. both look really good! weathering is very convincing of the prototypes out there! what is your thoughts on a Bachmann OCA v's the Cambrian offering?
  2. Hi @Accurascale Fran & @McC had a few questions regarding these superb wagons. Looking to model some of the VTG variant and noticed the rakes that made it into the 2010’s seemed to be more varied… My understanding of reading back through the thread and some limited research is they were in fixed formations of 5 or 10 with 2 outers and the remaining inners. This only changed when they started work on the mendips and individual wagons started to be swapped in and out of different rakes more regularly. This meaning that the 5 or 10 sets were not really the case any more. As you have only released these in sets of fives, is there any logical way of building up rakes of the mendip and more recent rakes? For example I am looking at a rake which is x1 VTG (Outer), x5 VTG (Inner), x2 VTG (Outer), x7 VTG (Inner), x1 Yeoman ‘Y’ (Outer) seen here in the first clip of this video on youtube (not mine): https://youtu.be/ngQWiSzJrYo I appreciate you sell in packs of 5 to keep costs down but is there a simple way to try and build up a prototypical rake such as this that can be done a future batch? Also, is there any plans to produce further inners or runs of the VTG livery any time soon as it has been a few years became available, and the later Yeoman ‘Y’ livery type ? Thanks Peter
  3. Does anyone know the first EWS / DB 66 to gain the updated LED light clusters? And if so when did it happen? Thanks
  4. Any chance of a West Coast Railways example... ? 😆 I can't be the only one waiting on one of these?
  5. Thanks! That has certainly wet the appetite... Looking forward to getting myself a rake of these now!
  6. Hi Chaps - any news on the project update for these? 😆 thanks
  7. Scenery looks fantastic mate. Really setting the scene now!
  8. Nice work! Looking good on making tracks too! I to have had Michael Lomax work on a voyager and add destination screens in the drivers windows 😃
  9. Hi Accurascale team! I was wondering if you guys tooled the early body MHA variant in your tooling and if so can we expect these sometime in the future?! Would love to replace my Hornby ones with some that match the quality of your current later body style MHA’s! 😃 (sorry if i have asked this before - I cannot remember!) thanks, Peter
  10. @EWS60065 - a great job on all of these rakes - they look really good! I do really like the OCA's, the colour and weathering is spot on. Are these Cambrian kit ones? Also where have you drawn research for these rakes? thanks
  11. 57 Drag looks good - would love to see some pics of the coupling area once they arrive!
  12. Going to be a very light weathering when I get round to it - as the time period for the layout is when these were first introduced so want them to look fairly 'fresh' still 😄
  13. Nothing much else to report currently but another nice addition to the engineering theme is this newly released Bachmann MXA Lobster wagon. Very nicely finished this! Working away on several little projects (always starting loads but never finishing them fully!) - as I finish each of them, I will update here. No guarantee of when any of them will be finished however! Thats all for now!
  14. does any one know of how to purchase from s-kits at all? need a few bits from them but have no idea how to go about ordering from them etc... thanks
  15. Wow seriously impressive mate! The MLA is something else and the general weathering and ballast residue on the whole is very good well done 👍🏻
  16. Great idea for a motorised support coach, especially as they cannot go anywherethem these days… other projects look great too 😃
  17. Now to some actual work on the layout! This weekend we managed to have some time to get some long over due jobs on the layout done. First we got the 2nd and 3rd boards up on their legs. This means all 3 current scenic boards are now up - the next stage will be to add some adjustable feet to the legs to enable all boards to be level with one another even if the floor / ground they are on isn’t. We also need to add the interlocking pins to ensure perfect alignment every time they are setup together. Hopefully we can tackle this soon, as it will allow us to then in turn align all the track correctly from board to board. Another little job that needed to be done was re-solder one end of the east bound tube line as it the connection wasn’t great and had become a little loose. In addition to this a few sleeper had become dislodged from the rail and we didn’t want to force them back on without adding them on from the end of the rail. This was to avoid damaging the chairs and subsequently prevent causing unnecessary bumps along the rail because of uneven chairs etc. A quick little job to future proof any potential issues really. Now that we had the boards all up on legs, we set about laying out the track and foam risers to continue the planning out of the 2nd and 3rd boards. We also had a chance to lay the base cork layer at the right hand side of board 2. We then marked out the track positions ready for the top layer of cork for the track to sit on, as per the same method used on the station board on the mid level. We will continue this across all boards on this level. For good measure we got a couple of engineering trains out to pose on the layout after the latest round of work 😆 A look along all 3 boards sitting together for the first time on legs. The middle board (board 2) The 3rd board. A view of board 2 and some of board 3. This angle shows the the freshly laid cork, and the central line flyover across the Greenford branch. That’s all for now, more on the way soon 😃
  18. Order placed for a FGW Dynamic Lines 180. Great price too - sound fitted 5 car multiple unit for £425 (early bird price) - is really a steal in this day and age... very impressive! Very much looking forward to them arriving now! 😄
  19. wow these look impressive mate! need to get to work on my MTA's and then renumber / weather up the whole rake! seriously looking good! 😄
  20. Wow mate the JNA’s look great - the MLA looks spot on you have nailed that one 😃
  21. Original logo was much classier too 😃
  22. Yes they did - shortly after the falcons originally hit the shelves (2010 ish?) Dapol did announce the MLA's and then they were quietly dropped unfortunately! Shame really because over the last 10 years or so, 9/10 a rake of falcons had both JNA's and MLA's in the consists. The mullets look very nice, as do the Parr and super tench. I ma tempted to get some but need to find a prototype rake to model first! 😄
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